3k!!! (And A/N)

1.4K 13 0

Hey everyone!
So in the past couple of days, this book has reached 3,000 readers, and once again, I'm here to thank you guys. THANK YOU!!!!
I definitely did NOT expect this to happen so soon!! I posted my first oneshot on April 14 of this year, and just a few months later, here we are!  I just wanted to thank all of you who have been taking the time to read my stories- it means so much!  When I first published this, I never thought I'd get this many reads, let alone in just a few months!  So yeah, thanks SO much for all your wonderful support.  I love you guys ❤️❤️

On a different subject, my life is getting really busy and hectic.  So I'm not posting as often, as I'm sure you've noticed.  I'm not giving up on the book, but I may need to go on hiatus here pretty soon.  This isn't a sure thing, but it's something I'm considering.  For now, I think I'm going to be taking requests for the next couple of weeks, and then we'll see what happens.  You can probably expect me to only post when I get requests, because I'm not having as much time to come up with ideas of my own.  After that, I might shut down requests and go on a hiatus for a few months- again, it's not definite, just a consideration.  And I would definitely be writing more when I had the time- maybe over the winter or something- and then I'd probably get fully back into this when spring/summer comes around again. 
      However, even if I do go on hiatus, please know that I'll still be on Wattpad!  I'll be updating Spontaneity still, and I have a short story book in my drafts right now that I would probably be working on more.  Don't think I'm going anywhere- you can't get rid of me that easy.
       Anyway, now that all that's out of the way, have a great weekend!

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Oneshots (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now