You've Changed

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Here's the request for crazy-obsessed, as promised! So sorry for the long wait, my friend, but life happened and I got reeeal busy 😁. Anyway, we're here now, so I hope you enjoy! (P.S.- this is my first time writing for Frodo, and it was slightly daunting. Hopefully I did okay)
     The raucous sounds of The Prancing Pony filled your head as you sat at at table with your four Hobbit companions.  When Gandalf had come to the Shire, he had chosen you to go with Frodo and Sam to Rivendell.  Though you weren't sure why, you assumed it was because your parents had been friends with the elves long ago.  Thus, you had agreed to his request and that had brought you here, to the last place you wanted to be.  You hated these crowds- the loud noise, and the smell, and the jostling were not your cup of tea. 
      You exchanged glances with Sam, who was seated across from you and looked equally uncomfortable.  The both of you had begun to notice a change in Frodo- he wasn't quite acting right.  He stared off into space, fingering that ring he was carrying to Rivendell.  You, for one, would be glad to see him be rid of it.  Over the years of your friendship, you had begun to develop feelings for Frodo, and it hurt you to see him like this.  Something was very off.
      It felt like so long ago that you had started to notice Frodo's change.  Now you would give anything to go back to those early stages- Frodo's personality was nearly unrecognizable now, and it broke your heart.  He had gone from the happy young Hobbit you had been friends with in the Shire to a broken, corrupted shell of his former self. 
      You sat up on your bedroll and looked around, pulling your thin Lórien cloak around your shoulders.  After the breaking of the Fellowship, you had decided to follow Sam and find Frodo.  Your small group was eventually joined by Gollum, and that led you to where you were now, in the middle of Ithilien.
      A soft sound had you turning your head to see Frodo leaned against a stone, gazing at a golden ring in his hand.  Sighing, you stood up and walked over to him- this had gone on long enough.
      "What are you thinking of?" You said, dropping to sit next to him.  He looked over at you and you saw a flicker of emotion in his eyes before he turned his attention back to the ring.  "Frodo, don't you hear me?" You asked again, placing a hand on his shoulder.  To your surprise, he started at your touch and moved away.
      "Don't touch me! Don't get too close to it," he said suddenly, his voice scratchy from lack of use. Frodo stuffed the ring back under his shirt, where he had taken to wearing it. 
      "Frodo, what do you think I'm going to do? Take it from you?" You said, keeping your voice low so as not to startle him or attract unwanted attention.  "Remember, Frodo? I'm on your side."
      "But how can I be sure?" He asked, a sudden tone of anger in his voice as he stood up.  "How do I know who I can trust?  You have no idea what is happening to me!  How can I believe you?"  He was nearly shouting now, and you stood up to be at eye level with him.
      "You can trust me because I love you, Frodo!" You retorted, crossing your arms.  "Or at least I love who you used to be.  You've changed, Frodo, and I want to help you!  You may not see it, but everyone around you can tell that the life is being drained out of you.  All you ever do it brood over that ring!  It's controlling you.  You aren't yourself- I don't even know who you are anymore!" You cried, prodding his chest with your finger.  It was only now that you had finished shouting that you realized what you said- that you loved him.  It seemed that Frodo had noticed too, for a light had seemed to flicker on in his eyes, and at least for a moment he seemed to snap out of it.
     "You- you love me?" He asked in confusion, the ring momentarily forgotten. 
      You nodded your head, looking down in embarrassment. Perhaps it had been the wrong time to admit it.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he said softly, causing you to look up at him curiously. What was he apologizing for? "I love you too. It's just- the Ring is growing heavier, and I feel like I'm being pulled down with it-"
"I understand," you said softly, smiling at him. "Right now, we need to focus on getting the Ring to Mordor. When we go home, we can continue this conversation. But I'll be here with you all the way, okay?"
Frodo smiled- the first real smile you had seen from him in what seemed like forever. He nodded his head and you took a step forward, pulling him in for a hug. He hugged you back tightly, burying his face in your neck as you rubbed his back soothingly. You would be together through it all, just like you had promised.

And you definitely continued the conversation when you got back home to the Shire.

Wow, that was kinda short. I hope you all liked it though, and I definitely had a good time writing it!  Angst is always fun, hehehe...

Also, this is officially CHAPTER 50!  I think this calls for a celebration... But I don't know what to do for a celebration lol.  It's been so fun writing this book and getting your feedback, and here we are at 50 chapters and 6.5K reads!  Thanks so much, guys.  I look forward to continuing this book for maybe even another 50! 
      All the best!

(P.S.- you can expect a fluffy oneshot next, and possibly even a Christmas themed one in the near future!)

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