A Warm Welcome

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     Okay! Here's another one shot. Enjoy~

      You hadn't had a proper cleaning or meal for almost a week.  As a Ranger of the North, you did not have a place to call home and rarely settled down for long.  After wandering the mountains, fields and forests of Arda for ten years, you were quite used to the rugged lifestyle.  However, since the darkness of Mordor had begun to awaken once more, you had been traveling with more urgency, eager to help different civilizations across Middle Earth. 
       You had left Rivendell a week ago, and, after meeting a halfling by the name of Bilbo Baggins, you and Elrond had decided you should visit the Shire to see how they were faring.  From what you had heard, the hobbits of the Shire were a very peaceful folk, and you realized that they may need a guardian in these times. 
     You were contemplating this as you stepped out of the forest and into a large corn field.  You strode along a small path through the tall stalks, unable to see where you were going until the corn came to an abrupt end and you found yourself in a small village.  There was a happy air about the place as small hobbits bustled about, bartering in a marketplace, and loud chattering reached your ears.  You breathed in deeply, the smell of greenery and freshly baked bread welcoming you into the Shire.
      As you stepped into view, several hobbits turned your way, stopping what they were doing to stare.  Granted, you were quite different from them: your height -though you were not tall for a human, you towered above these folk- your ruggedness, and the weapons on your back made you stand out.  You smiled softly at them as you made your way through the crowded market and toward a cluster of homes.  Hopefully someone would allow you to clean up and possibly even eat something. 
      You were walking slowly down a gravel path with houses on either side when suddenly you heard someone shouting at you.
      "Miss! Excuse me, miss!" 
      You turned around, confused that you could see no one. 
      "Over here, miss. In the garden!"
      Your eyes finally landed on a young-looking hobbit on his hands and knees, covered in dirt.  He was looking up at you from a large patch of vegetables, smiling sweetly.  He stood up and brushed himself off as you approached. 
      "I'm Samwise. Samwise Gamgee," he said, reaching out to shake your hand.  "What are you doing here?"
      "I am here by request of Lord Elrond of Rivendell.  I am traveling this way and he has asked me to check on the Shire-folk."
      "You've met the Elves?" Samwise exclaimed, excitement filling his voice.  "But what am I sayin', for goodness' sake," he scolded himself.  "You must be starving! Come in, my old Gaffer won't mind if you eat some food.  He's out right now," Samwise explained, "so he never needs to know you were here."
      The young hobbit led you inside, and you gazed around in wonder at the cozy furnishings.  Though you had to stoop to get in the door, the hobbit-hole didn't feel uncomfortably small. Instead, it was very cheery and welcoming. 
      "Here, come have a seat," he ordered as he began rustling around for some food.  You did as he said and barely fifteen minutes later there was a plate of steaming hot stew in front of you.  As you ate, you and Samwise made light conversation, and you found that he really was very kind.  When you got to the topic of where you were born, you told him of your life of traveling, and how you didn't have a permanent home.  His reaction to you not having a bed of your own made you laugh- he was appalled. 
      "This is wonderful, Samwise," you exclaimed, surprised at the hobbit's fantastic cooking.
     "Oh, it's nothing, really," he said, and you noticed he looked rather flustered.  "Can I help you with anything else while you're here, Miss Y/N?"
     "Well," you started, "I could use a cleaning.  You wouldn't know where there is a stream nearby?"
      "Well, there's the Brandywine river, but that's too far off.  You can use our tub," he offered.
      You gratefully accepted his offer, and after you had finished your stew he showed you to the small bathroom.  The tub was quite a squeeze- while perfect for a hobbit, it was rather small for a human like you.  It did the job, though, and you exited the bathroom feeling very clean and refreshed. 
      "You can stay in my room if you like, Miss Y/N," Sam spoke to you from the kitchen.  "It may be a bit small, but it's got to be better than what you've been sleepin' on."
      "Oh, Samwise, I would love to stay the night, but I'm afraid I've got to be going," you said sadly.  "I have to travel the perimeter of the Shire to make sure it is safe, and then I must continue on my journey."
      Sam came turned to you, a slight look of disappointment in his eyes. 
      "Oh, all right then," he said quietly.  "I've put your cloak and bag outside, and your sword has been polished up a bit.  I understand if you have to go, but it's sure been nice having you."
      Your heart melted and you smiled a little, thanking him for his kindness and standing to go outside.  As you stepped outside and straightened up, you looked around the little village and sighed.  What a peaceful life, spending every day going to the market, gardening, having a family.  You almost felt jealous of Samwise as you fastened your traveling cloak and hoisted your bag over your shoulder.  While you were slipping your sword into its sheath, you heard the door open behind you and there was the young hobbit standing in front of you.
      "I packed you a little somethin' for the road," he said as he shyly handed you a small basket.  You opened it and smiled down at him- he had packed you a few apples, a lump of cheese and a small loaf of bread. 
      "Thank you, Samwise," you said, kneeling down to his level.  "This was very kind of you.  You're a wonderful young hobbit."  He blushed deeply.
      "Call me Sam."  He reached down into his pocket and handed you a single small seed.  "An apple seed," he said softly, pressing it into your palm.  "When you have a home of your own, you can plant it and remember the Shire."
      Your eyes filled with tears as you took the seed from him.  You tucked it into your pocket and stood up.  Leaning down a final time, you kissed Sam gently on the forehead.
      "Thank you, Sam," you whispered, straightening up and walking out of his yard. 
      As you walked farther away, you turned around one last time and saw Sam standing at the gate.  You waved at him before looking back at the path before you and continuing on your journey.
      "The road goes ever on and on..."
    Well, I hope you enjoyed this! It was an idea that I came up with, and thought it would be cute.  Not sure if it was my best work, but oh well.  It was fun to write.  Please let me know what you thought- don't be afraid to comment! I appreciate both positive comments and constructive criticism.  Remember, requests are always open!
      Also, in case you didn't read the last Author's Note, I am doing a cover contest for this book.  Details can be found in the most recent A/N if you're interested. 

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