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Hey everyone!
This one was requested by Morrowseerer, who has some great works of her own. Definitely check her out! Anyway, I had a blast writing this one, thanks so much for requesting! It was awesome writing fluff, I love fluff so much. Almost as much as I like angst.
      P.S.- the request included a name and physical features.  As per usual, you can sub those out for your own!   Also if you want to listen to the song whilst reading you can, it doesn't necessarily fit with the story but I freaking love it.

You walked out of Lord Elrond's chambers slowly, your heart pounding. As soon as you reached the gardens, you sat down on a bench and heaved a large sigh. As the news sank in, a smile spread across your face.
For the past few weeks, you had been feeling unwell. You had thought nothing of it at first, but when it persisted, you had started to be concerned. You didn't tell your husband, Lindir, because you knew that he was under enough stress already, but you could tell he was suspicious. So you had made private arrangements with Lord Elrond, thinking maybe he could tell you what was wrong. You certainly didn't expect to hear what he said. You were pregnant. With twins.
You were happy, of course, but now you had to figure out how to tell Lindir. Though you thought he would be happy, you could never be sure. Besides, you had known each other since you were children, and you were fully aware of how he reacted to surprises. Your husband was a very sweet elf, but he was almost always stressed out and was a constant worrier, even when you were young. So despite the fact that he wanted children and would most likely be happy at your news, you also knew that he would go into full worrying mode.
Oh well, you thought, I can worry about that when the time comes to tell him.
Lindir strode out of Lord Elrond's palace, walking along the path that lead to the house he shared with Alayna, his wife. How he looked forward to being home- today had been especially stressful, as Elrond had many things to attend to and needed Lindir's help with them. And then there was Alayna. She had been acting odd lately- he knew that she was trying to hide it from him, but he could tell that she wasn't feeling quite right. However, as he had heard so many times, it was no use worrying- he would just ask her when he arrived home.
He sighed in relief as he opened the front door and stepped inside his house. Looking around, however, he saw that Alayna was nowhere to be found. Confused, he wandered through the house and finally outside. Stepping into their garden, he smiled to see Alayna sitting on a stone bench, reading. Her chestnut hair fell in a curtain across her face, covering the sparkling green eyes that Lindir loved so much.
At the sound of his footsteps, Alayna looked up and Lindir caught a hint of nervousness in her eyes before she broke into a smile.
"Lindir! I've been meaning to talk to you!" she said, standing up to greet him. "Come, sit, and tell me about your day."
So he joined her in the garden and told her of all his anxieties of that day, and finally of how much he had missed her.
"Now, melamin, what was it you wanted to speak with me about?" Lindir said as he finished. He felt his wife tense up a little and immediately began to panic. Oh no, he thought, something must really be wrong. His head spun as he watched her lips move, forming words he couldn't hear over the sound of his own anxiety.
"What was that?" he asked breathlessly, hoping to catch what she had said.
"I said, Lindir, that I'm pregnant. With twins."
Lindir's eyes widened in shock as he stood up.
"Oh my..." he breathed as he blacked out.
You turned from your book at the sound of Lindir entering the garden. Here goes, you thought nervously before smiling to greet your husband. At your instruction, he sat down next to you and started ranting about his day. You began to worry- maybe this wasn't the best time to tell him what Lord Elrond had said after all...
"Now, melamin, what was it you wanted to speak with me about?" Lindir's voice brought your mind back to the present moment.
"Well, Lindir," you began nervously, trying to figure out the best way to say it. Deciding there was no use in formalities, you said it plainly- "I'm with child. Two children, actually."
Lindir's expression was completely blank. Not good, you thought nervously. Maybe I said it too soon.
"What was that?" he asked, his breathing shallow.
"I said, Lindir, that I'm pregnant. With twins." There. It was out.
Your husband stood abruptly and you froze- was he angry?
"Oh my," was all he got out before he keeled over right into a bush. You couldn't hold back a laugh at his reaction as you lifted his upper body and laid him in the grass. This was a typical reaction to nerves or surprise for him.
You fanned him with your book, your nerves returning as his eyes fluttered open.
"Are you all right, melamin?" you asked him, smiling as you smoothed back his hair.
"Oh yes. I'm fine, Alayna," he replied, smiling faintly as he reached up to touch your cheek. "I'm going to be. a father- I've never been happier."
You laughed, bending down to give him a quick kiss. You then helped him up, leading him into your house. As you began preparing dinner, he sat at the kitchen table, a dreamy expression on his face. After a few moments of silence, however, you heard his voice from behind you-
"Wait, I'm going to be a father?! I'm not ready for this, what if-"
You shook your head, shoulders shaking with silent laughter as you imagined your husband's terrified expression. This new adventure was going to prove quite interesting.
Well, I hope you all liked it! Please feel free to let me know what you thought, if you have any suggestions for my improvement, or if you just want to chat! Blessings ❤️❤️❤️

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