So We Shall Be Nine (Part 1)

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Legolas x Elf Reader
A/N: I am so, so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been extremely busy as of late, but hopefully things will be slowing down and I will be able to get back to my original plan of posting weekly. As always, thank you for reading, and please request (I will probably post more if I'm getting requests). Also feel free to comment what you think of my work, and please give (constructive!) criticism. I am always looking to make my work better.   I also apologize in advance for any typos that I may have missed whilst correcting. Thanks!

P.S.- the quotes and scenarios in this will be mostly from the movie, as it has been a while since I read the book and I am currently lending my copy to a friend.
      "Y/N!" Your brother, the Marchwarden Haldir, shouted at you to get your attention. You slid your fighting knives into their sheathes on your back and turned to him. You were a member of Lothlórien's guard, but only an average fighter. The main appeal you held to your brother as far as the guard was concerned was your stealth. You could hold your own with knives and a bow if mecessary, but your grace and elusiveness, which were enforced with your lack of height, allowed you to avoid combat most of the time.
      "You go on duty in five minutes, sister," Haldir said, approaching you with a packet of Lembas bread.  "Be careful. There has been a pack of orcs near our borders for the past few days."
     "I know, Haldir. I'm the one who found them in the first place," you chuckle at your older brother's protectiveness. "I have had this job for centuries- I think I know what I'm doing." Clasping your brother's shoulder in a farewell, you turned and strode out of sight, disappearing into a nearby tree.
      You had been sitting in the branches of one of the tallest trees in Lothlórien for a few hours now, your gaze sweeping over the peaceful border. Nothing but a small bird had passed into the trees, and you weren't really expecting anything interesting to happen for the rest of your shift. You pulled out your knives and twirled them absentmindedly in your hands, listening to the whirling that they made as they spun.
      All of a sudden, you heard a rustling from far away. You stiffened, bow pointing toward the source of the sound, and you squinted toward the horizon. There, still a great distance from your borders, was a group of people running in your direction. You could see what looked like three men and five smaller beings, perhaps merely children.
      You crept forward, jumping lightly from tree to tree until you were right at the border, hidden from sight in a clump of leaves. You continued to observe as the group ran closer and closer to the woods, not showing any sign of diverting their path. You made the quick decision to alert Haldir and his men, running through the branches as fast as your legs could carry you until you heard his voice.
      You stopped in a hallway, peering around the corner to see your brother speaking with another member of the guard. You caught your breath, straightened your tunic and stepped into his view, causing him to break off his conversation and look at you with a raised eyebrow.
      "Trespassers," you stated plainly. "Three men, from what I can see, and five small people. Children, perhaps, or dwarves."
      Haldir nodded at you and, gesturing to the elf he had been conversing with, turned to alert the rest of the guard and  go investigate the situation.
      Legolas was silent as he and the remaining members of the Fellowship crossed the border into Lothlórien. He looked around tentatively, aware that there could be multiple elves nocking arrows to fire at them at that very moment. However, for the Halflings' sake, he kept his concerns to himself, going ahead to join Aragorn at the front of the group and giving him a concerned look.
      "Mellon, there are probably scouts along the borders," he said in a low tone, looking up into the trees nervously. "The elves of Lothlórien are quite territorial. I do not think we will pass through these woods unnot-"
      Aragorn put up a hand, cutting Legolas off and motioning for the rest of the Fellowship to stop. "I heard something," Aragorn said in Elvish. "Did you not hear it too?"
      Legolas listened closely, and sure enough he heard a barely audible rustling overhead. His heart sank, knowing that only another elf could be so quiet. Keeping a blank expression, he responded in Elvish, "Indeed. As I feared, there are scouts. Our presence is known."
      "What's going on, eh?" Gimli growled. "Speak so that we can all understand you, or don't speak at all!"
      "I suggest you keep your voice down, Master Dwarf," Aragorn said quietly, starting to walk again. "Legolas, take the rear and keep watch. I believe we are being followed."
      They continued deeper into the forest, and Legolas grew more and more uneasy. It seemed very strange to him that they had gotten so far without being stopped, and he had a feeling this false sense of security would not last much longer.
