CH 8 - Uninvited guests

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"Yo." Ming whispers. "Stop thinking about the stranger and help me."

I throw a book at his head, but he catches it. Yes, I have been thinking about the stranger, I can't help it. I keep remembering and I want to see him again, I've been back to the place I left him, but I didn't see him.

I haven't told Ming, he's already insane, but something strange started happening when I go to the rose bushes. I think someone new is in the forest, and they follow me. And I keep hearing a strange whisper since yesterday.

"Yoooo." He whines. "Don't you love me?"

I throw another book at him, he moves this time. He gives me a crying look, I glare right back at him. He's lost his mind!

"Boys!" P'Win shouts. "This is a library, show respect for the books."

I go back to making notes, I was helping him find dragon locations and nesting grounds, it was all progressing well, until a few days ago, when the son of my father's business associate arrived to stay with us for a week. The guy has no concept of personal space, or how to back off.

He's been hanging on P'Kit, and Ming hates him. It didn't take him long to figure it out, but he's getting extra touchy when Ming's around. He tried getting a little too close to me, thank god P'Beam's home, he stopped him the first time he put his hand on my knee at dinner.

I grab the last book I need to make notes from, How to shield dragon fire, if the idiots going to do this, which of course he will, he will need protection.

It has a sample of dragon fire in the book, locked with a clasp. Before I can finish reading the warning and instructions, Ming's taken it out of my hand and opened it. We jump under the table when the ceiling starts to burn, P'Win rushes over to re-lock the book and put out the fire.

"Why can't you ever read!" I snap.

"Yooo." He whines. "I need the egg, then P'Kit will marry me, and I can punch any guy who tries touching him!"

"Get out MING!" P'Win yells. "You're a nuisance!"

"You call yourself my brother?" He shouts back.

P'Win summons a tree guardian, who throws the yelling Ming out. I quickly grab my notes and follow him, he's putting his sleeve out, it was still on fire.

"Ming Kwan!"

We look up to find an angry P'Kit staring at us, he's with P'Beam, and that guy, Lot. We have had visitors and guests before who stayed with us many times, but something about this guy, I don't know what it was, but I really didn't like him.

"Hello, Yo." He smirks. "Hello, Ming."

He puts his arm around P'Kit's shoulder, I can tell Ming's getting angry, he wants to say something but is scared P'Kit will yell at him, he's staying quiet. When it looks like the guys going to try hugging him, P'Kit moves away, he walks over and checks us. When he wants to know what happened Ming is hesitant to say, P'Kit turns to me.

Whisper: Will you buy my sweet...

"We're trying to find protection for dragon fire." I start. "The book caught us off guard."

"Just give up Ming." Lot smiles. "Kit's not easy to get, you're going to get yourself killed."

"Give up, isn't in my vocabulary." Ming glares, crossing his arms. "My P'Kit is worth it."

"But are you? Worthy of him." The guy smirks.

Ming becomes quiet before I can kick the guy, P'Kit steps in.

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