Happy Christmas

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      Happy Christmas, everyone!  This is yet another un-requested Christmas-y oneshot.  And yes, it's another modern AU.
      Christmas.  The most wonderful time of the year, but also the must busy.  You and your husband, Lindir, had been in a whirlwind these past few days, visiting family and friends and doing last-minute shopping.  Now it was Christmas Eve, and you were exhausted. 
      A few hours ago, you had put your twins, a boy and a girl, to bed on the promise that they could get up at 7:30 the next morning to open gifts.  Now, you and Lindir were putting the final touches on gifts, wrapping a couple that had been shoved in the closet, and sticking them under the tree.  At long last, you had the last gift wrapped and under the tree.
      Straightening up, you walked over to the couch where Lindir was sitting and sank down next to him, putting your head on his shoulder and yawning.
      "Tired, love?" he chuckled, putting an arm around your waist and looking over at your fully lit Christmas tree.
      "Exhausted," you replied, cuddling into his side and wrapping your arms around his waist.  "I can't believe we managed to spend the entire day with my family- I didn't think I still had it in me."  You both laughed, thinking back to your parents' small house, crammed full of your siblings and their rambunctious children.  It had been absolutely wonderful to see them all again, but you hadn't known if you would make it through an entire day surrounded by so many people.  You knew Lindir shared the sentiments, so it felt good to both of you to be back home, in  your pajamas, with nobody else around.
      "Well, don't forget we'll be doing it all over again with my family tomorrow," your husband sighed, leaning his chin on the top of your head. 
      "Mhmmm," you mumbled, your eyes starting to drift closed from the warmth.  The quiet of your house, hearing nothing but Lindir's heartbeat as your head was pressed against his chest, was surely enough to put you to sleep after a day like today...
      "How about if I make us some hot chocolate?" Lindir said suddenly, smiling down at you.  "For old time's sake."
      As he stood and shuffled into the kitchen in his white t shirt and reindeer pajama pants (courtesy of his mother last Christmas), you couldn't hold back a chuckle.  This reminded you of your first Christmas as husband and wife- your parents had convinced you to stay with them, as two of your siblings were, and you and Lindir had ended up sharing a twin bed.  Not the most comfortable, but surely quite memorable,  particularly the part where he kicked you onto the floor in his sleep.
      You smiled as Lindir came back out of the kitchen, two mugs of steaming hot cocoa in hand.  He sat down next to you, handing you one of the mugs.
      "Thanks, love," you said softly, taking the mug from him.  "I've just been thinking about our first Christmas together, do you remember?  We had to sleep in the spare room, in that tiny bed-"
      "How could I forget?" Lindir laughed at the memory.  "I remember being absolutely terrified of your family..."
      You watched him as he spoke, running your fingers through his long hair.  He looked tired, no doubt, with his hair slightly frizzy in the back and small bags under his eyes, but you wouldn't have him any other way.
      The two of you sat like that for a bit longer, drinking your hot chocolate, gazing at the Christmas tree and reminiscing about past Christmases.  Then you fell silent, cuddling underneath a blanket that you had fetched from your bedroom. 
      All of a sudden, the grandfather clock in your foyer struck twelve.  You jerked out of the light sleep you had fallen into and straightened up, looking at Lindir with a grin.
      "Happy Christmas, love," he said softly, pulling you closer to him and leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.

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