Last Dance

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Hey!  This one was requested by my amazing friend Swoopinghawk. Be sure to check her out!!!
      Bilbo huffed as he sat down, wishing he could just go home. Well, technically he could go home, but he had been invited and dragged to this party and didn't think it would be polite to leave before it was over. Plus, he had spent the past three and a half hours trying to work up the courage to ask a certain Hobbit to dance.
*a few hours earlier*
The sound of clinking mugs and loud music was overwhelming for Bilbo, who was currently stationed in a corner of the field the party was being held in. He couldn't think- all the noise was just too much. He stood there, watching people come and go, when someone caught his eye.
Her beautiful h/c curls framed her face as she nervously stepped into the crowd. Bilbo watched as she dodged the throngs of Hobbits, her f/c dress slipping in and out of view. Here was someone who was looking exactly the way he felt- like they didn't want to be here. Maybe they would get along.
Bilbo started towards her, a swell of courage leading him on, when another Hobbit stepped in and began talking to the young woman. Bilbo stopped, crestfallen, as he sat down and began conversing with her casually. There goes my chance, he thought sullenly as the other Hobbit held out his arm to her and they went off to dance. Surely now they would be talking for the rest of the night. Oh well, it was worth a try.
*end of flashback*
Bilbo looked around, seeing the subject of his thoughts once again sitting alone. After one dance, she had left the Hobbit who had been talking to her and had resumed her position sitting by herself in a corner. She had pulled out a book, which Bilbo had wanted to ask her about but was, once again, too nervous, and had only spoken to a few others since the dance.
Although it would seem like unfriendly behavior to most, Bilbo had caught the warm smile in her eyes every time she had spoken with someone, and her polite manners when she was approached. Surely she was just the quiet type, like him. But, somehow, that made it even more difficult for Bilbo to work up the courage to ask her for a dance.
      What if she were frightened by him?   What if she were actually unfriendly?  What if she didn't actually want to dance, and she would just say yes to be polite?  Worst yet, what if she flat out rejected him? 
      "She won't ever say yes if you don't ask her," Bilbo jumped at the voice behind him.  He turned around, sighing, to face a Hobbit he had never seen before.  Nosy.  But he was probably right.
      Before he could respond, though, the loud music suddenly died down.  It was a slow dance, and judging by the darkness it must be the last one.  This was his chance.  Don't blow it, Bilbo.  Just ask her to dance.  You've done more difficult things... Like...
      Before he knew what he was doing, Bilbo Baggins was standing directly in front of the Hobbit woman.
      "I, uh, I was wondering if you'd like to- er- dance?" Bilbo stuttered, his nose twitching nervously as he waited for her reaction.
      "You what?  I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," she replied softly, brushing her hair out of her face.
      "Would you like to dance?" Bilbo said more slowly, hoping she wouldn't reject him now, after all this.
      "Oh," she paused, and Bilbo's heart nearly pounded out of his chest.  "I'd love to," he heard her say as a smile spread across her face.  Sweet relief- Bilbo's heart rate returned to normal as he offered his arm and she took it timidly, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.
      "Pardon me, miss, but I don't believe I ever got your name," he attempted to make small talk as they joined the last few dancing couples.
      "Y/n L/n," she replied, a sweet smile on her lips as they danced.  "And you're..."
      "Bilbo Baggins.  Of Bag-End," he said proudly, smiling back down at her.  "Have you had fun tonight?"
      "Oh, yes," Y/n replied hesitantly, her smile fading for a moment.  "I didn't really dance much, but I read for a while, and that was enjoyable."
      They continued to talk until the music came to a stop.  Bilbo let go of Y/n's waist and stepped away from her, his nerves returning now that the dance was finished.
      "So, ah, would you like me to walk you home?" He asked timidly.  "It wouldn't be any problem."
      "That would be lovely," she replied, taking his arm again.  "Thank you, Mr. Baggins.  I had a lovely night."

      Yay!  Maybe not my best writing, but I enjoyed doing it.  Let me know what you thought by commenting and voting, and remember requests are open!!!

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