A/N- Important Announcements

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  Hey everyone!
I hope you all are having a great week, I just wanted to give you all a few updates.
      First of all, I'm probably not going to be posting this Saturday, because I will not be home for the rest of this week.  If I can get something written before I leave, maybe I will, but I'll be getting home on Saturday and you know how that is :)
      Second of all, I am trying to get on a more regular schedule for posting.  My plan is to post my own oneshots (not requests) every Saturday and requests (or my own story if there's no request) every Wednesday.  Of course I say this as I'm posting a request on Tuesday and probably not updating this Saturday, but hey.
     Third, I am going to do a COVER CONTEST!  The cover I have right now was a photo taken by Yours Truly, featuring my copy of Two Towers and my Ring of Power (sadly, it doesn't make me invisible). I will be accepting entries until the end of June, so if you want to make one and send it to me, I'd love it!  I would really like a more exciting cover than the one I have now 😅
           That being said, get excited for more regular posts in the future and get creating! 
      As thanks for reading my boring Author's Note, here is a funny picture-

 I will be accepting entries until the end of June, so if you want to make one and send it to me, I'd love it!  I would really like a more exciting cover than the one I have now 😅           That being said, get excited for more regular posts in t...

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I think far too many of us will relate to this.
          Have a good day/night!

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Oneshots (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now