So We Shall Be Nine- Part 3

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      All right, all right! That's what I'm talking about! Here's the third (and final) installment of So We Shall Be Nine.  It's been a long time coming, and by a long time I mean two weeks, but hey. Two weeks is a long time.  I'm really excited for you guys to read this- I'm hoping this wraps the story up nicely.  Thanks to all of you who have been reading and commenting, and a special thanks to those of you who have been reading and not commenting- I know you're out there :) Also, just a side note, this won't be totally canon in the time line (as per usual)
Well, here it is! Enjoy~
      You doubled over in pain as an orc arrow embedded itself in your leg.  Stumbling to your knees, you quickly crawled out of sight behind a rock to inspect the wound more closely.  You drew your leg to your chest and saw that the arrow wound was quickly beginning to bleed. You cursed softly- what was it that made you so susceptible to arrows?
      Squeezing your eyes shut, you grabbed the shaft and pulled it out of your calf. You felt a tremor of pain worse than anything you had felt before and couldn't hold back a yell.  The pain was so intense that you swooned and lost consciousness.
      A few hours later, you woke up, dazed and unsure of your surroundings.  You saw that the sun had set, so you assumed it must be evening.  All of a sudden, the memories flooded back and the throbbing pain in your left leg was brought abruptly to your attention.  Seeing that you were bleeding quite a bit, you also became aware that you were rather light-headed.  Wonderful.
      After a moment, your mind had cleared enough for you to take off your tunic, ripping of a shred and tying it tightly around your leg.  It slowed the bleeding, and you carefully stood, gaining your footing before peeking out from behind the rock and seeing that the orcs had almost disappeared from view.
      Not wanting to give up your chase, you began limping after them, but only made it a bit farther before your leg bled through the makeshift bandage.  Feeling suddenly faint, you fell to the ground again.  You looked up and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw that the orc pack had also stopped for the night.  Making your way underneath a large rock overhang, you curled up and fell asleep again.
      Legolas and Aragorn stood a few yards behind Gimli as he rustled the scorched remains of the orc pack.  Legolas' thoughts had been on Y/N- they had passed the spot where he saw her fall, but there were no signs of life whatsoever.  It worried him-
      As Gimli pulled out a small belt- one of the hobbits', he realized- Legolas looked away, heart sinking.  He scanned the landscape, not really taking in the scenery until he spotted a thin trail of red in the grass.  Legolas walked over to inspect it more closely, and realized with a jolt that it was a trail of blood. Following the trail, he found that it ended underneath a rock and beside a cloak. A Lothlórien cloak. Could it be? It had to be Y/N's.
Legolas noticed that the tall grass was crushed down in a spot, as though Y/N had laid there for a while. He called Aragorn over, who was bent over a piece of rope.
"Aragorn, come look at this."
Aragorn crouched over the pool of blood, feeling the patch of bent grass and inspecting the cloak closely.
"Y/N lay here, last night," he stood up suddenly. "She was there until merely a few hours ago."
"Then she must have gone somewhere," Gimli interjected, joining them where they stood.  "If the young hobbits went into Fangorn Forest as you say, Aragorn, perhaps she went there also."
      Aragorn was silent for a moment.  "Yes, that is possible," he finally replied, straightening up. "If she is alive."  He began to walk towards the border of the forest, Legolas and Gimli close behind.  As they entered, Legolas could hear the trees murmuring in low rumbles.  Gimli raised his axe and Legolas chuckled at his friend's actions.
      Aragorn motioned for Gimli to stop and suddenly a booming voice began to speak.  Legolas whipped around, but he couldn't tell where it was coming from. The voice sounded oddly familiar...
A bright beam of light began to glow between two trees. Legolas pulled out his bow and shot an arrow at it, while Gimli and Aragorn drew their weapons as well. The light grew even brighter until Legolas had to turn away. Finally, the light began to fade, and Legolas looked up to see Gandalf.
Legolas' eyes widened. How could this be? Following Aragorn's lead, he dropped to his knees and bowed his head. He kept his eyes on the ground as Gandalf began to speak, recounting everything he had done since his fall at Moria.
