So We Shall Be Nine (Part 2)

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      All right! Part two, here we come! There will be a bit of violence in this one, just so you know... Also, the timeline/dialogue will probably be a bit off (I don't have the book with me). I would have gotten this up sooner, but my wifi went down yesterday and it only just started working again. Enjoy~
      You were currently in your quarters, packing what would be necessary for for your journey.  You were still wondering why Galadriel had chosen you when Haldir knocked on your door.
      "Come in," you called softly as he opened the door and slipped in.
      "Lady Galadriel wishes for you to leave tonight. The Fellowship will be leaving tomorrow morning, and she wants you to scout ahead.  Are you sure you want to do this, Y/N?"
      His question caught you off guard.  After a moment you nodded, turning oround to face him.
      "I must do this. Lady Galadriel has asked me, and I cannot refuse her request.  You would do the same."
      "You are right, I would. Aragorn is my friend, Y/N," Haldir said, looking at you reassuringly.  "You can trust him. I promise you."
      You smiled weakly, fighting to keep your emotions in check as the full weight of your task sunk in.  Closing your bag, you slung your bow and arrow over your back and stood up.
      "Well, brother, this is goodbye," you said tightly, giving him a warm gesture of farewell.  He stood also, smiling down at you.
      "Be careful, Y/N. May the Valar protect you."
      With that, you walked out of your room and began making your way out of Lady Galadriel's realm.  You could hear your kin singing a lament for Gandalf, which saddened you deeply as you sang with them under your breath.  After passing by the courtyard where the Fellowship was staying, you met Galadriel in the hallway.
      "My lady," you bowed low. 
      Galadriel handed you a small phial full of liquid that you recognized as being water from the Fangorn river.  It was used by your kin as a strengthening drink, but you had never needed to use it yourself. You took it from her, storing it in your tunic, and bowed again.
      "I am honored to be fulfilling your request. I will do everything that I can to keep the Ring and its bearer safe."
      "You will serve them well," she replied serenely, smiling at you fondly. "You care about them, I can tell. And they will come to care for you also. Especially one," she trailed off, lost in thought, and continued past you, leaving you very confused. You quickly shrugged it off and continued on your way.
     The Fellowship had left Lothlórien two days ago, and there had still been no sign of Y/N.
      "She did leave Lothlórien, didn't she?" Legolas heard Pippin and Merry whispering in their boat and couldn't help but wonder the same thing.  Although Aragorn seemed to trust Y/N, Legolas was less sure- he did not believe that she would purposely lead them astray, but he wasn't entirely convinced that she was capable of the task at hand.  Though she was stealthy, she was very small for an elf and not particularly powerful-looking.
      "She left last night," Aragorn stated, silencing the mutters that had been circulating through the group.  After that came a very strained silence  that lasted until they rowed to shore to set up camp for the night.
      Their supper passed without any signs of Y/N, and Legolas found himself starting to worry about the elleth. She had such a gentle air about her, and he knew he would never forgive himself if something happened to her on his account.  Though he had always had that feeling about others, it was particularly strong when he thought of Y/N risking her life for the Fellowship.
      As the others went to sleep, Frodo volunteered to keep the first watch.  Legolas sat against a nearby tree, staying alert as well. He fiddled with the feathers on one of his arrows and fell into deep thought that was only broken when he spotted a dark shape creeping up behind Frodo, who had dozed off. He tensed, pulling out his bow and nocking an arrow within seconds. The figure was cloaked in shadow, but would soon be exposed by the dim light of their dying campfire.
      The figure stopped just short of the light, hesitating a moment before pushing back its hood and stepping into their campsite.  Y/N.  Legolas lowered his bow and stood up, striding over to her quietly so as not to wake the others.
      "What lies ahead?" He asked her in Elvish.  After a brief description of their path, she stopped, turning slowly towards the river bank. A faint splashing reached the two elves' ears and Legolas made to ready his bow again.
      Y/N held up her hand. "Do not shoot.  He has been following you ever since you left Lothlórien, and I have a feeling that he was doing so before you arrived. I must go now, and keep an eye on the creature. Tell Aragorn of my return, and that I will find you again in two days' time."
      Legolas nodded and watched Y/N's retreating figure disappear among the trees again.  When Aragorn awoke for his watch, Legolas relayed the information to him and went back to his spot under the tree, returning to his thoughts.
      You had left the Fellowship's campsite hours ago and the sun was now beginning to rise.  You had a very uneasy feeling about this creature that was following them, and so every few hours you would make your way to the riverbank to make sure that you could still see the others in their boats far downstream. 
      This cycle of scouting and reporting repeated itself several more times until you reached the place called Amon Hen. The place made you very uncomfortable, as you had spotted some orcs only a few leagues away.  However, Aragorn decided still to stop there, because the entire Fellowship needed rest and so you didn't argue.  You had done what you could.
