CH 23 - A Kiss in the woods

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Wayo POV

Good thing Ming came back to spy on P'Kit and opened it, I can't believe P'Beam locked my door. Seriously what did he think was going to happen?

I was so worried, I'm glad mother didn't stay angry for long. And she invited P'Pha, P'Forth, P'Din, and P'Yut to stay with us. She has offered the cousins one of the houses in the village to stay, aunty will have it ready in a few days, they can move in. They helped Ming, they were now family.

I think she let P'Pha stay to keep an eye on him like P'Beam, I love them but they worry too much. And the forest didn't do anything but offer warm fuzzy feelings... you're no help, I huff looking out of my window. I get a gentle push of magic from the forest.

I check on Spark, he's asleep in my velvet lined box. I gently cover him with the small handkerchief he liked and was rolling around on. I press my ear to the door, when I hear nothing I make my way slowly down to the kitchens.

P'Pha didn't have anything to eat, I'll take him a snack and we can talk. We didn't get a chance, things have been hectic, and I can't look at him, without my heart beating really fast and it gets hard to breathe.

I had the courage to tell my mother I loved him but I could hardly say a word. When he talked to me I was quiet, but I couldn't help it, I felt shy. The angels didn't help at all, making bets on how red my face could go. Stupid friends.

The cousins are talking to P'Lee while P'Yut is using magic to gently clean the frog, he managed to jump into the green slime.

Before I enter the kitchen, I hear a noise, and a shadow moves through the side corridor towards the door. Its P'Pha, he leaves the house and heads into the forest, I follow him wondering what was wrong this time of night.

I'm about to call him when I trip on something, my arms flail but before I can hit the ground strong arms catch me.

"Why are you always falling Yo." P'Pha chuckles, helping me stand.

Yes, why am I always tripping over things? Don't you like me forest? It answers with a small push and I end up in P'Pha's arms...again... okay, the forest likes me.

"I'm not good in the dark." I say quietly, my ears burning. "Where are you going?"

He picks me up, holding me close and starts walking again. I'm not a girl P'Pha why pick me up like this? I look up to say that, but when I see his face nothing comes out. I look down again.

"To check on my friend, and I wanted some of my own clothes from the house."


"Yo." He says softly. "Why won't you look at me?"

How can I answer that?? You're too handsome P'Pha, I can't stop blushing? I can't tell him that...

"You liked me better when I was a beast?" He asks. "You don't like me now?"

Ahh! He used the sad voice, I don't like it. I look up and he's watching where we walk, but I see he's sad.

"P' too handsome." I whisper, hiding my face under his chin.

He stops and takes a deep breath, chuckling before he carries on walking. I tell him to put me down but he doesn't until we can see the house. Then he slowly lowers me to the ground.

"Yo." He whispers moving his face close to mine. "Do you like me this way?"

I try to form a reply and step back so I can breathe, he's to close, but he follows me. When my back hits a tree, he puts his hand on my neck moving his face closer, like that night.

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