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Hey guys!
Happy 2019!  Can you believe it?  We made it yet another year.  This request (the first of the new year) was requested by my lovely friend Jabberwocky31.  Please make sure to check out her works- they are amaaaaazing!!!  Without further ado, though, enjoy the oneshot...
      The rain pelted your shoulders as you pulled the door open and stumbled into the Green Dragon pub. You stood in the doorway for a moment, your clothes dripping rainwater all over the floors. A bartender glanced up at you and you took a seat, not removing your hood. You waved him off- you weren't here to drink. You knew that the pubs were the best place to hear of unusual happenings in the area, and you wanted to make sure the Shire was not in any danger. You had friends there, after all.

After passing through the Shire several times, you had become acquainted (and eventually close friends) with Frodo Baggins, of Bag End. Though you were polar opposites- you were a Ranger of the North, wandering Middle Earth most of your life; he was a Hobbit who had hardly been outside of Bree- there was something in your spirits that brought you together, and thus a beautiful friendship formed.

As of late, you had become aware of dark forces in the area, so you had come this way to look into the situation. As long as there was no immediate danger, you then planned to continue toward Rivendell.

You were pulled out of your thoughts at the mention of a familiar name.

"Did ye hear about Frodo Baggins? Sounds like he an' a few friends disappeared, just a few days ago."
You froze, tuning into the conversation behind you.
"Yeh, it was him, Sam Gamgee, and the Brandybuck and Took boys. Dunno what happened to 'em, but I heard that some cloaked figure came a-knockin' at my neighbor's door, lookin' for a Baggins."
Thoughts whirled in your head as the two Halflings behind you started talking about something else. Frodo had disappeared with three other Hobbits? Something wasn't right. If a cloaked figure- one of the Nazgul, surely- had come looking for him, he must be in trouble. But where would he go?
You knew that Aragorn, one of your fellow Rangers, was in the Bree area, so you made a quick decision to meet with him there and see if he knew any more of the situation with Frodo. Standing up, you nodded curtly at the bartender, who looked at you in confusion as you left without purchasing a thing.
You began the hike up to Bree, getting thoroughly soaked in the process. The entire time, you thought of Frodo and his safety. Was he alright? Where was he?
After stopping for a few hours in the night to recover from your fatigue, you arrived in Bree the following day. As you were entering the gates, you saw something moving in the shadows. You stopped, hands on the hilts of your twin daggers.
"Who are you?" You said in a warning tone. "There is no use in hiding. Reveal yourself!"
With that, the dark shape stepped forward, coming into the light after a brief moment. Aragorn- just the person you hoped to find.
"Strider," you said in relief, beckoning him to join you as you entered the town. "I am glad to have found you. I am here in search of a Halfling. Have you seen one in the area?"
"I too am looking for him," Aragorn replied softly, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "It has been rumored that he carries something of great power. Possibly the One Ring."
"Frodo Baggins, carrying the Ring of Power?" you whisper-yelled, utterly confused. Why him, of all people? "Who entrusted him with this?"
"I do not know details, but I would suspect Gandalf has something to do with it. He places much hope in Halflings," Aragorn murmured with a smile, causing you to chuckle.
"Too much, perhaps. I only hope that Frodo is safe."
Several hours later, you and Aragorn were seated in the Prancing Pony, trying to lay low. You kept your cloak on, scanning the crowd from under your hood. Aragorn sat beside you, silent as a stone, smoking his pipe while deep in thought.
The door swung open for what felt like the hundredth time that night, and your eyes flickered to see who had come in. Your heart leapt when you saw a familiar face- it was Frodo!
"There he is," you said in a low voice, nodding in his direction while Aragorn followed your gaze. Little did you know that that moment would change your course completely.
"Come, Aragorn," you said from a few paces ahead of him. "I see a bush over here. Perhaps we could gather some berries for the walk tomorrow- you know how hungry the Halflings get."
Aragorn followed you and sure enough, there was a bush ful of berries to be picked. You took out a small drawstring bag and started gathering them by the handful, your bag growing steadily fuller. The two of you worked in silence until you heard a terrible noise.
