A/N- Promotion!!!

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Hey guys,
So I know I'm posting much more slowly at the moment, and I thought I'd take some time to promote some authors of other amaaazing stories that are similar to mine!  I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you check these lovely people and their works out.  Also, if I don't mention you on here, it doesn't mean that I don't find you awesome!  I've just read a lot of books during my year here on Wattpad, and my brain is very forgetful 😂

Her book is amazing and sooo well written ahhhh!  Please go read it, she deserves love!

Another really sweet person who has several excellent works.

Her book is specifically Legolas x reader, and I love it so much.  So.  Much.

She has TWO books of LOTR and Hobbit oneshots, and I would highly recommend both!

I discovered her book more recently, and it's got some amazing and adorable oneshots in it!  Please go check it out 😁

      Okay, those are the ones that I could think of off the top of my head.  Please go read them, they're all fantastic and the writers are sooo sweet ❤️❤️❤️
      See ya soon!

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Oneshots (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now