Christmas Cheer

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      This was requested by absolutely no one!  It was a cute little idea that I had and, since it's Christmas time, I thought now would be the time to do it.
It's not really long or anything, just something cute (or at least I thought so).  Modern AU, yee!
      Y/d/n = your daughter's name

      You clicked the button to unlock your car and opened the door, sliding into the seat and leaning back.  You closed your eyes and let out a long breath of air, placing a hand on your back- you were expecting a baby, and your six-month belly was getting a bit cumbersome.  You had just come from a doctor's appointment, and you were ready to go home and rest.  Your morning had consisted of waking up, getting dressed, fixing breakfast for your three-year old, and giving your husband a quick kiss before making a quick exit to the car.  You needed a nap.
      Shutting the car door and buckling your seatbelt, you turned the key to start the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.  Glancing down at the dashboard, you turned the radio to a Christmas station and started the drive home.
      Six years ago you had married Legolas, your college boyfriend.  You had had a great relationship throughout college, but once  you were married and moved in together things got even better.  After three years of marriage, your little daughter had been born and had brought both joy and chaos to your lives.  Now, three years later, you were pregnant again.  According to the doctor you had just seen, all was going well and there was nothing to worry about, so although you were tired you were also happy.
      As you stopped at a red light, your thoughts wandered to what was happening at home.  Your daughter was very energetic, and you hoped that Legolas was able to keep her under control.  Not that you didn't trust your husband- he was sweet, patient, and great with kids, but you knew that he was tired after a long day yesterday.  You just hoped he wouldn't be too frazzled by the time you arrived home.
      The light turned green and traffic started moving again.  You turned onto another less busy street and sighed contentedly.  Another five minutes and you would be home.  Yes, it would surely be chaos, but it was home. 
      Pulling into the driveway, you put the car in park and sat for a moment, looking at your home.  It was full of so many memories- it was the house you and Legolas moved into when you got married, where you spent your first Christmas, where you had taken two pregnancy tests now that came out positive.  It was the place where you two were growing your family.
      You opened the car door and a rush of frigid air blew in, causing you to shiver. After climbing out of the car, you grabbed your purse and the paperwork from your doctor's appointment.  You slowly made your way up the stairs and onto your front porch.  Bracing yourself against the chilly wind, you blew a lock of hair out of your face and fumbled around for your keys.  When you found them, you quickly unlocked the front door and stepped inside, basking in the warmth of your home.  As you pulled off your coat, you furrowed your brow in confusion- it was too quiet.  It was never that quiet when your daughter was home.  Was she sleeping?
      "Legolas, honey, I'm home," you called, hoping he would respond and give you an idea of where he was. 
      "We're in here, love," came your husband's gentle voice from the direction of the kitchen.  You took off your shoes and placed them next to the door before starting down the hallway.
      "How was everything while I was-" you stopped, shocked at the sight that greeted you as you stepped into the kitchen.  At the kitchen table sat your daughter, y/d/n, in a green shirt and red and white-striped pajama pants, a tube of bright green icing in her hands (and smeared all over her fingers).  In front of her sat two cookie sheets, one full of already decorated cookies and one with blank ones that had yet to be frosted.  Legolas stood behind her, guiding her hand as she squeezed icing all over another cookie, covering it with the green frosting. 
      At your entrance, both y/d/n and Legolas looked up, and a smile lit up each of their faces as they saw you in the doorway.
      "Mommy! Mommy, look what I made!" your daughter called, waving a cookie over her head. 
      "It's beautiful!  You're quite the artist," you smiled down at her as she turned back to the table,  grabbing another bare cookie.  You looked up at Legolas, chuckling as he straightened up and walked over to press a kiss to your lips. 
      "How was she while I was gone?" you said in a low voice, leaning your head against his chest as he massaged your lower back. 
      "Everything went well," he murmured, "we played in the snow for a while and then she said she wanted to surprise you with cookies."
      "She wanted to surprise me with cookies?" you smiled, your heart swelling.  You groaned as a few tears came to your eyes.  "Darn hormones," you muttered, causing Legolas to laugh with you. 
      "Here, why don't you come sit down, you must be exhausted."  Legolas guided you to a seat at the kitchen table and you lowered yourself into the chair, reaching down to massage your swollen feet.  Legolas took a seat next to you and you watched your daughter in silence for a moment before he spoke up again.
      "How did your doctor's appointment go, Y/N?" he asked, looking over at you after he brushed y/d/n's hair out of her face.
      "Everything's looking good," you sighed, placing a hand on your swollen stomach.  "Nothing seems out of the ordinary, I'm just having the normal tiredness of a six-month pregnant woman," you laughed, lifting a hand to smooth your hair out of the way. 
      "Ah, yes.  Anything I can do for you, love?  I know your feet are bothering you," Legolas offered, reaching over and taking your hand. 
      "If you could help with cleaning the kitchen, that would be excellent," you said, smiling over at him.  "Though, a shoulder rub would be lovely too..."
      With a laugh, Legolas stood up and moved so he was standing behind you.  He placed his hands on your shoulders, massaging circles into them with his thumbs.  You smiled, closed your eyes, and leaned back to your head was propped against Legolas's chest.
      "Thanks, love," you sighed, opening your eyes and looking up into his icy blue ones.
      "My pleasure, darling."

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