An Unlikely Pair (Part Two)

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Okay!  Here is Part Two of the request by Morrowseerer. Thanks again for requesting! If you all haven't checked out Part One yet, be sure to do so!
ALSO, I apologize if I messed up the timeline. I am discovering that I have no perception of time within stories. Feel free to correct me if I got it wrong! And because this is fanfiction, its events obviously won't be totally canon with the book or movie.
Alayna sat in front of Bard's fireplace, waiting for her clothes to dry.  Bard's youngest daughter, Tilda, sat in front of her, telling very interesting (and obviously fake) stories.  Despite their unrealistic contents, Alayna humored the girl and pretended to be surprised whenever something exciting happened. 
     Thorin watched her, surprised at her gentle manner with the little girl.  Alayna was very sarcastic and tough around him, but here with Tilda she acted completely different.  Women, Thorin shook his head as the door opened and Bard came in with a stack of battered harpoons, spears and mallets.
      "What's all this?" he asked incredulously, gesturing to the pathetic pile in the bowman's arms.  "You said you had weapons!"
      Alayna rolled her eyes as a loud argument ensued over the state of Bard's weapons.  Granted, they weren't particularly impressive, but at least they were something.
      "Oh, be quiet, all of you!" she shouted over the dwarves, quieting them down immediately.  They looked up at her sheepishly as she quirked her eyebrow at them.  "We should at least be grateful for what Bard has given us," she said sternly, earning a smile from Bard and his children.  "Though," she added, smirking, "they certainly weren't forged in Rivendell."
Kili groaned in pain, and Alayna was reminded of his injury- he had been shot in the leg by an orc, and the arrow's poison seemed to be spreading. She approached him and unwrapped the bloody piece of cloth that was serving as a bandage. Grimacing at its unnatural color, she re-wrapped it and gave Fili some instruction to keep him comfortable.
      By this time, the dwarves had settled down and Alayna sat back down with Tilda so she could finish her story.  Though not many people knew it, Alayna loved children, so this was a special treat for her. 
      She was roughly brought out of her thoughts when Tilda tapped her on the shoulder.
      "Is that dwarf man your friend?"
      Alayna was taken aback. 
      "You mean Thorin?" she asked, laughing.  Tilda nodded.  "Well, I have promised him my service and we trust one another.  So I suppose he is my friend, yes."
      Tilda nodded, thinking for a moment before speaking again.  "I think he likes you."
      Alayna laughed again, shaking her head at the little girl.  "Well, Tilda, most friends do like each other.  What are you getting at?"
      "Earlier, when you first arrived, I could see Thorin watching you.  He has been staring at you all day.  It's really odd."
      Alayna flushed a bit as she tried to think of a response.  This was definitely not what she was expecting.
      "Come on, Tilda!" the older girl, Sigrid, scolded her sister.  "Dinner is almost ready, and I need you to set the table."
As Tilda got up and went to help her sister, Alayna looked around the room for Thorin and noticed he wasn't there. Curious, she stood and went to look outside. Sure enough, there he was on the balcony, looking out upon the Lonely Mountain.
Alayna cleared her throat.
"Yes?" came Thorin's reply as he continued to face away from her.
"Are you alright?" Alayna asked with concern. He seemed unusually tense. "You seem on edge."
"Are you alright?" Thorin heard Alayna ask, and his heart sped up a bit. "You seem on edge."
"Well of course I'm on edge, I'm closer to my homeland than I have been in sixty years. Besides, Kili has been poisoned and there is nothing I can do to help him," he turned around finally, gazing up at Alayna for a few moments.
After an awkward silence, he shifted his gaze to the floor and leaned against the railing. "You seem very fond of the bowman's daughter," he changed the subject suddenly. "I wouldn't have thought you the type."
"Of course I like children!" Alayna exclaimed. "I'm not a monster!"
Thorin smirked, thinking of when he had first seen her, a vicious, fierce wolf. He opened his mouth with a comeback but she cut him off.
"Don't. Say. Anything," she said sternly, glaring down at him before busting up laughing. Thorin saw how her cheeks turned red when she laughed, making him notice her freckles for the first time. He thought it was adorable.
"You look nice when you laugh," he admitted quietly, more to himself than to her. Oh no, she heard me. Alayna had gone quiet and was looking down at him in surprise, cheeks even more flushed than before.
"Oh really?" she asked, her smirk turning into a genuine smile. She patted his head affectionately, mussing up his hair a little. "Why thank you, Thorin Oakenshield."
Thorin cursed himself for being so forward, but had no time to cover up his blunder because it was then time to eat dinner.
There were only two empty spots at the table when they walked in, and they were right next to each other. Thorin sighed and took his seat next to Alayna, who looked quite amused.  He avoided eye contact throughout the meal, not wanting to mess up again. 
      After everyone had finished eating, the Company and Alayna cleaned up and went to sleep. The next morning, Thorin and most of the Company headed off to the docks while a few members stayed behind to grab any extra supplies they could scavenge. Meanwhile, Alayna was standing with Fili and Kili, trying to convince Kili to think straight.
