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      Hello friends!
This one was requested by Swoopinghawk, an amazing friend of mine!  Go check her stuff out *wink wink*.  I had so much fun with this one, although my writer's block has been really getting to me lately. 
      Also, please note that requests are closed as of 1/10/19.  That's tomorrow.  They'll be opening back up sometime in the spring, though I don't have an exact date yet.  However, please know that this book isn't over!  I'm just getting busy this semester and won't have much time to write.  Having said that, I have a number of requests in already that I will be publishing after requests are closed.  So you'll get a few more updates out of me in the coming weeks!  After I get those done, though, you can expect this book to be fairly inactive until the spring, unless I have the inspiration (and TIME) to write a little oneshot of my own conjuring. 
      Sorry for the long A/N, but please continue to vote and comment!  Enjoy the story :)

    Haldir stood on a tree limb, gazing intently down at the group that was trespassing in Lothlorien's territory.  Who were they?  He had no idea, and he truly didn't care to know.  That was the business of Lady Galadriel.  All he was concerned about was what their business was in Lothlorien and whether they meant any harm. 
      Glancing back at the other guard members, among them his two brothers, he waved them on with his hand.  Silently, the members of the Lothlorien guard dropped out of the trees until they surrounded this motley group of people.
Haldir landed directly in front of a red-haired dwarf who was speaking so loudly that he failed to notice his presence until too late.
"That dwarf breathes so loud I could have shot him in the dark," Haldir said smugly, an arrow pointed directly at the dwarf's head. As the group fell silent, he had the chance to look them over at last. His eyes skimmed over two men, three Hobbits, an elf, and a woman- wait, what?
Haldir did a double-take and his eyes locked with a pair of e/c ones. Who was this woman? He found himself staring a bit, surely her beauty indicated a high status among her people? He had to admit, he had not clue that a mortal woman could be so breathtakingly beautiful.
"Come, the Lady of Light wishes to see you," he said, faltering slightly under the woman's intense gaze. What was it about her that made his heart begin to race in his chest? He shook the thought vigorously from his mind as he beckoned them forward, leading the guard and their captives back to the heart of Lothlorien.
You gazed around in wonder as the guard led you and the rest of the Fellowship through Lothlorien. It was unlike anything you had ever seen before- being from Rohan, you were very used to human life. Rivendell had been a surprise to you, but you thought that you could live here, if only you weren't a prisoner.
After your audience with the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, you were set free to wander about the kingdom as you wished, as long as you did not leave. Most of the Fellowship went to rest, but you were still to jarred by the recent events to sleep. Instead, you decided to go for a stroll, hoping it would ease your mind.
"Pardon me, my lady."
You jumped at the sound of a voice behind you, turning to see the blonde-haired elf that had sassed Gimli earlier.
"Sorry, er..."
"Haldir," he said with an awkward smile, bowing slightly. "It's no problem, I was merely wondering if you would like me to- uh- show you... Tour?" he finished, fumbling over his words a bit and blushing.
"That would be lovely, Haldir," you said, arching a brow at his odd mannerisms. It certainly wasn't an Elvish characteristic- Legolas was never this awkward. None of the elves you had met were. So what was wrong with Haldir?
The blonde elf extended an arm to you and you took it, allowing him to lead you around the kingdom. He pointed out the major locations, taking you past the throne room again, down the main pathway of the kingdom, and through his own study. Though he stammered every now and then, particularly when you spoke, you found that you quite enjoyed the time spent with him. When the two of you arrived back where the rest of the Fellowship was sleeping, he bade you goodnight with a sweet smile.
"Haldir," you called softly as he began to walk away. He turned around, waiting for you to continue. "I enjoyed our time together tonight. Perhaps you would accompany me on another walk tomorrow? You could show me some other areas of Lothlorien. I'm sure there is more of this lovely kingdom to see?" you suggested with a charming smile, fiddling with a strand of your hair as you waited for his response.
"Oh, I- great- that is to say, it would be my pleasure, Lady Y/N," Haldir said happily, blushing a deep crimson. "You know where my study is- feel free to come visit any time. Otherwise, I shall come and fetch you at the same time tomorrow. Perhaps we can visit the gardens, they are quite beautiful."
"Sounds lovely," you said, "I'll see you then?"
"Of course," the elf nodded, bidding you goodnight before he left you alone with the rest of the sleeping Fellowship.
      That routine continued on for several days, until at last Haldir discovered that the Fellowship would be leaving in less than twenty four hours' time.  His stomach churned at the thought as he walked down to pick up Y/N for their nighttime walk that had now become a routine.  How on earth was he going to tell her of his growing feelings?  Surely she wouldn't stay- she had to be with her companions, she had a job to do.  But he couldn't just let her leave without saying something.
      Haldir was jerked out of his thoughts by a gentle hand on his shoulder.  He looked up, startled, and his eyes met Y/N's e/c ones. 
      "I was just looking for you," they said in unison, laughing awkwardly after. 
      "Come, let us walk," Haldir said after he regained his composure, offering his arm to the woman who took it immediately.  They walked in silence for a few moments before Y/N spoke up quietly.
      "I- that is, the Fellowship- we're leaving tomorrow," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice.  Haldir's stomach twisted at the words, realizing just how much he would miss her company. 
      "So I've heard," he replied softly, turning to meet her intense gaze.  They came to a stop underneath one of the glowing lamps along the path as Haldir took a deep breath.   This was it. 
      "I must say, I was surprised at the arrival of your company," he started, turning to face her.  So far, so good.  "I had never expected to meet a mortal woman- that is, I didn't realize your type could be so-" he faltered, cursing inwardly.  So much for smooth.  Well, perhaps there was still some way to same this.  "My point is, your beauty struck me immediately and you have proven to be-" by this time, Haldir's face was beet red and he could hardly meet Y/N's shining eyes.  He trailed off into silence as Y/N shushed him, placing a hand on his forearm and looking him directly in the eyes.
      "Are you trying to say that you like me, Haldir?"
      "Wha- I- well, I mean- but- whatever makes you think-" Haldir sputtered, his mind reeling from Y/N's blunt question.  This was not what he had had in mind at all.
      Suddenly, his stuttering was silenced by a pair of lips on his own.  His eyes widened as he froze, too shocked to do anything.  A moment later, Y/N pulled away, a soft smile on her face. 
      "Yes," Haldir finally answered Y/N's question, grinning happily down at her before she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him again.

      1201 words

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