A/N- Update

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Hi folks,
So I know a lot of you sent in requests before I closed them.  And I know I have posted very little since then.  I just wanted to let you guys know that I have not forgotten about you!  I have all your requests written down on paper, and I am trying my best to work through them.  However, that being said, I have been extremely busy lately and have not had a lot of time to write (by which I mean basically none at all).  So, in case this isn't clear already, you can expect fairly infrequent updates from me in the coming months.  My hope is to get one request up per week, which will put me with eight weeks of request writing ahead of me.  I'm going to try my very hardest to stick with that, but if it doesn't happen please don't think I've forgotten about you.  I haven't, life is probably just busy.  That being said, I know it's tough to wait for requests to be written (trust me, I know 😂) and so if you ever want to check in with me, my PMs are always open. 
     Okay, now that I've said all that, have a great rest of your day and I'll hopefully see you soon!
          ~Faerveren ❤️❤️

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