Phana POV
As the crowd erupted into whispering I quickly grabbed and hugged Yo. He smelled so good, I missed him so much.
"You came early." He smiles looking up at me. "I really missed you P'Pha."
I can't help smiling and kissing his nose. "Let's never go anywhere alone Yo."
"Just watching those two makes my teeth ache." Why was that guy here!
"Arthit?" P'Kong whispered.
"It's P'Arthit to you."
How did P'Kong know him? I haven't been back 10 minutes and my head hurts. The angels whistle when Forth grabs Beam and kisses him. In's making suggestions for getting a room or using a table. That's not a bad idea...
"I missed you Beam." Forth smiles at his husband.
"Next time come home with me, who told you to stay idiot?" Beam looks stern.
Forth pulls Beam close, while he tries pushing him away. Yo greets my father and P'Kong, trying to move away but I pull him closer. He turns in my arms watching the two women sitting outside the bakery. Spark flies to us, looks Yo up and down and heads for the plates of food. I need to read up on familiars and their duty.
"Nate stop crying."
"I didn't mean anything bad Bee." Nate cried more. "I was lonely."
"Kidnapping isn't the way." P'Bee sighs. "Where have you been? I couldn't find you."
"I moved to the tower."
"Your grandmothers? Nate, what the hell were you thinking?"
"I got tired of people being mean to me Bee." Nate cries. "There she goes, her grandmother was the evil witch of the tower, bet she's plotting something evil. Bet she ate someone's heart. So, I thought I will, I'll go be evil."
Trying to take Yo from me, you are evil! P'Kong knows magic, he will stop you...
"I'm taking the house in the woods." P'Kong pats my shoulder. "Only call me if the worlds ending. Only then."
Wait he's taking that place? But I wanted to hide there with my Yo for a while! No you can't the forest gave that to me...and he's run off again, following that guy!
"The tower has a draft I keep catching colds." Nate sniffed. "One of the old ladies said eat a young girls heart and you'll get better, so I had one kidnapped."
"Nate...please tell me you didn't."
"The girl kept crying she wanted to go home to her mother." Nates lip trembled. "I put the guards to sleep and let her escape."
And she starts wailing again, as P'Bee pats her back trying to get her to stop. Did she really? I demand proof! The crowd shakes their heads and slowly start to leave, whispering about it all being normal.
"And now even Wayo will..." She whimpers. "But why didn't I recognise him? I've seen him before."
"He has magic now, he feels different." P'Bee tells her. "And you only saw him when he was a baby."
"I know her from somewhere." Ming says frowning next to us.
"You do, do you?" P'Kit's says annoyed.
"That witch who left the lord?" Yo asks.
Which witch was this?
"Why did she leave the lord?" Gramps asks.

2 Moons - Fairy tales Slashed
FanficSome of my best loved fairy tales retold, with 2 Moons characters. Prepare for, magic, mayhem, and our 6 favourite boys in the midst of all that. I may also add characters from other series, depends on my crazy mood swings, time ,and when I have str...