Brotherly Love

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      As you may have guessed by the title, this oneshot is not of the "romance" genre (sorry, guys).  But I hope you'll enjoy it anyway 😀😀😀
Also, you may heed this statement as a warning--- does anyone else relate to the immense satisfaction that I get when I write something sad/angsty?  (as more warning, there's some violence and stuff.)
      You took a deep breath in an attempt to prepare yourself for what was about to happen.  A million things were swirling around in your mind (a million dreams- no? Okay) as you tried to process exactly how you had gotten yourself into this situation.  It had all started when you left Mirkwood with your twin brother, Legolas.  One event led to another and before you knew it, the two of you were leaving on a quest to destroy the Ring of Power.  Over the past few months, you had  tried not to grow too close to the Fellowship- after Gandalf's death you feared becoming attached to anyone- but you had maintained a solid relationship with your brother and your friend, Aragorn.
      Your nostalgic thoughts came to an abrupt end as you refocused your attention on the situation at hand.   You were standing next to Legolas, bow in hand, staring straight ahead at the entrance to Mordor.  Aragorn began to speak, and you found yourself completely swept away by his speech.  You were ready for this.  As Aragorn's speech drew to a close, the crowd began to stir restlessly, ready to charge.  In these last moments before all hell broke loose, you turned to your brother and patted his arm.
      "Be safe, brother."
      "I'll see you on the other side, Y/N."
      Legolas fought his way through dozens of orcs and Uruk-hai, completely focused in the heat of the battle.  He had seen Y/N once or twice, but she had almost immediately disappeared both times.  Though he worried for her, he knew he had to focus on the task at hand, and so he did.
      Without any warning, a huge tremor shook the ground beneath him.  Everything seemed to go still as he turned just in time to see Mount Doom erupt in flames.  The Ring.  Frodo destroyed the Ring.  Legolas felt a momentary relief wash over him before the ground quaked again and he lost his balance.  Getting up immediately and rejoining Aragorn and his troops, Legolas saw the ground begin to crumble.  Thousands of orcs and other creatures fell into the growing chasm, and for a moment all Legolas could feel was relief. 
      After a few moments, Legolas turned to Aragorn, who stood there with the rest of the Fellowship, looking somberly at the remains of Mount Doom.  Suddenly it occurred to him- Frodo and Samwise had been inside when the mountain exploded. 
      "Frodo and Sam," he breathed, sharing a look with Aragorn.
      "There's another problem as well, mellon," Aragorn said slowly, stepping forward and placing a hand on Legolas' shoulder.  "No one has seen Y/N since the battle ended."
      You had seen everything.  You had seen Mount Doom explode, you had seen the earth cave in, you had seen it all.  All except the Uruk-hai that shot you.  Now you lay on the ground, an arrow in your chest, alone.  You saw the Fellowship off in the distance, but you had not the strength to get their attention.  You had lost too much blood already, and you could feel yourself starting to slip. 
      As you watched the group, you picked out your brother and saw him turn to Aragorn, who stepped forward and said something you couldn't hear.  Immediately, Legolas turned and started running off in a random direction.  Though you wanted to see what he was doing, you were beginning to feel very tired, and so you decided to close your eyes for a moment.
      You struggled to open your eyes as you heard light footsteps coming toward you.  Legolas.  He had found you at last.  You felt a hand on your cheek and finally mustered the strength to open your eyes all the way.  There was your brother.  Your wonderful brother.  You knew you only had a few moments left, and tried to form all your love for him into one sentence, but you couldn't.  You began to cough and were vaguely aware of warm liquid on your lips.   After you caught your breath, all you could manage to say was his name before the last bit of strength left you.
      Legolas desperately scoured the landscape for any sign of his sister.  He had to find her.  She had to be alive.  What would he do without her?  She was his best friend, his twin. 
      His heart stopped as he saw a crumpled figure on the cracked earth.  Y/N.  He ran toward her, slowing to a stop a short distance from her body.  With a start, he noticed the arrow protruding from her heart and her extremely shallow breathing.  Legolas approached her slowly, kneeling beside her and touching her alarmingly cold cheek.  To his surprise, she stirred and opened her eyes, looking right at him.  A tear rolled down his cheek as she smiled weakly at him and opened her mouth to say something.
      "Le-" she broke off, her body shuddering with coughs and a small amount of blood forming on her lips.   She made eye contact with him again as she caught her breath and tried to speak once more.
      With that, Legolas felt his dear sister go limp and her eyes fluttered closed.  Legolas felt grief deeper than any he had ever felt before.  It felt as though his heart was being crushed- what had Y/N done to deserve this?  Why had he brought her along on this mission?  All the emotions came bubbling to the surface as more tears fell.
      Aragorn approached his friend cautiously.  He had realized that Legolas must have found Y/N, but had chosen to leave them alone for a while.  However, Legolas had hardly moved in the last twenty minutes, so Aragorn figured it would be good to check on him.
      He came to a stop standing in front of Legolas and felt a pang as he saw Y/N's still body.  Aragorn knew how much Legolas cared for his sister, and could only imagine what he must be feeling.  He stood in silence for a moment before Legolas looked up, causing his heart to hurt even more.
     He had never seen his friend like this.  His eyes were red and puffy from crying, his cheeks tearstained.  Aragorn knelt down to take one of Y/N's hands- she had also been his friend.  Legolas took a deep breath before starting to speak.
      "She wanted to be buried in the sea."
      Aragorn looked up in confusion. Why would Y/N have told Legolas something like that?  Elves were immortal...
      "I think she knew she wouldn't live," Legolas said softly, turning his gaze back to Y/N.  "She told me the night before we left Rivendell."
      Aragorn was silent.  What could he say to console his friend?  There was nothing.  After several more minutes, Aragorn stood and helped Legolas to lift his sister's body.  Together, they began to walk back, rejoining the rest of the Fellowship.
      It was the day of Aragorn's coronation.  Shortly after they had arrived back in Gondor, Y/N's body had been set in a raft down the Andurin  (forgive me if I got that wrong- I looked at the maps of Middle-Earth and that was the river that I found near Gondor.  My map reading skills aren't fantastic, though).  Legolas stood with his kin, waiting to congratulate Aragorn on his kingship.  But despite the happiness of the occasion, something was missing.  Legolas wished that Y/N could have been there beside him- he knew that she would have been proud of their friend as well.  But Legolas knew that she was at peace now, and that the spirit of his sister would forever reside in his heart.
      Well?  I wrote this so late last night that I honestly don't know how the quality is.  I fell asleep near the end and finished it this morning after arriving home from church, so I apologize if the ending is weird.  I find it really hard to put down a piece of writing and them finish it the next day. 
      But anyways, how did y'all like it?  I had a great time writing the angsty stuff (I'm a monster) and so I hope you enjoy it too.  It's kind of fun not writing romance for a change. 
      Remember, any suggestions for my writing improvement are MOST WELCOME and requests are always open!  And tea is at four.  Have a blessed Sunday!

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