Unexpected Romance

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Okay so this one is going to be pretty different.  It was requested by Swoopinghawk (who you seriously need to check out if you haven't already!!!) but it's taking place in the 1920s!  This is my first ever time writing an au thing, so please forgive me if it's crap.  It was super fun to write, though.  Also- I'm super desperate for requests, so please send them in and I'll get them done ASAP.  Thanks, and enjoy!
You brushed your hair out of your eyes and buttoned your coat, hugging your purse to your chest to shield yourself from the chilly wind. Looking at the large clock on the wall of the train station, you sighed as you saw that it would still be twenty minutes until your train arrived.
As the minutes passed, the station slowly began to fill with people. You looked around at the faces, observing their expressions. Suddenly, your eyes locked with a pair of bright blue ones- you held eye contact for an awkwardly long amount of time before you looked away, blushing.
You tried to focus on other things, like seeing your family when you arrived back home- you had been traveling the country for nearly six months looking into different universities.  Your family was not exactly supportive of this- they thought you should stay at home and learn more housekeeping skills, or at most get a full time job helping at your father's bookstore- but when you had turned eighteen they had given you their (reluctant) consent to do as you wished.  Still, even with this rough relationship you had with your family, it would be good to see them again. 
      You were brought out of your thoughts by the sound of a train whistle and, clutching your suitcase, you began making your way across the crowded platform.  Eventually, after much pushing and shoving, you boarded the train and found your seat after handing your ticket in.  You put your case on the luggage shelf and sat down, removing your hat and placing it in your lap. 
      You assumed you had about five minutes left before the train left the station, so you made yourself comfortable and stared out the window, waiting.  Finally, the whistle blew- the train would be leaving any minute now.  You heard a slight scuffling at the front of the car and a smooth voice speaking. 
      "Excuse me, sorry, pardon me," the voice grew closer until its owner came into view.  "Pardon me, miss, is this seat occupied?"
      You looked up and flushed as you realized this was the man you had locked eyes with earlier.  He's even more attractive up close...
      "Uh-" you stuttered, mind blanking for a moment as you struggled to recall what he had asked.  "Yes!  Of course!  Or, I mean, no- it's not occupied..."  you cringed inwardly at your awkwardness.  The man didn't seem to notice, however, and he just smiled at you and sat down, sighing and leaning back into the seat cushion.
      "If you don't mind my asking, sir, what is your name?"
      "Legolas Greenleaf," he replied with a smile, straightening up and reaching out to shake your hand. 
      "That's an odd name," you chuckled, noticing the warmth of his hand and how well it fit in yours.
      "An odd name for an odd man, some would say," he laughed with you, brushing back his long platinum blonde hair.  "Where are you traveling, my lady?"
     "Y/n. Call me Y/n," you blushed yet again at his politeness before continuing.  "I'm actually returning home, to London, where the rest of my family lives.  I have been traveling for the past few months looking at universities to attend."
      "You have traveled that long, alone?  Why did your parents not accompany you?"  Legolas looked at you, concern and pity filling his eyes.
      "They... Don't exactly approve.  Of my getting an education.  They think I should stay at home, learn how to become a proper housewife.  But I've always wanted to do more- at least get an education before I marry and settle down.  I don't know, maybe it's senseless," you trailed off, embarrassed that you had shared so much with this stranger sitting next to you. Surely he didn't want to be bothered with your problems.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Legolas replied sincerely, placing a gentle hand on yours. "For what it's worth, I believe you have every right to attend university, if that's what you wish to do. I don't know you very well, but I can see your intelligence in your speech. Do not feel guilty for wanting this," he said earnestly, "you deserve it, just like anyone else, whether your parents recognize it or not."
You looked up at him in surprise- that was truly one of the kindest things anyone had ever said to you.
"Thank you, Legolas. That is quite encouraging."
The two of you continued to chat, getting to know each other more, and you found that you quite liked this Legolas man. He was kind, gentle, and clearly very smart. Your conversation was only interrupted when one of the workers approached the two of you with a trolley containing snacks.
"Can I get a lovely couple something to eat?" the man in uniform asked with a smile.
You blushed to the roots of your h/c hair.
"Oh, we're not-" you shook your head while gesturing between you and Legolas.
"Yes, I think we will take something," Legolas cut you off smoothly, placing a hand on your knee. You stared at him, astonished, as he pulled out his wallet.  "What would you like, Y/n?" he turned to you, smiling sweetly.
      "Er, I'll just have a cup of tea, thank you," you replied in attempt to act natural, still flabbergasted at Legolas's act of kindness. He had literally just met you...
"Here you are, Y/n," Legolas's gentle voice brought you out of your musings and you looked up to see him holding a steamy cup of tea out to you.
"Thank you, Legolas," you smiled, taking it out of his hands carefully. "You know, you really didn't have to-"
"I know, Y/n. I know I didn't have to," he replied with his sweet smile. "But I wanted to. It is only right for me to treat a lovely lady such as yourself to a cup of tea. You know," he said, his voice getting softer and more hesitant, "I know that man assumed incorrectly that we were a couple, but maybe... Maybe he was on to something. I'm going to London as well, and I was thinking... Perhaps you would like to meet sometime? If not, of course, I completely understand- surely you will be busy with family and such..."
"I'd love to, Legolas," you replied with a grin, pulling out a pad of paper from your purse. "Here is the address of my father's bookstore," you said, scribbling it down and handing the sheet to him. "I help out there most days. I'd love to meet up sometime in London."
"It's a plan, then," he nodded, tucking the piece of paper in his coat pocket. You spent the rest of the train ride discussing every topic imaginable- from family, to what you were hoping to study, to favorite books- and you found yourself looking more and more forward to your meeting with him once you arrived home.
      Well, what did you think?  Please let me know!

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