A Change of Plans

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Hey all!
I planned to get this one up on Friday, and here we are, about 45 minutes into Friday. I'm not sure how many of you will be up to read this, but oh well.
      This one's for MiddleEarth111 , I hope this was what you wanted, mellon! I used her name in this one, but you all can substitute it out for your own if you want. This one was a little more challenging for me to write (not sure why) but I had SO much fun doing it! Please comment what you think, follow me if you want (I'll most likely follow you back) and PM me with requests! I have part 2 of "So We Shall Be Nine" set to be up tomorrow or Sunday, but after that I don't have any writing plans, so requests are welcome! Otherwise I'll probably think up something :) Have a blessed day!

      The war was over- Sauron was defeated. The members of the Fellowship were enjoying their last few days together before they separated for the final time.  Amanwen had joined the Fellowship all the way back in Rivendell, her home, and had journeyed with them all the way to the end.  Now she sat with her friends, eating supper with them one last time before she made her final (and secret) journey to the Grey Havens, where most of her kin had already gone.  Not wanting to hurt the other members of the Fellowship, she had not told anyone of her plans except Aragorn, who had sworn not to tell anyone else.
      Though it saddened her to think that she may not see her friends again, she knew that it was for the best, and so she enjoyed herself anyways, joking with Gimli and the hobbits, all of whom had grown very fond of her.  She looked around at everyone, her eyes eventually falling on Legolas and Aragorn, who were having a quiet discussion off to the side.  Aragorn made eye contact with her briefly, smirking, before looking back and nudging Legolas.  Legolas' ears went pink as he heard what Aragorn had said, and he shushed his friend quickly before looking up at Amanwen and blushing even more. 
      Thinking it unusual for her elven friend to look so flustered, Amanwen laughed, shaking her head. She stood up, thanking the servant who took her plate, and excused herself for the evening.
      After watching Amanwen leave the room, Legolas once again found himself being bombarded by Aragorn's taunts.
      "You  really  haven't told her yet, mellon?" he asked incredulously.  Legolas fought the urge to roll his eyes, replying curtly, "I have not found it to be the right time."
      "You were going to speak to her the night we escaped Moria. You were going to tell her when we arrived in Lothlórien. And again when we  left.  When we arrived in Rohan, you were going to tell her. Mellon, will you ever tell her?" Aragorn ended with a laugh.
      "Surely she will find out soon enough, if you do not shut your exceedingly loud mouth," Legolas snapped, standing up abruptly and walking out of the hall, Aragorn hot on his trail.
      "Mellon, wait!" Aragorn called after him, laughing at his friend's situation.  He was so obviously in love with Amanwen that it was almost painful for the rest of the Fellowship to watch.  It was most painful to Aragorn, however, who knew that if Legolas did not admit his feelings soon, he would not get another chance.  He wanted so badly to tell Legolas this, but Amanwen had forbidden him to tell anyone of her departure until she was already gone, across the Sea.  So he had begun tormenting the young elf mercilessly, in the hopes that he would finally confess his love to the elleth before it was too late.
      Legolas was making a point to speed up, so Aragorn began yelling after him. "Are the elves really so proud  that they cannot admit their own feelings? Or have you been with Gimli too much? You've become nearly as stubborn as he."
      "Very well!" Legolas groaned in Elvish, stopping and turning around.  "Very well, I'll tell her. Honestly, Aragorn, you will be the death of me," he muttered, striding past Aragorn and out a door that led to the courtyard.
      "Coming from an immortal elf, that doesn't mean very much," Aragorn called after him one last time before going back to rejoin the feast with a smile.
      Amanwen stood in the center of the courtyard, h/c hair blowing gently in the night breeze. She looked up at the stars, lost in thought, until she felt a presence behind her. Turning around, she came face to face with Legolas. 
      "Good evening, mellon," she said softly, stepping around him and taking a seat on a stone bench. Legolas sat beside her, and she noticed that he was fidgeting with the hem of his tunic. "What is troubling you?"
      "Well, I... I love you, Amanwen. I would have chosen a better time to tell you, but Aragorn-" he threw a glare in the direction of the palace- "Aragorn would not leave me alone about telling you.  The truth is, I have had feelings for you for a long time, and I have been meaning to tell you for a long time now. If- if you do not return my feelings, my lady, of course I..."
      Amanwen laughed quietly at her companion's rambling. It was proof of his uneasiness- normally, he was very concise.
      "Oh, mellon, I do feel the same way," she replied, smiling up at him. "Only, I am to leave for the Grey Havens tomorrow. I am to rejoin my people."
      Legolas took in a sharp breath, looking around for something to say.
      "Come with me."
      "What?" Amanwen asked, confused.
      "Come with me and Gimli. We are going to travel together- to see our people's lands. Come with us."
      Amanwen took a shaky breath. "Perhaps."
      That was all he needed to hear. Legolas looked down at her in relief, and gently put his arm around her shoulder. Amanwen felt him relax, only to tense up again at a sudden burst of noise from behind them.
      "That's my lad, Legolas! Do you see that, Aragorn? It worked! Your plan worked!"
      Aragorn laughed at the incredulous expression on Legolas' face when he heard of the "plan."  Amanwen put her hand on Legolas' leg, giving him a look not to make a fuss.  Shaking his head, Legolas turned his back on his two friends and hugged Amanwen close to him.
      Needless to say, Amanwen did not travel to the Grey Havens the next day, nor for many, many days after.

Hope you liked it! Until next time :)

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