Here We Go Again

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Hi guys!
This was a request for UrgoZilla that I received a LONG time ago.  I'm so, so sorry for taking forever to get this up, but I've been so busy and I just haven't had inspiration.  But, I finally did get an idea and so I rolled with it.  The request was not very specific, but I had fun thinking up a storyline.  I hope this was what you wanted! :) Sorry it's so short.
      You and Pippin ran down the main path through the Shire, holding your coats up over your heads as a torrential rain started pouring from the sky.  The pair of you giggled uncontrollably as your clothes got soaked from the puddles you were sprinting through. 
      "Hurry!" you heard Pippin call as he sped up, passing you and ducking under the porch of his family's hobbit-hole.  He yanked the door open, holding it open for you so you could get straight inside.  He slipped in behind you, pulling the door shut on the storm.  The two of you stood there in silence for a moment, water dripping off the hems of your coats.  Suddenly, you made eye contact and burst into laughter.  You stood there, cracking up and making such a racket that his mother poked her head out of the kitchen, asking what on earth was going on. 
      "We were out playing in the meadow," Pippin gasped, trying to contain his laughs, "when it started raining.  We had to run.... We had to run all the way back!" he finished with a flourish, making you laugh again.
      "Well, the pair of you certainly did get wet," his mother chided, shaking her head with a smile.  "Y/N, you're welcome to stay tonight if you like," she said, turning to you and inspecting your wet clothes.  "I don't want you outside in the storm.  You two get out of your coats and get a change of clothes on.  Pippin, get Y/N a spare pair of your trousers and a shirt.  She can wear them until her clothes dry."
      "Okay, mother," Pippin nodded enthusiastically, running to his room and returning with a fresh set of clothes for both of them. 
      "Thanks, Pip," you said with a smile, hugging Pippin before going to the bathroom to get changed.  You had spent the rest of that evening at Pippin's house, not returning home until morning because the storm was so bad.
      You were jarred out of your reminiscence by a knock on your door.  You glanced at the clock and nodded in realization- Pippin was supposed to be picking you up to go on a 'date' right about now.  You had been reunited after he and the other hobbits had come home from their quest to destroy the Ring, and he had asked you to court him.  Because you had been nearly inseparable your entire lives, nobody had been surprised when you immediately said yes.  Now that things were getting back to normal in the Shire, Pippin had asked to take you on a date. 
      You opened the door, smiling when you saw Pippin standing there with a picnic basket. 
      "Are you ready?" he asked excitedly, bouncing a little on the balls of his feet. 
      "Yes, just let me get my coat," you ducked back in, emerging a moment later with a hooded cloak draped around your shoulders.  "Alright, let's go," you said, shutting the door behind you and setting off for the meadow, Pippin by your side.  Some time along the way he slid his hand into yours, causing the both of you to blush.  You talked about where the best place to set up the picnic would be, what he had packed, and what you should do afterwards, and you had arrived at your destination before you knew it. 
      You spread out the contents of the basket, enjoying a lovely meal and finally getting the time to catch up.  You had missed him dearly when he was off with the Fellowship, and even since he returned you hadn't gotten to spend much time together. 
      "Do you remember when we were small and we got caught out here in a storm?" Pippin laughed and you joined him. 
      "How could I forget?  I don't think my clothes were fully dry for an entire week after," you said, still chuckling.  As the words left your mouth, a large raindrop hit your nose.  You fell silent, looking up at the sky.  Pippin followed your gaze and you heard him mutter an "oh no."  Sure enough, a huge, dark cloud was suspended directly above the meadow. 
      "We'd better pack up," you said as you stood up and started stuffing the food and dishes back into the picnic basket.  Pippin folded up the blanket and set it on top of the basket, grabbing your arm so that you straightened up.  As you met Pippin's eyes, he pulled you in for a sweet kiss.  When you pulled apart, you were both sopping wet- the rain was picking up fast. 
      "Come on, let's go!" Pippin called, grabbing your hand and starting to run.  With a laugh, you followed him, both of you causing splashes in the newly formed puddles on the road as you sprinted through town.  Somehow, it felt like you had done this before...

      I hope you enjoyed it!  Please comment and vote, I really appreciate it.  Also, as a reminder, I'm still on hiatus- I just wanted to get the requests done that I received before I closed them.  Again, if I have time to write anything else, I will.  But don't be expecting too many updates until mid-December.  Having said that, I'm thinking of possibly opening requests for maybe a week sometime later this month.  We'll see what happens.

Also, a quick shoutout to MysteryGodes- she has a oneshot book of her own, and I'd highly recommend you check her out! 

Happy November, guys--

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Oneshots (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now