     He thought he heard something following them and, turning around, he saw a flash of a cloak and h/c hair, but it disappeared into a tree before he could alert Aragorn.  Legolas turned back around, feeling that they were being surrounded but not seeing anyone, and he just heard Gimli saying "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox-"
      The Fellowship came to an abrupt stop, and Legolas whipped out his bow only to see an arrow inches from his face. "That dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark," a familiar-looking elf drawled. Haldir. 
      A small, h/c-haired elleth dropped out of a tree and landed almost silently behind Haldir. She straightened up, stepping out from behind the Marchwarden and unsheathing two daggers, which she pointed out in front of her.
      "Come," she spoke softly, her voice soft and oddly gentle considering she was in a position to kill. "The Lady of Light wishes to see you."
      Legolas figured it would be wisest not to fight, and stayed still as the elleth grabbed his wrists and held them securely behind his back.
      The first thing you noticed about the group was that there was an elf present. You recognized him as King Thranduil's son, and you knew that he was acquainted with Haldir. You also noticed that he was rather handsome, but you pushed the idea out of your head as you focused on the task at hand.
      When you had gone to alert your brother of the intruders, Lady Galadriel had told the two of you to bring them back to see her. You didn't know why, but you were not about to disobey the Lady Galadriel, so you stepped forward, knives drawn, and told them where they would be going. You then approached the Elven Prince, holding his wrists and nudging him to move forward.
      As you walked, you shifted so as to walk mext to him while still keeping his hands bound.
      "You can let go if you wish, my lady," he said softly, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
      "I'm sorry, but I cannot do that. My brother would not approve," you responded apologetically. "Although," you said, pulling out a bit of rope from your tunic, "I could tie your hands, if that would make you more comfortable."
      Legolas shrugged, so you stopped, waving for Haldir to go on, and unraveled the rope, wrapping it around Legolas' wrists and tying it firmly.
      "Come now," you said, giving him a light shove. "We cannot keep the Lady waiting."
      Legolas gazed around in wonder at Lothlórien. It was so beautiful, with the lights and trees. It almost reminded him of home.  He turned to see the elf maid who was still guiding him with a firm grip on his forearm.  Her e/c eyes flickered under every lamp that they passed, making them look even more vibrant than they were.  She turned to look at him questioningly and, realizing he had been staring, he turned away immediately.
      "So, the Fellowship of the Ring," she said, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.  "Is Gandalf no longer with you?"
      Legolas jumped at the sound of her voice, wondering how she knew who they were.  His heart sank as he realized that she must have known Gandalf and was not yet aware of his fall.
      "How did you-" he started, falling silent when she pointed to the doors that the group had stopped in front of.  Shushing him, she let go of his arm and went up to join Haldir. After whispering for a moment, they opened the huge door slowly and the Fellowship was led into the throne room.
      The Lady Galadriel and her husband Celeborn descended slowly down the steps, and after a brief greeting Celeborn spoke up.
      "Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desired to speak with him."
      A heavy silence fell on the whole group. Legolas' eyes flickered to the elleth, who had taken her place on one side of the room and was now staring in the Fellowship's direction, waiting for an answer.
      After a moment, Aragorn spoke up and explained what had happened.
      "A Balrog of Morgoth," Legolas added. He heard a gasp and turned to see the elleth standing very stiffly, a single tear running down her cheek.  She wiped it away swiftly and took a deep breath, regaining quick control of her emotions. 
      "You will need a new member of your Fellowship," Galadriel said slowly, eyeing each one of them closely. "Someone with wisdom and stealth, who can scour your paths before you tread them. Someone to forewarn you of danger. Y/N," she said, turning to you. "If this Fellowship will have you, I wish you to join them."
      Your eyes widened in disbelief- surely the Lady Galadriel was mistaken. You looked desperately at your brother, who nodded encouragingly. You thought for a moment- you were never the type to take too many risks. You were always one to obey commands and follow rules, at least since you had become a member of the guard. But then, you realized, to join the Fellowship would be to obey the Lady's command. Having made your decision, you turned to face the members of the Fellowship, who all had their eyes trained on you.
      "If you will accept me," you said, voice quavering, "I would be honored to join your Fellowship. I will help you, even if it means death."
      "Then it is settled," Legolas said, looking to Aragorn, who nodded. "We shall be Nine once again."
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