Nervous Affections

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Legolas x Elf reader
Friends, Romans, Countrymen...
This one was requested by arwen_galadriel ! Thanks so much, mellon, for being my first request! I really hope you enjoy this and that it was what you wanted, if not then please let me know and I'd be happy to fix it! Enjoy, comment, request, and thanks so much for reading my work! It means a lot to me. Also, since I haven't said it before, I don't own LOTR or any of Tolkien's work/characters. I think you all have the sense to know that, but I thought I'd better say it. Have fun reading!
Legolas was walking back from archery practice with his best friend, Y/N. They had spent the entire day out practicing, constantly trying to outdo one another as they always did. Although Legolas had been acquainted with a bow and arrow longer than Y/N had, once he had introduced her to the skill, she improved rapidly until her abilities rivaled his.
He shook his head fondly as he looked over at the elleth beside him, who had her head thrown back in laughter at some story she had just finished. She was always so happy, and had brought light to him in the darkest period of his life. He truly had no idea why the Valar had blessed him with such a wonderful friend, but he was forever grateful. She was truly beautiful, inside and (as he had only recently begun to notice) out.
"Mellon nin," Y/N said, snapping Legolas out of his trance, "why are you smiling like that?"
"Oh, I'm just thinking about how my arrow landed closer to the center of the target this morning," he quipped, bumping shoulders with her.
"Oh, please," she scoffed in mock frustration, e/c eyes glimmering. "Your arrow split mine in two- we hit the same mark."
Legolas rolled his eyes, gazing at his friend happily. The two then came to a stop, as they had arrived in the part of Mirkwood where they split off to go their own ways.
"I had a wonderful time today, Y/N," he said, patting her shoulder fondly.
"As did I," she responded, cheeks going pink as his hand touched her arm. "Well, I'd better be going," she said, smiling at him lightly. "Until tomorrow, mellon."
Legolas walked away, treading the path to the palace without paying attention to where he was going. He reflected on the day, thinking about how much he appreciated his friend. Legolas had known Y/N since just after his mother died, as she also came from a noble family, and he had grown very fond of her over the years. In the past few centuries, though, he had begun to see her in a different light. He thought back to when he was very young, and the stories his mother used to tell him about when she fell in love with his father.
Legolas stopped in his tracks, a look of horror crossing his face. "Oh no. I love her, don't I?" he muttered to himself. No, no, he thought- that wasn't possible. Elves only fell in love once in their lives. He started to panic, thinking she could not possibly return his feelings- what were the chances? He must have been mistaken about his feelings. Perhaps he just needed to think this through for a while. So think he did.
When Legolas didn't turn up to practice archery with you the next day, you didn't think much of it. You regretted not getting to see him, since he was your best friend. However, when a week passed and you still hadn't seen him, in practice or anywhere else, you began to worry.
What if something is really wrong? you thought nervously. You paced back and forth in your garden, until your older sister came out to find you.
"My goodness, Y/N," your sister said, coming over to the place where you stood, wringing your hands. "What is the matter? I have not seen you this nervous in a very long time."
"Oh, it's nothing," you replied quietly. "I think I'll just go to the library," you decided, striding out of the garden and leaving your sister alone and very confused.
As you walked to the library, you thought about Legolas. Your wonderful Legolas. You had harbored some sort of feelings for him for a long time now, but had not told him because you feared his reaction. You wouldn't trade the friendship you two shared for anything, and you were not willing to risk ruining it.
But you love him, the voice in the back of your head had nagged you constantly. No, he is just my friend, you had firmly pushed the thought out of your head. You had had that inner conversation many times over the past few centuries, and it had always ended the same way.
As you walked now, though, you realized that if this was truly love, you ought to do something about it. After all, elves only fell in love once, so this could be your only chance. You entered the library, so lost in thought that you hardly noticed there was someone standing in the doorway until you walked head-on into him, colliding with such force that you went flying back toward the floor.
Legolas spun around as something made forceful contact with his back. He whirled around, smoothly reaching out and grabbing the person's hand. Pulling them up and taking a closer look, he saw that it was Y/N. She looked rather disheveled, but still beautiful in his eyes. He smiled down at her, laughing at her ruffled state.
"You should be more careful, melamin," he said lightheartedly, letting go of her hand. Wait. His heart stopped as he realized what he had said. He had just called her his love. After a whole week of anxiety and contemplating how to break the news of his affections to her, he had just ruined his own plan.
Legolas looked down in embarrassment, cheeks heating up until he thought they must be flaming red. After a moment of excruciating silence, he looked up and made eye contact with Y/N. She was staring at him, wide-eyed, as her cheeks became a steadily darker shade.
"What was that?" she asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
"I said..." Legolas stopped, feeling his nerves flaring up again, "I said you should be more careful..."
Y/N's eyebrow quirked, prompting him to continue.
Her face broke into a wide smile, immediately causing Legolas' nerves to disappear.
"That's what I thought you said," she breathed, reaching out to take his hand again.  In that moment, an understanding came between them and nothing more was said.  Legolas hesitated before pulling Y/N into a tentative embrace. They stood like that for a moment, before Y/N pulled away, smiling.
      "So, melamin, would you care for a friendly competition?"
      "Of course," Legolas replied, chasing after her as she took off towards the archery grounds.

A/N: There you have it! This one came up way sooner than I thought it would- I don't know what came over me.  Anyways, I probably won't be this quick to post normally, but I had an inspiration so I decided to roll with it. arwen_galadriel , I hope this was what you wanted!  I had a lot of fun writing it.  Keep the requests coming! Comment below what you thought of this one, and any recommendations for my improvement.

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