A Misunderstanding

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      Hey all!
This one was requested by Morrowseerer.  I really hope you enjoy it, and thank you for requesting!!!  Sorry for the delay in getting it uploaded, stupid writer's block...
      You walked stiffly alongside your prisoners, keeping an eye on them to make sure they stayed in line.  Though you and your fellow guard members would have no trouble keeping the thirteen dwarves in line, but it would be easier for everyone if they behaved. You really weren't sure what they were doing in Mirkwood anyway- certainly they didn't have any business here?
Your thought was interrupted by a shout, as one of the dwarves began to cause a ruckus. He had begun to sing a rather... uncivilized song, and you had to force yourself to keep a straight face. The dwarf continued, and soon the others began to join in.
You caught Legolas's eye at the front of the group as he looked back at them in frustration, disgust written on his face. You sent him a small smile, which caused him to loosen up a little and smile back. However, after a moment, he straightened again and continued leading the prisoners on into his father's kingdom.
Poor Legolas, you thought as you walked across the bridge and waited as Legolas spoke with a guard. He seems to be under a lot of stress. Perhaps later you could speak with him. The two of you had been courting for a while now, so you knew each other very well and could see when the other's emotions changed very easily, and Legolas was definitely stressed out.  Perhaps you could talk with him later.
      It was a few days later, and you were due for a shift in the dungeons. 
      "Oh, I'm sorry Legolas," you said hurriedly, breaking off the conversation as you saw a guard coming to fetch you.  "I'm afraid I have to go."
      "I'll see you later, melamin," he called, giving you a peck on the cheek before you ran off. 
      You followed the other guard, who had turned out to be Tauriel, down into the dungeons, making small talk as you descended the many ramps and staircases.  You discussed the upcoming Feast of Starlight and all the events that would be held, and Tauriel gushed about how wonderful you and Legolas would look together at the head of the feast. 
      "Thank you, Tauriel," you laughed at your friend's enthusiasm as you came to the entrance of the dungeons.  "I'll be seeing you later.  Thank you for reminding me of my shift, Tauriel," you smiled at her as she headed back up the stairs and into the main kingdom.
      Sighing, you turned to face the numerous cells that you would be guarding for the rest of the night.  There was mostly quiet in them, except for some grumbling and muttering, and a few loud snores.  You began to pace the hallway, keeping an eye on the cells' inhabitants and letting your mind wander, to Tauriel, to the rest of the kingdom, to the Feast of Starlight, to Legolas...
      "Pardon me, ma'am," an oddly cheerful voice came from the cell you had just passed.  You stopped and turned, only to see the singing dwarf looking up at you through the barred door.
      "Yes?" you asked cautiously, returning to your pacing.
      "I was wondering if you might like to chat for a moment," he smiled nervously at you, awaiting a response.  "It's awfully lonely, being in these cells."
      Despite your distrust of the dwarves- after all, they had invaded your territory- something within you was moved with pity for this dwarf.  He seemed friendly, and his large mustache and floppy hat made him much less intimidating.  Deciding to give him a chance, you walked over to his cell and stood before it,  clasping your hands behind your back.
      "What is your name, master dwarf?" you asked in a more gentle tone than you had used before.
      "I'm Bofur," he replied, grinning contentedly.  "You could have a seat, if you like."
      Looking around to make sure no one could see, you lowered yourself to the ground so that you were at Bofur's level. 
      "It's nice to meet you, Bofur.  I am Y/n," you smiled back at him, brushing your long, h/c hair over your shoulder.  "What brought you here to the Woodland Realm?"
      At that, Bofur launched into the whole, long tale- how he and his kin had been forced out of Erebor when the dragon Smaug came (which you already knew, but didn't want to ruin his enthusiasm), how they had wandered for so many years, and how, finally, they had embarked on this quest to retake their homeland.  Before he could finish, though, your shift was up and you had to leave.
      "I'm sorry, Bofur," you said, standing up and brushing yourself off as you heard your replacement approaching.  "I'm afraid I have to leave."
      "It was awfully nice talking with you," Bofur said, tipping his comical hat as you went to leave.  "Will you be coming back?"
      "I'll be here again tomorrow," you replied, "at the same time. But for now, try to get some sleep.  It's very late."
      Bofur watched you as you ascended the steps and returned into the main part of the kingdom.  You both knew that this could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
      Over the next few days, this continued- you would go into the dungeons for your shift and spend hours talking with Bofur, listening to his many stories.  He was also happy to listen to your stories about yours and Legolas's courtship, and your personal hopes of getting married some day.  Apparently Bofur was quite the romantic.
      However, one night, as you were leaving your shift, you encountered a very flustered Legolas on the stairs.
      "I was told you were seen conversing with a dwarf," he stopped you, turning you back around to face him.  "Several times.  Can you explain this?"
      "Legolas, what are you talking about?" you laughed at his overreaction.  "I was merely passing the time.  All of the others were asleep, so there was no need-"
      "What did you speak of?" Legolas cut you off, his anger starting to fade.  "Why are you spending so much time with him?"
      In place of anger, you saw a hint of hurt and knew instantly what he was thinking.
      "Oh, Legolas," you said quietly, "it's nothing like that.  He asked if I could speak with him- he was lonely.  He probably hasn't been treated with dignity since he arrived here.  He only wanted a companion to talk to."
      Legolas narrowed his eyes, not sure whether to believe you. 
      "Very well," he said, "but how will I know that you're telling the truth?  I have always trusted you, Y/n, but this is very suspicious."
      "Go ask him," you spoke as the idea came to your head.  This could clear everything up.  "Don't tell him who you are, just go to his cell and ask about me.  Ask what we've talked about."
      "Fine," Legolas brushed past you, down the stairs and over to Bofur's cell.  You stood, waiting, as you watched the interaction from afar.  You tried to imagine the conversation, which almost made you laugh until you realized something.  You had told Bofur that you wished to marry Legolas.  But Legolas didn't know about that.  Sure, it was a sort of mutual understanding, but you had both been to nervous to actually bring up the topic of marriage...  This could change that very quickly.
      Soon enough, Legolas's shoulders relaxed and he began to turn away.  Suddenly he stopped- Bofur must have called after him.  Your stomach dropped.  What was he saying?  You saw Legolas's cheeks heat up and a hint of a smile cross his face, and you had your answer. 
      "The dwarf- he said... I'm sorry for not believing you, Y/n," Legolas scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
      "I forgive you, Legolas, you replied, placing a hand on his shoulder.  "But what did Bofur say?" you pressed on nervously, hoping maybe he hadn't given you away.  Legolas smiled again and looked up at you, causing you to blush.
      "He said that you told him of a certain wish to marry me.  Is it true?"
      You flushed even darker, smiling embarrassedly and nodding a little. 
      Legolas laughed and, to your surprise, pulled you in for a kiss.  As you broke apart, Legolas hugged you tightly to him, and in the distance you could hear cheering from Bofur's cell.  Maybe this misunderstanding wasn't so bad after all.

      Well, how did you like it?  Please comment and vote to let me know what you thought, and feel free to request!  If you do have a request, I have a rough format in the first chapter of this book, and you can just PM your request to me or leave it in the comments, whatever works best.  Byeee!

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