CH 11 - More questions

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The Beast Master that came to help us was new, after seeing what dragons could do, he decided to quit. He would go home and take over his grandmother's tavern, non-fire breathing beasts were easier to handle, and he was okay just helping the horses....

No matter what P'Sing or Ming said, he was determined, he grabbed his bag and practically ran out of the village.

"I retract the challenge." P'Kit says suddenly.

"No p." Ming murmurs. "I can do it..."

"You could be hurt." P'Kit snaps.

"Don't you trust me?" Ming sounds upset. "I can do this, I..."

"I'll marry you." P'Kit stops him. "Just..."

"p..." Ming looks stunned.

"Listen to me, .... I don't want you dead."

I push Ming towards P'Kit, who walks over in shock and hugs him, while I stop P'Beam from interfering, he was about to do something.

"Sappiness." P'Beam sighs. "Younger brother marrying before me, I need a drink."


I smile as I head to the clearing, so much drama in one afternoon. Ming announced to the crowd that had gathered, he and P'Kit were officially engaged, then he proceeded to kiss P'Kit, in front of everyone. The angels shouted racy comments, Ming hugged both me and P'Beam, calling us in-laws. P'Kit blushed, as he shouted at him and walked off, Ming following close behind.

P'Beam declared he needed to get drunk, and headed to the tavern, the angels followed, no one listened when I mentioned it was still daytime. They all told me to go home, I was too young to get drunk, or for what was about to follow. I didn't mind, I had a different place I wanted to go.

The moment I enter the clearing, I know he's already here. I walk to the bushes and find him sleeping under a tree nearby. I sit next to him, I have so many questions, how did this happen? Where was he living? What about his friends? Was he eating?

I place the bag of pastries near him, I bought them from the bakery.

"I wish I knew your name." I whisper.

I gasp when I feel a strong pull, the forest is calling. He is still asleep, I don't want to wake him. Getting up slowly I follow, the path leading me deeper, to the rocky area, with steep inclines.

I hear crying before I see anything, as I round the small hill I see the dragon. I hastily step back, I'm sure it's the one that set fire to the hall. I want to run, but I can hear the small sobs like it's in pain. I can't leave it, I have to see, and if this was dangerous the forest wouldn't bring me here.

Stepping forward I take a proper look, I have seen pictures, but this is my first time seeing a real dragon. Big body, long neck, two large wings, one of which is bleeding, pierced in two places by broken branches, a few raw scratches on the body, did it fall? Mentally readying myself I move closer, hoping this works.

"Excuse me." I say more calmly then I feel.

"'s..." The dragon exclaims seeing me.

"Do you need help?" I ask, it definitely sounded female. "Ma'am."

She looks at her wing, then back at me. "That would be kind of you."

I walk closer, the branches pierced from a difficult angle she couldn't reach them, moving would have torn more of the wing. I climb the large boulder and move them one at a time, she just watches me.

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