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      Hey guys!
This one was a special request from Wtfauthor, thank you so much for the adorable request!  She requested that it be released today because it's her birthday (at least, I hope I got the time zones right) so if I haven't gotten yours out yet, I haven't forgotten about you!  I'm just suffering extreme writer's block.  So be patient with me xD I'll get to you all, I promise!  I'm keeping record of all the requests I get, but with my rapidly intensified schedule it may take me a little while.  If you feel like you want to PM me to remind me of your request/get an update on when it'll be released, you can do that too.  As long as it's in a polite way :)
Anyway, please vote and comment, and remember that requests close on the 10th!  I love you guys.  Enjoy!
      You stepped out of the healer's room, sitting down on a bench with a small gasp.  Collecting your thoughts, you ran a hand through your long h/c hair.  It couldn't be.  Could it?  How would you tell your husband, Thranduil? 
      You had been feeling somewhat unwell for the past week.  You hadn't let on that anything was wrong to your husband or son, knowing that they would panic.  After almost losing you once, Thranduil didn't want to lose you again.  Secretly, there was a voice in the back of your head that was whispering what was probably happening, but you didn't want to say anything until you knew for sure.  You could hardly believe it yourself.
      After you and Thranduil had Legolas, you hadn't been able to bear any more children, for whatever reason.  Both of you were perfectly fine with this, being overjoyed at having a son anyway, but there was something in you that had always wanted another child.  And the little voice in the back of your head was saying you were pregnant.  But could you trust that?  There was only one way to find out.
      You looked down at your stomach and smiled a little- to think that there was a tiny baby inside of you right now, fully alive.  Amazing.  A smile spread across your face as you thought of Thranduil's face when you would tell him.  You hoped he would be pleased, though you didn't see why he wouldn't be.  He had wanted another child just as much as you.  Still, you were still a bit nervous.  After all, this would be a lot of new responsibility.  And what would Legolas think?  He was just old enough to join the guard- what would he think of having a sibling so much younger than himself? 
      Pushing away your concerns for the moment, you rose from the bench and began walking back towards the throne room, smiling as you saw your son approaching. 
      "Hello, Mother," he said in a slightly formal tone, bowing his head before meeting your eyes.  He then broke his stiff persona and smiled, stepping forward to give you a hug.  You smiled, patting Legolas on the back lightly before stepping back and looking him up and down.
      "How was your first morning of guard duty, my son?" you asked him, straightening his armor and smoothing down his tunic.
      "All went smoothly.  I hope I can perform up to father's standards-"
      "You will be absolutely wonderful, Legolas.  Your father and I are very proud of you.  However, I think it is best that you should continue to your room.  It would seem that your first day of guard duty has left you in need of a shower."
      "Mother!" Legolas groaned, his pale cheeks flushing pink as he grimaced.  "Very well.  I'll see you later."
      "Goodbye, ion nîn," you smiled at your son's retreating back.  How much like his father he was. 
      Sighing, you picked up your stride again, finally reaching the throne room where your husband sat on his throne, peering at a large scroll.  An advisor stood at his elbow, the two of them discussing the contents of the scroll in low voices.  When Thranduil saw that you had entered, however, he rolled up the piece of parchment quickly and handed it off to the elf beside him, standing and descending the steps to meet you as you approached him. 
      "Y/N, my love," he said with a loving smile, pressing a kiss to your forehead.  "Where have you been?  I haven't seen you all morning."
      "I was just attending to some unfinished business.  Nothing to worry about," you said calmly, successfully concealing the bundle of nerves in your mind.  "What have you been doing?  It looked like you were in the middle of something quite serious when I arrived.  Did we receive a letter from Lord Elrond, perhaps-"
      "Oh, no, that was nothing," Thranduil said quickly, a suspicious type of innocent look on his face as he extended his hand to you.  "Come, sit with me for a while.  I've missed having you by my side."
      You rolled your eyes, allowing yourself to be escorted up to your throne, which was placed right next to Thranduil's.  The two of you sat for a while, talking, before going to a meeting to discuss diplomatic matters with your chief advisors.  So passed the rest of the day, and you completely forgot about your news.
      You had known that you were expecting a baby for two weeks now, to the very day.  And you decided that today was the day to tell your husband.  It was high time he and your son knew, and you didn't want to wait any longer. 
      You rolled over in bed, looking at the empty spot next to you.  As usual, Thranduil had awoken earlier than you- he was very insistent on being present in the throne room as early as possible every morning.  However, today he was up even earlier than normal- his spot in the bed was nearly cold. 
      Shrugging, you sat up in bed and stretched, allowing yourself a few minutes to wake up before you climbed out from under the sheets.  You dressed quickly, putting on a forest green dress with a high collar.  You braided your hair, placing your tiara on your head, and at last you were ready to go meet your husband. 
      The walk from your quarters to the throne room felt longer than usual as you tried to devise a way to tell Thranduil and Legolas of the news.  When you finally arrived, you rounded the corner to see that your husband's throne was quite empty.  How odd.  You turned and looked around, seeing no one nearby to inquire to about his location.  Perhaps he was still eating breakfast?  You decided to go to the dining hall to check.  It couldn't hurt, could it?
      You strode quickly down the hallway, reaching your destination quickly this time.  You heard a soft noise from the room as you placed a hand on the doorknob, like a chair being pushed out hurriedly.  Then all was silent.  Slowly, you turned the knob and pushed the door open, stepping inside.
      "Happy birthday, melamin," your husband said from the head of the table.  You had forgotten- today was your birthday.  Looking down, you saw a beautiful array of food sitting there.  All for you? 
      "Oh, Thranduil, this is lovely!" you exclaimed, a couple of tears coming to your eyes as you came around beside him, pulling him out of his chair and into a hug.  "Thank you!"
      "Happy birthday, Naneth," Legolas said from his seat as you lowered yourself into a chair and the three of you began to eat. 
      "Thank you, Legolas," you said with a smile, shocked that your two boys could pull something as nice as this off without your knowing. 
      "Are you surprised, dear?" Thranduil asked, smiling proudly. 
      "Oh yes, very-" you were suddenly reminded of what you had meant to tell him and Legolas this morning.  You coughed, nearly choking on your food at the sudden realization.  "Sorry," you said after a moment, assuring a concerned Thranduil that you were alright.  "I just remembered, there was something I wanted to surprise you with also.  I'm pregnant."
      Silence dropped over the room as you looked sheepishly over at your open-mouthed husband.
      "You- you're what?"
      "Pregnant, Thranduil.  I'm going to have a baby."
      In a flash, Thranduil had flown out of his chair and was at your side, supping your face in his hands.  Tears filled his eyes as he embraced you suddenly, pressing kisses to your cheeks over and over in his excitement.   Over your husband's excited chatter, you looked briefly over at your son, who had also heard your announcement.  His fork had fallen out of his hand and he looked shocked.  Shocked, but happy.  You allowed yourself to laugh as he slowly rose out of his chair and came to join you and Thranduil, blinking rapidly as a smile spread over his face.   This had gone over very well indeed.

      1351 words

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