Sick Day

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      My own excuse to write fluff.  Also, I decided to do one for Aragorn after realizing I haven't written on him ever.  Sorry Aragorn!!!
      You jolted awake, gasping for air as you felt a cool washcloth on your forehead.  The gasp quickly turned into a fit of coughs, though, which racked your frame.  A firm hand rested on your shoulder and helped you sit up before moving to your back and rubbing it soothingly. 
      Aragorn, your husband of three months, was currently sitting beside the bed with a mug of hot liquid that he was waiting to give you when your cough subsided.  You had come down with a stomach and respiratory ailment the previous day which, though not dangerously serious, was certainly taking its toll on you.  You had dark circles under your eyes, your nose was red, you couldn't eat, and you could hardly speak thanks to the pain in your throat.  Not exactly the beautiful bride that Aragorn was insisting that you were.  However, whether he was 'just saying that' or not, he couldn't seem to rip himself from your side for more than five minutes at a time. 
      "Aragorn," you rasped, reaching out to take the mug of tea from him, "how many times have I told you that you're going to get sick if you keep hovering over me?"
      "But how am I going to ensure that you are safe and sound if I'm not by your side, my love?" he quipped, smoothing back your hair and planting a kiss on your hot forehead.  "Do not worry about me, I have lived through many battles.  A small flu won't stop me."  He smiled down at you as he took the cup gently from your shaking hands and helped you to lie down again.  "Are you uncomfortable, my dear?" he asked with concern as you moaned quietly.  Your head was pounding, and any movement made it flare up even more.  In addition, your lungs were so congested that you felt you could hardly breathe.
      "No, melamin, I am just fine.  You are the best caretaker I could ask for," you smiled weakly up at him.  "What time is it?" you asked suddenly, noticing the dimness of your torch-lit bedroom. 
      "The sun set nearly four hours ago," your husband replied, adjusting the pillows that lay beneath your head.
      "Four hours ago? Aragorn, darling, you must get some rest!  Don't let my illness prevent you from sleeping.  Here," you said, making to get up from the bed, "let me just change these sheets and you can sleep in the bed.  I'll sleep on the sofa."
      As you sat up, however, a wave of dizziness came over you and Aragorn only just managed to fetch the metal bucket in time for you to vomit.  When you had finished, your face was ashen and your skin clammy.  Aragorn pushed you back onto the pillows and gave you a stern, though loving, look. 
      "Y/n, please do not worry yourself over me.  I can sacrifice a few hours of sleep to take care of you.  And do not think for one minute that you are going to sleep on the couch.  You are staying in bed.  I want you to heal as quickly as possible."  With that, he tucked the blankets around your shivering form and sat back down at your side, continuing to watch you.
    You must have dozed off, for a few hours later you opened your eyes to a soft light beginning to filter into the room.  As you stretched your stiff limbs, you felt a small squeeze of your right hand.  Blinking in confusion, you looked over and smiled to see Aragorn fast asleep at your bedside, his fingers intertwined with yours.
      "Aragorn," you whispered, seeing his eyebrows furrow at the sound of his name.  "Aragorn," you said again, a bit louder this time, finally enough to get him to open his eyes. 
      "Ah. You're awake," he said, his voice still froggy from sleeping.  "Did you rest well?" he asked, stretching his neck and wincing at the popping sound it made.
      "I did, but it appears you were rather uncomfortable spending the night in a hard-backed chair," you said, raising an eyebrow.
      "Nonsense, I'm fine," Aragorn insisted, standing up and letting go of your hand to go and open the windows and let some fresh air in.  "Now, do you need anything?"
      You looked at him carefully- his hair was disheveled, his eyes tired, and there were dark circles underneath them.  The man needed sleep.
      "I need you to get some sleep, my love," you said firmly, trying not to laugh at the crestfallen look on his face.  "You look as though you've been awake nearly all night.  Besides, I'll be fine on my own for a few hours.  I have water, a handkerchief, and a bucket if I need it.  You go get some rest, please."
     "Fine."  Sighing defeatedly, Aragorn threw up his hands and walked back to your bedside.  "But only if I get a kiss first."
      You opened your mouth in immediate protest.  "But you'll get-"
      You were cut off by a soft peck on the lips, followed by a chuckle and triumphant smirk from Aragorn. 
      "Aragorn!" you cried in frustration, "how many time have I told you?  I'm contagious!"
      But Aragorn paid no attention to your protests, merely flashing a winning smile your way and giving you one final kiss on the forehead before he sauntered out.  Rolling your eyes, you turned back on your side and closed your eyes again, getting some more much-needed sleep.

      Well, that was extremely short.  Sorry about that, guys, but I didn't really have a whole lot of inspiration.  I just wanted something sweet, and hopefully I pulled through on that part.  Please comment and vote and tell me what you thought!
     On another topic, I have received a request and am hoping to get it up before too long.  However, I barely had time to write this and my week is absolutely INSANE, so it may be a few more days.  I have not forgotten about the request, though!  It will happen.  And it's for a new character... Any guesses?
*eyebrow wiggle*

Anyway, until next time!

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