Ultimate Sacrifice

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I'm back!  This time with a request by Jabberwocky31, who you need to go check out.  She has an awesome Tolkien oneshot book, and I think y'all should go read it, because it's amazing.  Okay? Okay.
So anyway, this one is going to be reeeally angsty, so be prepared.  I must admit, I was excited to write this one.  I love sad stuff 😂
Warning: a lot of time skips, angst/ lots of sadness, and some violence.  Particularly towards the end.  You have been warned.
      You stood before King Thranduil's throne, a single tear running down your cheek at his harsh words.


      All you had done was help some dwarves in need- it was always your instinct to help those who needed it.  Why did you deserve this punishment simply for doing the right thing?

What's your name, master dwarf?" You asked softly as you crouched down to meet the brown-haired dwarf's eyes.  As an elf you were much taller than he was, so you decided to just sit on the ground to be closer to his height. 
"I'm Kili," he replied with a cocky grin, "and I'm a dwarvish prince. Bet you've never met one of those before, eh?"
"No, I can't say that I have," you said with a gentle smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your pointed ear.  "But it's an honor." 
You blushed to see Kili's smile soften, but after a moment you realized he was looking past you.  Whipping around, you came face to face with Tauriel, Captain of the Guard.
"My apologies, Tauriel," you said, standing up quickly and bowing.  "I will leave if your shift has begun..."  She nodded with a smile and you returned it halfheartedly, starting to walk away from the handsome dwarf's cell.  Turning one last time before you ascended the stairs, your heart sank as you saw Kili engaged in an enthusiastic conversation with Tauriel. 

You turned away from Tauriel, bidding her goodnight and going back to your chambers.  As your friend, Tauriel had trusted you enough to admit that she was falling for the young dwarf prince that you had been thinking of almost nonstop.  
      In an effort to be a good friend, you had given her encouragement and any advice you could offer for her potential relationship with Kili.  But, although you were smiling on the outside, your heart was breaking the whole time.  Tauriel had fallen for Kili, and it was as clear as the stars that Kili had fallen for Tauriel.  So where did that out you?  Alone.  This was what unrequited love felt like.

You snuck through the halls of the Mirkwood dungeons, purposely rattling gates and slamming doors to get the attention of your fellow guard members.  If you could get them over here, the dwarves would be able to get out.  The Halfling had the keys, all you needed to do was cause a distraction.
      "Send reinforcements to the lower dungeons!" You called as loud as you could, hoping to attract the attention of any guard members in the area.  Soon enough, you heard the sound of many feet running down the staircases leading to your location.  You took the chance to slip out, going up a back way to rejoin with the dwarves. 
      You went outside and ran towards the gateway in the river that opened up to the world outside of Mirkwood.  If the dwarves could get through there, they were safe.  You kept telling yourself that if you could do this, you could then forget about Kili and go back to your normal life.  As many times as you told yourself that, though, deep down you knew it wasn't true.  You knew that your heart would forever be with him, even when he was long gone. 
      You heard the dwarves' faint yells as they came jostling down the river in the king's wine-barrels, along with the savage sounds of orcs.  Oh dear.
       What you failed to hear, though, was the elvish scout who crept up behind you, watching your every move as you waited to set the dwarves free.  It wasn't until he had pinned your hands behind your back that you realized he was there.
       "Now, what exactly do you think you're doing?"

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