"You wonder where Y/N is," he said, stopping in front of Legolas. Legolas stood up, nodding as Gandalf smiled knowingly. "She is not with the Halflings, but has been found by Lord Éomer and his men. If she is still alive, she will be receiving care back in Rohan. We would do well to go there- I must speak with Théoden."
Aragorn got up as well, Gimli following suit, and the four men headed to the edge of Fangorn Forest. When they reached the clearing, Gandalf summoned his horse and they began galloping towards Rohan.
When they reached Rohan, Gandalf led Aragorn and Gimli into the throne room, while Legolas asked a guard to lead him to the infirmary. After much convincing and a few choice words from Gandalf, the guard reluctantly beckoned Legolas to follow him. After several minutes of brisk walking, the guard halted in front of a small door. Nodding at Legolas, he opened the door quietly before leaving.
Legolas took a deep breath before entering. There was a heavy tension in the air, which was typical of a sickroom but still made him uneasy. Looking around the room, his eyes landed on a small bed in a corner, which had two nurses huddled around it. Legolas approached the bed, coughing to get the attention of the nurses.
"Do you have an elleth in your care?" he asked, attempting to get a look at the person in the bed.
The nurse looked at him suspiciously. "Who are you?" she asked him.
"Legolas Thranduillion. The elleth I speak of is my friend. Is she here?"
The nurse stepped aside, throwing him a cautious glance before going to take care of another patient.
Legolas moved to the side of the bed and saw the patient fully. Indeed, it was Y/N, but she was very pale and her breathing was shallow. Legolas sank into the bedside chair, taking Y/N's small, cold hand in his large warm one and stroking her hair. Y/N's face was peaceful, and a small smile graced her lips at his touch. Legolas thought of their journey, their late night talks when she came to report and how she had disappeared. Though he couldn't place when his feelings had begun, he knew now that he loved her. He was in love with Y/N, and it was a good feeling. Now he just needed her to wake up.
Knowing that he may be there for a while, Legolas made himself comfortable and began singing softly in Elvish.
Everything was dark. Your last memory had been of huddling under a rock, fighting to remain conscious. After the darkness had set in, you vaguely remembered being jostled around and the sound of horses galloping. Then everything had been silent.
Now, though, you were becoming aware of a dim light and a soft, smooth voice. You could feel something smoothing down your hair. The light was growing brighter, and the voice was becoming clearer. You suddenly realized that you were in a bed. Your eyes fluttered open, and you found yourself face to face with Legolas. He was staring down at you with such worried eyes that you couldn't help but smile a little.
"How long have you been here?"
Upon seeing that you were awake, Legolas blushed and pulled away slightly, letting go of your hand.
"Three days," he admitted, glancing up at you briefly.
You reached up and pulled him back down by his sleeve. He looked at you questioningly.
"I never realized it before," you whispered, your voice hoarse from lack of use, "but once I was away from you, it came to me. I think I love you-"
In one quick movement, Legolas stooped down and kissed you firmly. Fireworks erupted in your chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him closer. When you two finally broke apart, you were both blushing and smiling uncontrollably.
"I love you too, melamin," Legolas replied happily. Taking your hand again, he sat back down next to you, where he remained until you were healed a few days later. Over that time, you grew very close, and your bond became ever stronger. Being in love was a wonderful feeling.
After you healed, you and Legolas fought together in the Battle of Helm's Deep. Though you lost your brother, Legolas was there for you and you eventually came to terms with Haldir's death. After the destruction of the Ring, you and Legolas attended Aragorn's coronation together and celebrated your friend's marriage. Shortly after, you and Legolas were married, and after journeying Middle-Earth one last time you and your husband departed for the Grey Havens, with Gimli in tow. So ended the time of Legolas and Y/N in Middle-Earth, and thus began their happy eternity across the sea.
Okay! Wow, that took me way longer to write than I expected. I just finished re-watching the Return of the King, so I am kind of an emotional puddle right now. I hope you have enjoyed this three-part story, and be sure to let me know if you want to see another multi-part thing. Thanks for sticking this one out with me.
I should have my next one-shot up by Wednesday (featuring a character I haven't written on before, eep) and requests are still open!
Who are your favorite Tolkien characters? Let me know, I would love to rant about their awesomeness :)
Have a blessed day/night!

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