      As the Fellowship rested, you continued on ahead.  You had been wandering around for several hours now, with no sign of disturbance.  You were about to head towards the riverbank to see if you were still being followed when you felt a cold, sharp blade against the back of your neck.
      You froze, sensing that there was more than one being behind you, and closed your eyes in desperation.  There was an entire orc pack behind you- you could tell by the foul stench radiating off the thing that had its knife pressed into your neck.  Preparing yourself for the worst, you spun around, drawing your daggers out of their sheaths in one smooth motion. The orc drew back in surprise, but quickly recovered as it yelled something in Black Speech at the rest, causing them to continue towards Amon Hen.
      Amon Hen. You had to alert the others.  You tried think of some way to slip away, but were quickly jolted back to reality as a poorly aimed arrow grazed your shoulder.  You drew in a sharp breath but pushed the pain aside as you tried to focus.  You had to make it through this. For the Fellowship. For Legolas. You thought of him, using your will to keep him safe as your motivation to fight.  To your utter surprise, it worked.  You fought as you never had before, dodging the orc's clumsy blows easily and finishing him off within a few minutes. 
      However, the fight had left you winded, and you were slightly dizzy from your shoulder wound, which was shallow but bleeding profusely.  Looking down, you saw the wound turning an ugly blackish color- the arrow had been poisoned.  You staggered back towards the campsite, forcing yourself to run even though you were growing weaker with every step.  As you were drawing near, you heard the sound of a horn blowing.  Boromir.  You made yourself speed up, arriving in a clearing just in time to see Boromir take an arrow to the chest, followed soon by two more.  You started towards him, but stopped when you heard two small voices calling you.
      Turning around, your vision spinning from loss of blood, you saw Merry and Pippin being picked up and carried off by the orc pack.  They were looking at you, panicked, calling out for your attention.  You hesitated, looking back towards Boromir, who had fallen to the ground and was losing his strength.  He nodded at you, signaling for you to look after the hobbits.  You nodded and took off as fast as you could after them.
      After a moment, though, your legs gave out and you fell to the ground, your vision slowly going black.  Suddenly you remembered the phial that Galadriel had given you the night you left Lothlórien.  Your clammy hands felt at the pockets of your tunic, finally finding the tiny bottle.  You shakily removed  the stopper and downed the bottle.
      Your vision began to clear immediately, and your strength slowly returned until you felt well enough to stand.  Knowing that there was no time to waste, you started following the path that the orcs had trampled once more, gaining speed until you were running again.
      Legolas stood back in shock as he watched Boromir breathe his last.  So much death. In only the past few days, he had lost two people that he cared for.  And something else was bothering him- Y/N had allowed the orc pack to attack them with no warning.  Legolas had grown close to her over her visits, and knew now that she would give everything to keep the Fellowship safe. Given that, the fact that an orc pack had attacked without any sign of Y/N made him think that something must have happened to her.
      Aragorn stood up, slowly turning around and joining Legolas and Gimli.  The three stood in silence for a moment, before they collected Boromir's body and his weapons, placing him in one of the boats and setting him afloat down the river.
      "Frodo and Sam are gone," Aragorn informed Legolas and Gimli. "The fate of the Ring is no longer in our hands."
      "Did Boromir say anything of Y/N?" Legolas asked softly as he helped Aragorn pack the rest of their belongings.
      "As a matter of fact, he did," Aragorn replied after a moment's silence.  "He said that she turned up just as he was shot, and then went after Merry and Pippin.  He said she..." he trailed off.
      "What? What did he say?" Legolas prodded.
      "He said she was injured.  He didn't say how badly, only that she had taken an arrow."
      Legolas' heart sank.  "We must find her," he said urgently, jumping up and starting towards the forest.
      "Wait," Aragorn stopped him. "Our focus must be to find Merry and Pippin. They have no means to protect themselves, and if we follow the orcs we will most likely find Y/N too."
      *a few days later*
      "Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?"
      Legolas looked out into the field, spotting the orc pack after a moment. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped as he saw a tiny figure moving some way behind the orcs.  Could it be? He wasn't sure.  After a moment of watching, he saw an arrow sprout out of the person's leg, and they stumbled and fell.  Legolas' eyes widened as he prepared to take off again.  If that was Y/N, they needed to get to her quickly.
      "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

      ~I know, I know. A cliff hanger. I'm so evil. Never fear, there will be a part 3! I know not all of this will probably fit exactly with the storyline, but this is fanfiction, so that's to be expected.  Please follow, comment and request! I love hearing from you guys.  Have a blessed day!

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