Sweet Beginnings (Pippin x Reader)

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A/N: this one isn't necessarily romantic. Like, it kind of is, but kind of not. Mostly very fluffy. I'm pretty happy with it, but please leave comments on what you think!
      Ever since Aragorn had arrived in Rivendell with four hobbits, your life had gotten far more exciting. You had been there when the they arrived, sitting under a tree reading.
      You preferred to keep to yourself, and, like many elves, came off as cold to outsiders. In reality, though, you were a very emotional person- you just didn't know how to express it. You had always been a very awkward elf, and had eventually learned to mask your emotions because it prevented you from being humiliated.
      You were one of the healers in Rivendell, and had been sitting in your reading place for an hour in complete silence until you heard Arwen come galloping in on her horse. And she had what looked like a small child on the horse with her.
      "Lady Arwen," you hastily stood up, bowing low before striding over to see the bundle she had with her. It was a Halfling, like the Baggins that had come many years ago with the company of dwarves. Except this one was unconscious and ghostly pale. "Allow me to take him," you said urgently, carrying him into a room where you could get a closer look at him.

      After a few days, Aragorn and three other Hobbits arrived. The one that Arwen had brought (who you found out was the nephew of Bilbo Baggins) woke up eventually, under your constant care. When yoy were not caring for him, you found that you were being followed around by the other three. Though you were a bit put off at first, you eventually warmed up to them, even with their loud voices and boisterous personalities.
      One day in particular, you had found yourself in the company of the youngest Hobbit, Peregrin Took. You were talking about many things, but he was especially eager to describe in full detail what the Shire was like. Though he wouldn't admit it, you could easily tell that Pippin missed his homeland, and you couldn't blame him. You had rarely left Rivendell except for relatively short outings to other elven kingdoms, and had always looked forward to coming back home.
      You had zoned out, contemplating what it would be like to go on an adventure, when a tap on your shoulder brought you back to reality.
      "Lady Y/N?" Pippin asked bluntly. "When will we be eating again?"
      "Our next formal meal will not be until this evening," you informed him, and his face fell. "But I could direct you to the kitchens if you need something sooner."
      Pippin eagerly accepted the offer, and you took his hand, showing him the way to the cellars where he could get food. As he ran off in the direction you had pointed in, he turned around and waved. You waved back, smiling to yourself as you saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. What a funny hobbit he was.
      After that day, you did not get to speak to Pippin again until the night before the Fellowship departed from Rivendell. When Frodo had awoken, all the Halflings had been occupied by that and when Lord Elrond summoned the council, you were asked to assist in preparing quarters for the guests and other random tasks that kept you very busy. 
      So when you found out that Pippin would be leaving, you decided to fix him a small package of food to take with him. The night before their departure, you went to see him in his quarters, but he was not there. However, you did find his cousin Merry, and the two of you decided to look for him together.
      After some rather awkward conversation as you walked, you heard a noise coming from one of the gardens. You whipped around, hearing the noise again- a sniffle, then a muffled sob. Your brow furrowed as you crept forward, Merry close behind you.
      Peeking out from behind a bush, you saw Pippin sitting on a bench, the moonlight reflecting off the back of his curly head. You shared a concerned look with Merry, who gestured for you to go talk to him.
"He's crying, what do I do?" you whispered frantically.
"Go comfort him," Merry urged you impatiently.
"How do you suggest I do that?"
"Start with a hug."
"With what??"
You were horrible at being affectionate. Your eyes widened as you shook your head frantically, but Merry shoved you out from behind the bush and you stumbled so that you were standing right behind Pippin. He still didn't notice you were there, and you thought maybe you could just leave, until you heard Merry slip away and snap a twig in the process.
      You mentally swore in Elvish as Pippin spun around, letting out a pathetic yelp when he saw you standing right behind him.
      Unsure of what to do, you didn't say anything, instead walking around the bench and sitting beside him, cautiously putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked away from you, rubbing at his eyes furiously. Putting down the parcel you had prepared for him, you awkwardly shifted in your seat and tentatively went in for a hug.
      Pippin immediately knew what you were trying to do and grabbed onto you and bursting into tears, hugging you so tightly that you could hardly breathe. You relaxed, stroking the top of his head as his tears soaked through your robe. You sat there in silence, listening to him say how much he missed his home and how frightened he was. That is, you listened to what you could make out between his fits of crying
      After a while, his breathing slowed and when you looked down, he had fallen fast asleep. You carried him back to his room, tucked him in, and left him to sleep.
      The next morning, you were given the job of cleaning up after the visitors, so you were unable to see the Fellowship off. It broke your heart to know that you would not be able to say goodbye to your new friends, Pippin especially, but you knew you had to obey Lord Elrond's request.
      As you were making one of the beds, you heard a small cough come from the doorway. Straightening up, you turned around to see Pippin standing nervously in the doorway.
      "I came to say goodbye," he muttered, looking at the ground timidly.
      "Why do you not look at me?" you asked, crouching down to his level and lifting his chin to see his still bloodshot eyes. "Why do you look ashamed?"
      "I'm sorry about last night," he said softly.
      You smiled, giving him another (less awkward) hug. He smiled at you weakly, pulling out the package you had prepared for him.
      "Merry said you prepared this for me," Pippin grinned at you shyly. "Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Y/N," he stated nobly, kissing your hand. "I will never forget what you have done for me. And I will never forget the wonderful food," he added, making you laugh even though there were now tears in your eyes.
      "Farewell, Pippin of the Shire. Mellon."
      "Pippin!" you heard Merry shout from the gate. "We're leaving!"
      On a final whim, Pippin kissed your cheek and, blushing scarlet, ran out with a wave to join the rest of the Fellowship. As you went back to making the bed, you could see the unlikely group crossing the borders of Rivendell, and with your keen eyesight you could see one small person turn for one last look at the city, waving one last time before he turned a corner, disappearing from sight. You shook your head, smiling. What a sweet
beginning to a new relationship.

Let me know what you thought! This think literally took me an hour to write and I came up with it as I went along. Hopefully you enjoyed it! Please request :)

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