May I Help You? (Part Two)

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      Hey all!
This is part two of TheSpottedCreature's request! Sorry for the slow updates.  Enjoy!
      The next morning you rose early, going into your room where Éomer slept to check on him before you rode to Edoras.  You intended to inform the king of Éomer's safety yourself,  since you knew he would be concerned.  Climbing onto your horse, you nudged him into morion and began galloping toward the castle. 
      When you arrived, the Lady Éowyn approached you immediately.  Though you were of a lower status, she knew you for your wonderful sword work and from seeing you with your father on business with the king. 
      "Y/N," she said tensely as you dismounted, stopping as you placed a calming arm on her shoulder.
      "I come with news of your brother.  He is safe, the reason he did not return yesterday is because he was thrown from his horse.  He has an injured leg and hit his head, but I found him in time to give him the help he needed.  The head injury was very minor.  He is in my family's home, Lady Éowyn."
      The woman sighed, becoming visibly more relaxed as you assured her of her brother's safety.  She thanked you over and over again, insisting that you come inside and give the news to King Theoden, who was equally worried about Éomer.  You complied, repeating what you had said earlier to a very relieved king.  After many thanks for your graciousness, you had to bid them farewell, insisting that you had responsibilities around the house and would need to continue caring for Éomer so that he could return as soon as possible.
      When you finally arrived back home, your sister let you inside and sat you down at the table, placing a steaming mug of tea in front of you.
      "The Lord Éomer woke up soon after you left this morning," she said in a low voice, glancing back at the doorway to your room where he was staying.  "He's been asking for you ever since.  Says he needs to thank you again.  Personally, I think he just wants to see you," she smirked, causing you to blush a deep pink. 
      "Nonsense, Y/S/N," you scolded, smacking your sister's hand from across the table.  "He is probably in a lot of pain and is looking for his medicine.  I'll go check on him right now," you decided, getting up from the scrubbed wooden table and heading to your bedchambers.   
      When you opened the door you were greeted with the sight of Éomer sitting up in the bed, rubbing the back of his head gingerly.
      "Éomer, good morning," you said softly, getting his attention.  "It's good to see you are feeling somewhat better today?"
      "Good morning, Y/N.  Yes, I am feeling much better, thanks to you," he turned to face you and you flushed under his gaze.  You turned away slightly, hiding your red face as you grabbed the roll of cloth and a jar of ointment off of your desk.
      "If I may, Éomer, I'm going to change your bandage and then you can eat breakfast?" He nodded, allowing you to kneel beside the bed and tend to his injuries.
      "I was thinking last night," Éomer said quietly, watching as you expertly wrapped the clean bandage around his calf.  "I must find my horse eventually.  If it wouldn't be too much to ask, perhaps we could go looking for him later on today?"
      You looked up at him in surprise.  He was injured, unable to walk, and he wanted to go searching for his horse?
      "Do you think you have the strength?" You asked him hesitantly, unsure of whether this was a good idea.
      "Yes, Y/N, though I appreciate your concern."  You looked up at him with a smile, amazed at his determination.  He placed a hand on your shoulder and returned your gaze.  "Perhaps you would come with me?"
      So it had happened, and now the two of you were out in the middle of the  countryside on your steed.  The wind blew in your faces as you squinted at the horizon, trying to spot Éomer's horse.  So far there had been no success, and you feared that you would never find him before the sun went down.
      "Y/N," Éomer's voice came suddenly from his spot behind you.  "I think I see him."  Éomer whistled loudly as you turned to try and find what he had seen.  Sure enough, a small shape in the distance stopped at the sound before turning and moving in your direction.
      "Oh, thank goodness!" you cried, overjoyed that the prince's horse had finally been found.  Within a few minutes, Éomer's horse had come to stand beside your own, still fully saddled and looking perfectly unscathed. 
      You quickly dismounted, helping Éomer down and guiding him to the other horse.  After a few moments, Éomer was back upon his mount, smiling happily as he stroked the horse's mane.  You pulled yourself back into the saddle of your own horse, and the two of you set out to return to the city.
      After about forty-five minutes of steady riding, you and Éomer pulled the horses to a stop in front of King Théoden's palace.  As the two of you climbed out of the saddle, Éowyn appeared at the doors, rushing down to greet the two of you.
      "Oh, Y/N, thank you!" she cried, grabbing your forearms tightly before wrapping you in a hug.  "And Éomer!" she released you, turning to her smiling brother.  "Are you alright?  Uncle and I have been so worried-"
      "I am just fine, sister.  Just a bit unsteady on my feet," he assured her, though he held your arm lightly for support.
      "He suffered a leg injury," you explained, "as well as a hit to the head.  I don't believe it's anything serious, but I would be happy to check on him again every few days if you would like.  Though I'm sure you have much more qualified healers here," you added quickly, not wanting to sound overly eager. 
      "It would be an honor to have you tend to me, Y/N," Éomer said, turning to smile down at you.  Then, to your utter shock, he took your hand and pressed a kiss to it, never breaking eye contact with you.  "Thank you for everything," he said warmly, straightening up again and bowing his head slightly.  You were at a loss for words, completely caught off guard by his sudden act. 
      "It's been my pleasure, Éomer," you finally said, regaining your voice after a moment of shock.  "Shall I come to check on you tomorrow morning?"
      "That would be lovely," he replied, bidding you a final farewell before turning and letting his sister lead him back up the stairs to the large oaken doors of the castle.  You watched him disappear before you turned and climbed back on your own horse, dazed.  As you nudged your horse into motion, your mind kept playing the scene over and over in your mind.  My, would you have the story for your sister when you got home.
      1174 words

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