"Kili, you can't possibly go," she pleaded with him, gesturing to his injured leg. "Your uncle won't let you."
Kili opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by the sound of horns in the distance.
"They're leaving," Alayna breathed, shouldering her pack and running out the door, Bofur right behind her.
Alayna pushed through the crowd to see Thorin and the others preparing to board small barges. "Thorin!" she yelled, running up to him. "Did you think you were leaving without me?" she said with mock anger once she reached him.
"Alayna," he muttered under his breath, "I want you to stay here."
"I need you to take care of Kili. He will not be able to come with us- I saw how he looked this morning."
Alayna sighed, knowing he was right. Someone had to take care of Kili.
"Very well," she sighed. "Just do be careful, alright?"
"I will do my best," he replied, beginning to turn away as the horns blew again and the Master of Laketown began to speak.
"Thorin, wait!" He turned, confused, and Alayna stooped down, planting a firm kiss on his lips. She pulled away, cheeks burning, and she waved one last time at the Company before starting back toward Bard's house. As she made her way through the crowd, she saw Fili and Kili sneaking to the front. They never learn, do they? Alayna sighed, knowing that they would be back soon.
Kili writhed in pain as Alayna, Fili and Oin held him down. All of a sudden, a Mirkwood elf- the same one who had been their guard -burst through the door along with a number of orcs. She whipped out her knives and slashed at several of them before running up to Kili. Letting the elleth take her place, Alayna morphed into her wolf form and ran out the door, killing every orc that approached Bard's house.
      Alayna had barely escaped the burning Laketown alive.  She had been burned badly on her back and arm, but was able to make it to the shore and rest there for a while.  When morning came, she changed to a wolf and started for the Lonely Mountain.  She could only hope that the Company hadn't angered Smaug to the point of death. 
      After an extensive journey (she couldn't move very fast), she found herself standing in front of Erebor.  The kingdom Thorin had talked so much about.  Alayna could tell the front of the mountain had been damaged by the dragon, but it looked like the dwarves had built a barricade of stone.
      Alayna shifted back into her regular shape and walked up to a small hole in the stone wall. 
      "Thorin!" She called, looking for any sign of life.  "Balin! Dwalin! Bombur! Are you in there?"
      "How dare you come so close to our kingdom?" came a deep, bellowing voice from above her head.  She stepped back, looking up and seeing Thorin standing on top of the wall, a bow pointed directly at her. "Go. Now."
Alayna backed away, one hand on the hilt of her sword.
"Thorin, it's me. It's Alayna." An arrow barely missed her shoulder, landing instead in the grass. Alayna's eyes widened in shock- something wasn't right. Turning around, she ran away, limping. If she was not wanted here, she would go to Dale and help there.
War was everywhere. Swords clashing, screams and battle cried bombarded Alayna's senses. She ran on all fours, her wolf ears picking up every sound. Through the cacophony, though, she heard a distinct cry of pain. Thorin. Stopping and sniffing, she looked around for the source of the sound. She pinpointed the top of a mountain and began sprinting toward it, barreling down orcs in her path.
      Reaching the top of the mountain, Alayna slowed and changed back to her human form, catching her breath before she looked around the corner.  What she saw nearly knocked the air right back out of her lungs.  There was Thorin on the ground, fighting to keep a blade from piercing his chest.  Azog's blade. 
      Alayna crept up behind Azog with out his or Thorin's noticing.  Raising her sword, she braced herself to kill and took a deep breath.
      "Well hello there, father."  She swung her sword and cut off his head in one swift motion.  His body fell off to the side and Alayna scrambled to Thorin's side, kneeling down to see if he was alright.
      Thorin gazed up at her, pained, as she checked him over. 
      "Where are you injured?"
      "I'm fine-"
      "No, you're not," Alayna tutted, seeing his bleeding foot.  "Can you stand?"
      "I think so," Thorin gritted out, gripping her hand tightly as he leaned on her for support.  "I'm sorry for what I did to you," he said softly as they made their way slowly back to Erebor.
      "You were ill," Alayna responded plainly.  "I know about the dragon sickness. It wasn't your fault."
      "No, Alayna," Thorin insisted, stopping and forcing Alayna to look at him.  "Let me apologize, will you? I'm sorry because I truly do care about you.  Amrilame, Alayna."
      Alayna's breath caught in her throat.  She didn't know Dwarvish, but she had enough sense to figure out what that particular phrase meant.
      "I love you too, Thorin," Alayna bent down and Thorin pulled her in for a kiss.
      Several months later, Thorin stood before the kingdom of Erebor. His kingdom.  He wore his crown with pride as he gazed out upon his people, his new wife Alayna standing regally by his side.
      Whoa, that was long.  I hoped you all liked it, and again, if I made any mistakes please feel free to let me know!  Sorry this took so long to get up, but I hope you enjoyed it.

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