The Library

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Guys!  I'm back, at least for this oneshot!  It was an idea that I had and, since I haven't done creative writing for a while, I thought it would be nice to let the creative juices flow a little.  Just so you know, I didn't really proofread this, so... Yeah.
Also, if you have a request that you sent in way back when, I am so so sorry I haven't gotten it up.  I've been in a serious writing funk.  But I promise I haven't forgotten about you!!!
ONE MORE THING- WE REACHED 4K READS!  Thanks so much for all your support, guys.  It means a lot ❤️❤️ okay, without further ado, here's the oneshot.  (Btw, it's a modern AU, whoop) Be sure to let me know what you think, constructive criticism is welcome.  I understand this may not be my finest work 😊

You stepped out of your apartment complex and onto the bustling sidewalks of Chicago.  Pulling your scarf tighter around your face and sticking your hands in your coat pockets, you joined the flow of pedestrians walking toward the bus stops. 
      When you arrived at the station, you sat down on a bench beside another young woman and began sifting through your bag.  A few moments later, you zipped it shut in triumph, a book in your hand.  You opened it to the page you had left off, and read until your bus arrived.  When the time came, you stood and wove your way through the crowd and eventually ended up on the bus.  There you found an empty patch of floor and wedged yourself in, holding onto one of the rungs suspended from the ceiling. 
      After what felt like hours, you finally arrived at your stop and stumbled off the bus, looking up to see your destination.  The library.  You were a graduate student in university and had recently gotten a job working in one of the libraries in town.  Hurrying up the stone steps, you pulled out your work badge and let yourself in the huge doors. 
      You stepped into the large room full of bookshelves and sighed happily.  This place was like paradise to you.  Grateful for the heating, you pulled off your coat and scarf and headed into the back office, where you hung them up along with your backpack.  After you were settled in, you headed to the front desk where you worked alongside an elderly librarian named Evelyn.
      "Good morning," you said softly as you walked behind the desk and sat next to the old woman.
      "Good morning," she replied with a smile.  "It's getting cold outside, isn't it?  Seems like it gets cold earlier every year..." she muttered to herself, putting on her glasses and turning on the computer system. 
      You continued to make small talk for another fifteen minutes until it was time to open up.  "Would you like me to unlock the doors?" you asked, standing up and awaiting Evelyn's answer.  She said that would be lovely, so you circled around the desk and headed towards the doors with a key jingling in your hand.  Your shoes clicked on the stone floors until you came to the center set of doors, which you unlocked before doing the same to the doors on either side. 
      You then came back to your post at the desk and logged on to the computer, waiting for your first visitor of the day.  You checked the library catalogue to make sure everything was in order before you heard the door open.  You looked up, smiling- it was a woman and her little girl who came every week to borrow a book. 
      "Hello," you called cheerfully, waving at the little girl.  She smiled, waving back as her mother led her to the children's section.  After they checked out their books and left, nobody else came for nearly two hours straight.  It wasn't until lunchtime that a big crowd of people, mainly college students, began streaming in the front doors.  Evelyn handled most of the people, while you alternated answering phone calls and helping visitors. 
      You had been speaking on the phone with one patron for nearly ten minutes trying to help them find a book that just didn't seem to be in your system.  After an outburst on their end, you had promised to do a more extensive search and call them back with your results.  When you finally hung up, you rested your head in your hands, massaging your temples.
      "Er, pardon me, madam," you heard a soft voice with a British accent from the other side of the desk.  You raised your head and gave the man a tired smile before fully registering his appearance.  He had long, sleek blonde hair that was half up, half down.  He was wearing a dark green sweater under a trench coat.  He's hot was the first thing that came to your mind before you pushed the thought away embarrassedly. 
      "Hello, sir," you said, sitting up a little straighter.  "Sorry to keep you waiting, how may I help you?"
      "I'm looking for..." he began, but you heard nothing he said after that.  Your eyes were fixated on his glittering blue ones, the way they sparkled in the light coming through the windows...
      "I'm sorry, sir.  What was that?" you said, flushing slightly.  He smiled lightly, repeating the title as you typed it into the computer.  "Ah, yes.  We do have that book.  It's in aisle 25H, on the upper floor.  Here's its number," you said, pulling out a small sheet of paper and writing the decimals on it. 
      "Thank you very much," the man said gratefully, taking the sheet of paper from you.  You saw a slight look of confusion on his face as he glanced down at the numbers, then up at the second floor balcony, but he said nothing, smiling at you one last time before walking off toward the staircase. 
      You nearly forgot about him in the bustle of people queued up at the front desk.  You answered phone call after phone call, looked up several books for visitors and gave them directions on how to find them.  Finally, you were called for your lunch break.  You ate a quick sandwich in the back office, and then decided to walk around the library a bit.  You meandered upstairs and strolled down the aisles, enjoying the smell of old books.  You picked up a huge copy of Les Miserábles, a book you had been meaning to read for forever, and had just begun to read the first page when you felt a timid hand on your shoulder. 
      You whipped around, snapping the huge book shut as you found yourself face to face (or rather face to chest, since he was quite a bit taller than you) with the blonde man from earlier. 
      He pulled his hand back quickly, an embarrassed flush coming to his cheeks.  "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" he asked apologetically, fingering a small piece of paper in his hand.
      "No, no, it's perfectly alright," you said breathlessly, your heart pounding both from the startle and from your close proximity.  You backed up a bit, a small blush on your cheeks as well, and placed the large book you were holding back on the shelf.  "What can I help you with?"
      "Well, you see... I couldn't find the book I asked about.  This is actually my first time here, I just moved here for college and always visit the campus library.  I'm sorry for any inconvenience..."
      "Nonsense," you smiled up at him.  "I'd be happy to help.  Let me show you."  You led him down a few hallways, finally coming to a slightly dimmer corner of the second floor.  "Here it is," you said with a smile, pulling the book off the shelf and placing it in the man's hand. 
      "I cannot thank you enough," he said in his British accent, taking the book from you gratefully. 
      "Well, it is my job," you chuckled, smiling and beginning to walk away.  "Feel free to call someone over if you need anything else."
      "One more thing," he said suddenly, causing you to stop and turn around again.  You nodded, waiting for him to continue.  "Er, I don't think I ever got your name?" he asked timidly, his voice much softer.
     "Y/N.  My name is Y/N," you stated.  "And yours?"
      You nodded to yourself, committing his name to memory. 
      "Do you work here often?" Legolas asked, and you noticed a light tinge of pink in his cheeks.
      "Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 8:00-4:00," you replied with a grin.
      "Okay," he said breathlessly, "okay.  Maybe I'll see you around?"
      "Yeah," you replied, turning around and disappearing after a final wave of your hand.
      You returned to the front desk and sat down, continuing your work and trying not to think too hard about the interaction you had just had with Legolas.  You couldn't keep the small smile off your face, though, and it only got bigger when you saw him come back downstairs, check out his book, and make eye contact with you one last time before walking out the door.
      "And who was that?" Evelyn asked you, a knowing smile on her face. 
      "Who was who?" you replied, attempting to act innocent.
      "Oh, come on now.  I saw the way you two looked at each other."
      However, just as you opened your mouth to respond, a little girl came running up to your desk, eager to ask a question, and you were spared (for the time being) from Evelyn's interrogation.  Smiling, you turned to help the girl and the rest of your day passed quickly.  As you packed up, however, you couldn't help but wonder if you would see Legolas the next time you worked...

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