CH 58 - We still need more...

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I clutched the paper close to my chest as I peeked around the corner. Why did I offer to help again? Man up and admit it, I wanted to see P'Lee. It was great having my own small house next to Yut but I missed seeing him every day when we lived here.

It wasn't my fault I fell for him! It wasn't! He was hardworking and kind, someone you could rely on when you needed advice and help. I had been scared at first, and Yo was kind to us, letting us stay, it was all new and strange.

But P'Lee had talked to me often when he found me alone and deep in thought, he had convinced me the kindness was real and I should trust Yo and make this crazy place my home. And when he looked at me and smiled, my heart couldn't help it and I fell for him.

I sigh when I don't catch a glimpse of him, disappointed. I bet he went to sleep, it was pretty late and he worked so hard.

"P'Lee..." I whispered to the empty room as I turned.

I felt the magic too late and before I could do anything I was pulled out and into another space. I felt dizzy and couldn't focus, what was that? When I feel trapped I start struggling, an octopus? It was all hands and the more I struggled the more the hold tightened.

"Din...?" I stop struggling when I hear his voice so close. It was him and he was holding me and...

"I did hear someone call me, but it was so quiet I thought I was dreaming."

I was in his bed. He was hugging me and I was in his bed and I have my hands on his chest in my attempt to get away, and he isn't wearing anything and dear god I was in his bed, in his room and he was naked...

"Did you need something?" He asks nuzzling my neck.

Did I?


"Yo sent me." I manage to squeak. ""

I close my mouth before I can embarrass myself more. I hear him chuckle as he moves and looks down on at me.

"What do you need from me?"

Marry me! Darn it where did that thought come from? Damn you Monty for putting ideas in my head. I clamp my mouth shut before I can say it.

"A gem." I manage.

He needs to move before I do something insane...and kiss him. He moves away and off the bed, he's wearing silk pyjama bottoms only.

"Anything specific?"

I rip my eyes away from his torso, watching his muscles ripples, and slowly walk to him handing him the paper.

"I might have one in there." He points.

I hurry over and look through the box, it has many rings but Yo was specific. Best to focus on this and not look at him, did he take anything off...I mentally slap myself. Yo needed me damn it, focus!

Okay, I look, my eyes wander around the room, its elegantly decorated, I see some very old paintings on the walls, some expensive furniture and some of the ceramics couldn't possibly be real. FOCUS!

I pick up a few of the rings and examine them closely but they aren't what Yo needs. Gems hold power but the shape and size can make or break a potion. I know spells, but the notes Yo had looked complicated.

"Find anything?"

"I don't know how you have these." I say looking.

These are so rare, and some of them are no longer found in the kingdom, the veins are long gone. I'm a dwarf; I know my jewels and stones. When I find the gem in a ring that is perfect I smile and turn to tell P'Lee but I yell instead, he's standing right behind me.

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