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This was requested by UrgoZilla.  Thanks for requesting!  I really hope this was what you wanted
Also, keep in mind that this takes place before the Fellowship of the Ring.  So the characters are a bit younger.  You can decide just how young you/the other characters are, I haven't specified in the story. Also, PLEASE comment with suggestions/ideas on how I can improve, or or what you thought of my story.  I'm also always happy to communicate via DM, if you have a private comment or just want to chat one on one.  I like making new friends :)  Also, always remember that REQUESTS ARE OPEN!  If you could DM me your requests, that would be great (it helps me stay organized) but putting them in the comments is OK too.  I also have a format-thing in the first chapter of this book if you need an idea of what to include in requests.  Anyway, enough talking.  Enjoy the story!

      You and your friend were walking down the streets of Hobbiton, arguing in whispers for fear of being heard.
      "I'm telling you, Y/F/N, you must be losing your mind.  There is no way that he could like me."
      "Y/n, it's so obvious!  He's always following you around.  I even saw him pass by when you were starga-"
      You clapped a hand over her mouth as the Hobbit in question suddenly came into view.  Peregrin Took was your long time friend, but lately he had been more clingy than usual and you were determined to find out why.  Your friend, of course, had plenty of fantastical ideas, but you knew better than to listen to her.  Pippin could never like you as more than a friend. 
      Pippin winked as he strolled by, rounding a corner and disappearing again.
      "See?" Y/f/n hissed, slapping your hand off of her mouth.  "He follows you everywhere.  And don't try to tell me you don't have feelings for him also."
      "Nonsense," you snapped, your cheeks heating up.  "Besides, even if there were something between us, my brother would never allow it."  Samwise Gamgee, your elder brother by four years, was very protective, and there was no doubt in your mind that he would disapprove your courting his mischievous friend. 
      You and your friend stopped suddenly as you reached the gate to your Hobbit-hole.  After a quick farewell, you opened the door to be welcomed by the smell of dinner.
      "I'm home, Sam," you announced as you pulled the door shut behind you. 
      "Dinner's almost ready," your brother called from the kitchen.  "Could you go get some potatoes from the garden?"
      Rolling your eyes, you pushed up your sleeves and headed back out the door.  As you dug around with a small trowel, you heard a familiar voice in the distance.  Pippin had a habit of singing very often, and he had even written a few himself.  You smiled to yourself as you heard his voice get closer- he was singing one of his own songs.  You only recognized it because he would often ask you to listen to his songs and give your opinion.  You had always thought this a perfectly normal thing to do, but now you couldn't help but think of your conversation with y/f/n. 
      Your thought were interrupted by Pippin calling your name.  You looked up to see him waving frantically from the path, trying to get your attention.  Sighing, you got up, brushing the dirt off of your apron and walking over to where he was waiting for you.
      "Hello, Pippin," you said, waving as you approached the fence.  "What brings you here?"
      "I was wondering if you would want to... uh... come over later on.  I have a new song to show you."
      "I can try," you replied, "but I couldn't come until a bit later."
      "I could come get you!" Pippin suggested eagerly, before sobering up and coughing awkwardly.  "If you want, of course."
      "That would be just fine," you said with a smile.  "How about 7:00?"
      "Okay!" Pippin smiled widely.  "I'll see you then!"
      At that moment, Sam opened the door to get the potatoes you had picked.  Waving at Pippin one last time, you gathered up your harvest and brought them in for your brother, who began to peel them.  After you cleaned up a bit and you and Sam ate dinner, you decided to sit outside and wait for Pippin.
      "I'm going over to Pippin's house.  He's coming to get me at 7:00," you called, stepping onto your porch.
      "Alright, y/n.  But no funny business, I don't want him ending up with my sister."
      You huffed, rolling your eyes as you sat down on the front step and opened a book you had brought outside.  It was a gift from Sam, a book about the different languages of Middle Earth.  You had spent the last few years trying to memorize the Elvish and Dwarvish alphabets and learn to speak them.  Though most people thought it was pointless, you were fascinated by the languages and quickly became absorbed in what you were reading. 
Before you knew it, it was 7:00 and Pippin was walking through your front gate.  You snapped the book shut, straightened your dress and went to meet him. He offered you his arm, flushing slightly, and you took it with a smile. As you walked back to his house, you chatted happily, completely lost in the moment.
When you finally arrived, he took you into the backyard and sat down on the grass, motioning for you to sit next to him. You complied, remembering that he had wanted to show you his new song. As you looked at him, waiting for him to start singing, you noticed that he looked... nervous, almost. This struck you as odd, because he had never been afraid to sing before, but you brushed it off.
"Well, go ahead. I'm ready to hear your song," you prompted, causing him to startle slightly. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and began to sing:

(Yes, I'm doing the thing. Watch the video above)

When he had finished, you remained silent for a moment. All his songs had always been silly and lighthearted. This one was neither, but it was beautiful.
"Wow," you breathed as he opened his eyes and looked at you sheepishly, waiting for your opinion. "That was beautiful."
Pippin smiled, blushing, and mumbled something under his breath.
"What was that, Pip? I didn't hear what you said."
"I said it wasn't as beautiful as you."
Your heart stopped as your eyes grew wide and your face heated up. That was unexpected. But yet, hearing him say that made you feel good. Really good.
"Well, thanks you, Pippin," you smiled finally, looking up at him. "That is very kind of you."
He smiled back down at you, putting his arm around your shoulder and kissing the top of your head. Wow, you thought. I wonder what Sam will have to say about this.
Well, folks, what did you think? This was honestly way harder to write than a lot of my oneshots, which was surprising, but once I got into it I had a lot of fun. I felt like it was a little "all over the place," but hopefully you all still enjoyed it. Let me know what you thought! Was it too cringey, not cringey enough? I appreciate any and all comments/suggestions.
Also, just FYI, I should have my next oneshot up this weekend. But there's always a possibility of one before then. Have a good day/night!

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