CH 40 - Dance with me...

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Palace Ballroom...Behind a pillar.

Nami POV

She needed to die! How dare that street wench be that close to P'Kit when Ming could see it? Why did I have to be so far, I wanted to hear what was said.

"I want to stomp on her laughing face!" Mari seethed.

"You have to do things from the shadows."

"Aaaahhhh." Both Mari and I yell. "Gramps stop doing that you're giving me heart palpitations!"

"Why are you here Gramps?" Mari asks looking back to the scene of the crime.

"I'm part of your society; I'm here to offer advice." He says look with us.

"What society?" I ask not surprised.

"You girls were too loud."

I calm Mari, it was probably P'Kong and he was fine he wouldn't say anything.

"What are you planning, Nami my dear?" I can hear the glee in his voice, I get this from him.

"How to cause mayhem and make it look like an accident." I reply.

"Don't get into trouble." He advises.

"I'm 14 gramps, still young and innocent and can be exonerated from offenses for 'Follies of youth'." I laugh.

"'re scary..."

"Tell the girls to be ready and wait for my signal." I laugh. "It's time to test method 9."

"Ohhh I want to see it." Gramps is excited.

"How the hell do you even know what it is?" I ask.

"I read your SS Journal hidden under the loose floorboard in the library by the fireplace." He whispers. "I used to hide brandy truffles from the children in that spot."

Damnation, the man knew too much! Great idea, I could hide my special homemade bonbons so mother didn't find them.


Ming POV

That statement met with silence from the others, but Yo smiled at P'Arthit. It took a little talking this morning when we were alone for him to realise who the handsome stranger that helped him was. The biggest clue, the magic had been calm when he helped Yo.

P'Kit smiles. "First time I'm hearing this."

"P'Kit, I can explain." I say quickly.

"I'm listening, Ming Kwan."

"P'Arthit is an old friend." Yo tells him. "He used to visit us but then his family moved away."

"See even Yo knows him." I say quickly.

"I don't remember him." P'Beam looks at me.

"Before your time." I glare back.

"Good to see you Arthit my boy." Gramps pats his shoulder.

"It's been a while, Gramps, Forth." P'Arthit smiles. "Looking cute as always Yo."

P'Forth smiles back but stops when P'Beam glares at him. P'Arthit takes Yo's hand and kisses the back, it takes less than a second for P'Pha to pull Yo away and glares at P'Arthit promising pain. Why did he always have to be so bold?

"Stay away from my Yo." P'Pha practically growls, his eyes changing colour.

But P'Arthit smiles back sweetly, he isn't scared of anything. Yo quickly moves closer to P'Pha and whispers something before taking his hand and pulling him away. P'Arthit is a hunter, one of the best in the land. No prey escapes him once he sets his sight on it, I worked with him before and I knew.

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