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This request is for the amazing Swoopinghawk, who is my totally crazy and awesome best friend in real life. She's got her own imagine book, so you should DEFINITELY check it out and follow her (because she's pretty great). Anyway, let me know what you think and remember requests are open! Yes, I'm looking at you.

You sat in one of the courtyards of Gondor, taking in the spectacular view. It had been a week since Aragorn and Arwen's wedding, but the happy mood still rested on the city. You thought back on everything that had happened since you first left on this journey with the Fellowship. You had made several new friends, but one person in particular stood out to you.
During the quest, your long time friend Legolas (who had convinced you to join the Fellowship) asked to court you. You two had lived together in Mirkwood your entire life- you were found abandoned in the forest as a baby and had been taken in to be trained as an archer. Even though you were mortal, you and Legolas had become fast friends and were nearly inseparable. Over time, you had developed feelings for him, so when he asked you to court him, you obviously said yes.
You exhaled, closing your eyes and smiling at the memory. You were totally lost in thought until you heard footsteps approaching behind you. You thought you knew who it was, but you couldn't be certain until-
"You look beautiful."
Your eyes snapped open, the smile not leaving your face. You looked down at your clothes and laughed a little- you were wearing a green tunic and black trousers, your everyday wear. Nothing special. Leave it to Legolas to compliment you at every opportunity.
Suddenly, you felt an odd tickling sensation on your head and you reached up, your hand meeting Legolas's.
"What's this?" you asked, scrunching your nose in confusion.
"Perfect," Legolas ignored your question, sitting down beside you with a satisfied expression.
You reached up and lifted off of your head...
"A flower crown? Why?"
"Keep it on," Legolas urged, smiling down at you. "It took nearly an age to make. Arwen helped me."
You sighed, putting it back on. You tried not to laugh, imagining how ridiculous you must look in traveler's clothes and a flower crown. It was a sweet gesture though, you had to admit.
"How have you been liking it here?" Legolas asked you, putting an arm around your shoulder.
"Oh, it's beautiful," you replied, taking in the view once again. "Though I must say, I will be happy when we set off for Mirkwood again."
"Do you think you'll... Stay in Mirkwood?" he asked tentatively, "or will you leave eventually?"
"Legolas, we're courting. Of course I'm going to stay, unless you decide to leave." You felt Legolas relax a bit and smiled at his nerves. "Although, I was wondering, have you had time to think about the consequences of courting a mortal like me? I won't live forever like you will."
"I have thought of that," he said after a moment, "but I believe it is worth it. I love you, Y/N."
You smiled, blushing in spite of yourself. It wasn't the first time Legolas had said that to you, but he didn't say it very often, which made it even more special.
"And I love you, Legolas."
You sat like that for hours, talking about everything: the events of the past few months, your childhood, your friends, your future. Eventually, the sun set and you felt yourself growing tired, but you tried your best to listen to Legolas as he continued talking. You leaned your head against his shoulder and looked up at the stars, his voice seeming to become more and more distant...
Legolas was loving every second of the evening. It had been a long time since the two of you had been alone, and you had so much to talk about. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Y/N as his own, and he cherished every moment he had with her.
Now, he was telling her of his and Gimli's plans to travel Middle-Earth. He must have talked longer than he realized, for in the middle of a sentence he felt Y/N's head fall to rest on his shoulder. He fell silent and, looking down at her, he saw that she was asleep. He smiled contentedly, hugging her closer for warmth, and adjusted the flower crown on her head. She stirred in her sleep, smiling faintly.
"Perfect," he hummed, leaning back and looking up at the sky. This was perfect.
What did you think? It turned out way more mushy (and short) than I thought it would, so hopefully it turned out okay. It's so fun writing for Legolas though. Ack.

Until next time!

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