"Nazgûl," you said sharply, freezing and looking back toward the ruins you had left the four Hobbits at. "They must sense the Ring. We have to get back," you muttered, quickly pulling your drawstring bag shut and looping it on your belt, pulling out your sword at the same time. "Come on!"
The two of you ran as fast as you could back to Weathertop, arriving to find the Hobbits completely surrounded by five of the nine Black Riders. Aragorn lit a torch beside you and began to fight with it, igniting the Riders' cloaks while you fended them off with your blade. You only remembered the Halflings when you heard a scream of pain, which caused you to whip around, panicked. There was Frodo on the ground, one of the cloaked figures towering over him. He had been stabbed.
"Frodo!" you cried, running to his side as soon as you and Aragorn had finished off the Rider you had been fighting. You knelt down beside the Hobbit, who was gasping for breath and groaning weakly. "Frodo, please," you begged him, trying to meet his eyes, but he couldn't seem to focus. He was losing consciousness quickly.
"We have to get help for him, Aragorn, or he will become like them," you whispered urgently to the man beside you, careful not to let the other Hobbits overhear. You didn't want to deal with questions right now.
"Let's go into the forest," Aragorn suggested, gesturing to the treeline in the distance. "Perhaps we can find some Kingsfoil- that should help until we can get him to civilization."
You quickly agreed and allowed Aragorn to hoist Frodo up over his shoulder, leading the rest of you into the woods. When you arrived, Aragorn and Sam immediately went to fetch some of the plant while you stayed with Frodo. He tossed restlessly, making small noises of pain every now and then.
"Gandalf... Gandalf!" Frodo called weakly, clearly hallucinating. You smoothed his hair back from his head, looking down into his now clouded eyes. If only Aragorn and Sam would hurry back...
Upon his return with a small bundle of Kingsfoil, you set to work immediately at treating Frodo's wound. You worked quickly, grateful for your knowledge of herbal medicine. When Frodo was at least resting, you pulled out a small whistle and blew it loudly. About five minutes later, your horse came into view, stopping a few yards from where you stood.
You picked up Frodo and set him on the horse's back, swiftly climbing on after him.
"Meet me in Imladris," you called loudly to Aragorn and the others as you urged your horse into a gallop and rode off into the trees.
A dull, warm light began to appear, causing Frodo to turn his head ever so slightly. He slowly became aware of warmth surrounding him, soft sheets and blankets, and the sound of birds chirping. At the touch of a cool cloth to his forehead, Frodo stirred, carefully opening one eye and then the other. He didn't know where he was, only that it was beautiful.
The first thing he saw in his new surroundings was a beautiful woman. Her h/c hair shone in the warm sunlight radiating from behind her, and it looked to him almost as though she was emitting an ethereal glow. The only thing wrong was that her face wore an expression of concern as she changes a bandage wrapped around his arm.
"Where am I?" he asked drowsily, blinking several times to clear his vision. At his words, the woman's head snapped up and he saw her straight on for the first time. "Y/N?"
"You're awake!" she said, relief flooding her voice. She was immediately at his side, smoothing back his curls and placing a cool washcloth on his head, all with a gentle touch that made him feel as though he could sleep again. "Thank goodness, I wasn't sure for a while if you were-"

"You saved me," Frodo said more clearly this time, smiling up at his friend. "I remember it, a bit. If you hadn't done what you did, I would have-"

"But you didn't. And anyway, it was my job. You are my friend, Frodo, and I came here to help you on your journey. What else was I supposed to do? I would do anything for you," she finished softly, smiling at him with slightly flushed cheeks.

Frodo smiled up at her in admiration, feeling his eyes start to droop again.  Y/N adjusted the blankets around him, making sure he was comfortable before leaving the room.
      "I'll come check on you in half an hour, alright?" she asked in a quiet voice, Frodo nodding in response.  With that, she left the room and closed the door softly, her footsteps padding away down the hall.  Frodo closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep filled with dreams of his saviour, a smile on his face.

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Oneshots (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now