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Hey everyone!
This was requested by TaurielandKili. I apologize for the long wait! Thanks for requesting, and I hope you enjoy!
      You paced the gardens of Rivendell impatiently.  You longed to have your bow in your hands, shooting at a target.  You had had a bit of practice time earlier in the day, but now the Rivendell guard were training and you weren't allowed on the range.  You were here with Prince Legolas and his guard, meeting for the council that would decide the fate of the One Ring.  Though you were honored to be there, you had to admit that Rivendell was quite different from what you were used to, and you didn't quite know what to do with yourself.
      "What in Arda am I going to do with three hours of spare time?" you grumbled to yourself as you wandered mindlessly down yet another pathway.  After a few more minutes of walking, you were brought out of your thoughts by a rustling in the bushes.  You froze, your senses heightening and your mind immediately trying to figure out where you were.  But that was the thing- you didn't know.  You had managed to get yourself lost in Rivendell's labyrinth of gardens.  'Great,' you thought as you crossed your arms, looking around for any sign of how you could get back to the palace.  You closed your eyes, trying to envision your path and retrace your steps, but two small voices kept you from concentrating.
      "I don't know, Merry," you heard one say- whoever it was must have been in the bush.  "I don't think it's a good idea."
      "Oh, come on, Pip," someone else whispered, "it'll be fun.  Imagine being able to go home saying we scared an elf.   You aren't going to bail now, are you?"
      So they were going to jump out and scare you.  You smirked- this was going to be fun indeed.  You uncrossed your arms and placed your hands on your hips, looking innocently around you for a way back. 
      "Alright, fine.  I just don't want her to think badly of us, you know-"
      "Ah, so you like her.  Think she's pretty, do you, Pip?"
      "Oh, shut up," you could almost hear the blush in the voice, "let's just get it over with."
      "Okay, three, two-"
      Just as they began to emerge from the bush, you whipped around, drawing your fighting knives and putting on your most intimidating expression.  In front of you, you saw two young Halflings- the smaller one looked as though he were about to pass out.  You straightened up, put your knives back in their sheaths and began to laugh.  The Halflings relaxed, and the taller one began to laugh nervously as well.  The shorter one, however, gaped up at you, cheeks red and eyes wide.
      "Gave you a bit of a shock, did I?" you chuckled, smiling down at the pair.
      "We weren't expecting that, that's for sure," the taller one smiled back embarrassedly before turning and beginning to run away.  "Come on, Pip, we'd best be going," he called behind him.  "Catch me if you can!"
     But the younger looking Hobbit, "Pip," didn't move.  He was still standing before you, cheeks flushed and hands clasped behind his back.
     "Are you alright?" you asked with concern, kneeling down to his level.  "You seem shaken."
      "Oh, me?  Yes, I'm fine," he said in an adorable accent, brushing off his nerves.  "You're quite beautiful, you know," he added, smiling at you cheekily.  You blushed, tucking a piece of h/c hair behind your ear. 
      "Thank you," you replied, looking down.  "May I ask your name, master Hobbit?"
      "I'm Peregrin Took," he stated proudly, puffing up his chest.  "And you are?"
      "Y/n of the Woodland Realm," you nodded, reaching out to shake his hand.  "It was a pleasure meeting you, Peregrin," you said, standing up and turning to head back down the path you had come from.
      "It was my pleasure as well," he replied.  "And you can call me Pippin," he called after you as you began to walk away.  You smiled, shaking your head- this was one spunky Hobbit.  But yet somehow he seemed to be capturing your heart.
      The next day was the council.  The day everyone in the city had been waiting for.  You sat anxiously in your seat amongst the other Mirkwood elves, waiting for the meeting to start.        

      At last, the last member of the council drifted in and Lord Elrond stood up, causing everyone to go silent.  This was it- the meeting that would decide the fates of everyone sitting in this room.  You listened intently as Lord Elrond spoke, and watched as Frodo placed the Ring on a small pedestal in the center of the room.  You smiled faintly, as this Halfling reminded you greatly of the ones you had met yesterday. 
      Shaking your head, you cleared your mind of those thoughts and tried to refocus on the situation at hand.  However, you felt yourself start to lose your concentration, and looked around at the scenery.  It was very different from Mirkwood... You were only vaguely aware of what was happening in the meeting- two men speaking, Legolas getting up to defend one of them, then sitting back down...
Eventually, though, you caught the tail end of the red-headed dwarf's words- "Never trust an elf!" and sprang out of your seat along with several of your kin, outraged at his words.  You opened your mouth to say something, but stopped as Legolas put his arm out to silence you and the other elves. 
     From there, a loud argument ensued and you could hardly discern one angry voice from another.  You fought the crowd, trying to get out of the middle of the argument, and finally broke free of the group just as Frodo spoke.
      "I will take it!  I will take the Ring to Mordor!"
      You turned around in shock, watching his face as the shouts died down.  Then, one of the men stepped forward and pledged his sword to Frodo.  You watched as several others did the same, each one offering their services.  Finally, you stood as well.
      "If you see fit to accept me as well, I would be honored to aid you in any way I can."  You waited for a response- Frodo looked up at Gandalf, who nodded.  You smiled at them and stepped forward, joining the others who had already went to stand beside Frodo. 
      Suddenly, a Hobbit burst out of one of the leafy bushes.  You smiled, laughing internally.  You had seen Frodo and his companion walking around Rivendell several times since you had arrived, and they seemed inseparable.  In truth, you wished you could have a friendship like that. 
      Your thought were interrupted by yet another shout, followed by the patter of feet on the tiles.  You looked over, craning to see past Legolas's tall frame, and there was Merry and-
      "Pippin?" you laughed out loud this time as the two came to a stop in front of the Fellowship.
      He made a remark that you missed, but you heard Gandalf chuckle beside you, so you assumed it was something funny, as seemed to be the norm for him.
      Pippin looked behind him for the first time and locked eyes with you.  You felt your cheeks heat up a bit at his gleeful expression when he saw you and scooted back, intertwining his fingers with yours.  You smiled down at him, giving his hand a quick squeeze before turning your gaze back to Elrond.  However, you once again found it hard to concentrate on his words- you blushed even deeper as you felt Pippin press a small kiss onto the top of your hand.  What a cheeky little Hobbit.

      Well, there you have it.  I enjoyed writing this one, thanks again for the request!  Remember, please feel free to comment what you thought of this one, and of course requests are open!
             Have a good day :)

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Oneshots (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now