CH 39 - Night three...

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Father Kongtanin POV

"Are you sure Uncle?" I asked.

"Trust me it's not something that happens often, we just have to be more careful." He answers.

I take a sip of my tea listening to him explain, last night had been an eye-opener. It was one thing to hear the legends but to see it happen was another. Uncle had come to talk to me and Kong wanted to know more. He was still angry they had managed to get past him.

"The most important thing is Wayo." Uncle tells us calmly. "If he had reacted badly, things could have become complicated."

"How do you mean Gramps?"

"I did hear that once a person rejected a Kongtanin in beast form." He sighs. "And he never recovered and went to roam the wilds."

That was a scary thought, I could have lost my son.

"Yo wasn't scared when he was cursed." Kong smiles. "He was more hesitant when Phana became human."

"Is Phana still asleep?" I ask Pin.

"Yes sir, but he wanted to be woken by lunch."

"Let him sleep, after all that magic last night he needs rest." Kong tells Pin.

"Was his mother involved?" Uncle asks.

"I can't prove it, but yes."

"She plans better." I tell him. "I think Pring got impatient."

"Why didn't you wake me Pin?" Phana asks coming in looking annoyed.

"I stopped him." I tell my son. "You need rest..."

"I need to look for a present for my Yo." He whines.

"That's the spirit my boy, be romantic!" Uncle laughs.

"You're not worried what people will say?" I ask. "Most of the capital saw you last night."

"I would have before." He smiles looking at his wrist. "But it didn't bother Yo so..."

He runs off to get ready, he had plans to meet Forth and Lam. He comes back a while later and drags Kong along to help, it had to be perfect he laughed as he left.

"I have never seen the prince this happy." Pin smiles.

He was right, I hadn't either.

"It's good for the young to be in love." Uncle laughs taking more cake.

Wayo, that boy truly was astonishing, he didn't look scared or run from Phana. And when he did lose his temper it was because he saw my son hurt.

When the crowd gasped at the site of him kissing Phana as a beast, I was one of them. Shocked he would even consider it but he just shook his head smiling, like it was normal. And then the wave of magic that followed was an awe-inspiring moment.

"So, it did happen?" Pin asks. "True loves kiss."

"Pin my boy it was like stories of old!" Uncle claps his hands going into detail.

I listen quietly, thinking back to how things had happened to me when I was young. I looked up when Uncle asked if I was alright.

"Does it make me a bad father if I say I'm jealous of my own son?"

Uncle stands walking over to me and patting my cheek. "This is why I told you to have more adventures. To get lost for a day or two when you went on trips."

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