The Fall

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Hey everyone!
This was requested by the awesome Swoopinghawk, who you need to check out.  She writes really good stuff. 
Anyway, please vote and comment and all that jazz.  I'm starting to slowly take requests again, so if you want me to write something, go ahead and shoot a message my way.  Just don't go too crazy, I'm still busy 😅 Enjoy!
      You sat in a coffee shop, a hot mug of tea in one hand and a pencil in the other.  You were in your second year of college and found that this little shop was a good place to get homework done, so you came here often.  Currently you were working on a research paper for a composition class, and you had hit a bit of a dead end.  You massaged your temple, closing your eyes before looking back down at your disappointingly blank sheet of paper.  You were usually quite good at writing this sort of thing, but for some reason the words just weren't coming.
      Sighing, you shut your notebook and stretched.  Perhaps you needed to take a break and get some fresh air.  You finished your tea, returned the ceramic mug to the barista with a smile, and went back to your table.  After packing up your books and pencils, you put on your jacket and grabbed your bag, heading outside. 
      You opened the door and breathed in the cool autumn air, happy to be looking at something other than pages of notes.  You strolled down the street, smiling at strangers as they walked by and admiring the beautiful array of orange leaves on the trees.  How relaxing.
      Suddenly, you heard your phone start ringing in your bag.  That's odd, you thought.  It was the ringtone for your best friend, Legolas.  You had known each other since fifth grade, and so when you both got accepted to the same college you had been ecstatic.  Though you were pursuing different majors, it was nice to have someone else that you knew around the university. 
      You stopped on the sidewalk, rummaging frantically around in your bag for your phone.  Just as your fingers grazed your phone, however, it stopped ringing.  You sighed in exasperation and pulled it out from under several textbooks, checking for a voicemail.  There was none. 
      Furrowing your brow, you pressed the button to call Legolas back and put the phone against your ear.  As the phone rang, you wondered why on earth he would have called you.  He knew you were working on an important paper, and he had decided to take the afternoon to skateboard one last time before the first snow came. 
      You were pulled out of your thoughts when the phone picked up and you heard Legolas's voice. 
      "Hey, Legolas.  Did you call me?" You asked with concern- something sounded off.  His voice was strained or something...
      "Uh, yeah... I may have fallen off my skateboard?" Legolas's voice trailed off at the other end of the phone and you groaned.  So much for a relaxing study break.
      "How bad is it?" You asked, closing your eyes and heaving a sigh.  You loved Legolas, you really did, but sometimes he could be a bit clumsy.
      "Ummm... Well, I can't really walk.  I managed to get over to a bench, and that's where I am now, but- ah," you heard him squeak, clearly in pain.
      "If you're trying to stand up, Legolas Thranduillion, you can sit your butt back down right now," you warned, shaking your head with a slight smile.  He was so stubborn.  "Where are you?  I'll come pick you up and we can head to the emergency room."
      "No no no!  I don't need to go to the emergency room.  It's not that bad."
      "Yes it is, Legolas.  Don't try to get out of it.  Now where are you?"
      Legolas gave you the directions to the park he was at and you jogged to your car, jumping in and throwing your bag into the back seat.  You turned the ignition and started driving to the park. 
     A few minutes later, you pulled into the parking lot and got out, scanning the area for Legolas.  It didn't take long for you to spot him- his long, platinum blonde hair contrasted greatly with that of most of the other skaters there.  He was seated on a bench at the other side of the park, looking around forlornly like a lost puppy.  You smirked and headed into the skating area, scooting past crowds of boys with their skateboards.  You ignored the odd looks they were giving you- you had to admit, you didn't look like the type to be in a skating park- and instead focused on getting Legolas's attention.       
      You waved at him and his eyes finally found you.  He waved sheepishly back as you jogged the rest of the way to where he was sitting. 
      "Fancy seeing you here," you said, raising an eyebrow as you knelt down on the ground in front of him.  He smiled embarrassedly in response and you chuckled.  "Okay, let's look at that leg, eh?"
      You carefully rolled up his pant leg and tried to ignore his hisses of pain.  You felt for any swelling and checked for bruises, trying to make small talk to distract him.  Finally, you rolled his pant leg back down and stood up, plopping down onto the bench next to him. 
      "Well, I'm not a doctor or anything, but I definitely think you hurt yourself seriously enough to go to the ER," you said, patting his hand comfortingly.  "Come on, I'll help you to the car."
      You struggled to heave him up and wrap his (toned) arm around your shoulder.  The two of you made your way slowly across the park and into the parking lot.  When you reached your car, you let him sit on the hood while you opened up the back seat and moved your bag to the front. 
      "You can sit in the back, that way you'll have more room to prop up your leg," you explained as you led him around and eased him into the seat.  When he was moderately comfortable, you shut the door and got in the driver's seat, starting the car and pulling out onto the street. 
      "So, would you care to tell me how this happened?" You inquired, looking at him through the rear-view mirror. 
      "Not really," Legolas grumbled, leaning back against the headrest and closing his eyes. 
      You nodded and continued driving to the hospital.  When you arrived at the emergency room, you pulled up in front of the door and got out.  You told the receptionist what was going on, and some nurses came out to help get Legolas out of the car and into a wheelchair. 
      "This is what we'll be like when we're old," you whispered in his ear, snickering as you wheeled him into the waiting room.  He turned and looked back at you with mock annoyance, rolling his eyes as you laughed. 
      When you had him inside, you went to the front desk and got his paperwork.  The two of you filled it out and you returned it to the receptionist. 
      Then, you waited.  When you finally got into a room, you waited some more.
      "I'm sorry, Y/n," Legolas muttered after a period of silence, looking over at where you were sitting on a chair beside his bed, trying to write your paper with textbooks balanced in your lap.
      "Why are you apologizing?" You scoffed, waving him off.  "It's what friends are for."
      "Is there something I can do to repay you?" He asked, looking at you pitifully. 
      "I'll think about it," you rolled your eyes, smiling over at him.  "I promise I'll think of something."
      That seemed to satisfy him, and you spent another forty-five minutes in comfortable silence.  At long last, the doctor came in to look at Legolas's leg.  He was wheeled out to have some X-Rays done, and when he returned you could tell by the look on his face that it wasn't good.
      "His leg is broken in two places," the doctor said, addressing you. 
      You sent Legolas a sympathetic look- that had to hurt.  The two of you listened to the doctor as he explained that Legolas would need a cast.  The doctor then proceeded to put the cast on and give you instructions on how to care for him. 
      "Oh, she's not my-" Legolas started, but you cut him off.
      "Sounds good.  Thank you so much, doctor.  One of us will call to make an appointment for a check up next week,"
You said, helping Legolas to stand up on his crutches.  The two of you made your way slowly down the hall and into the car.  It shocked you to see that the sun was going down- you had been in the hospital a lot longer than you realized. 
      After helping Legolas into the car, you started driving back to the university. 
      "So, do you want to stop somewhere for dinner?" You asked him when you got into town.
      "Sure.  How about pizza? I'll pay," he suggested from the back seat.
      "Ah, Legolas.  Ever the gentleman.  Sounds good to me," you said, pulling into the parking lot of the pizza place. 
     You went in and sat down at a table, leaning the crutches against the wall.  After you ordered and got your pizza, there was a long psilence.  Neither of you had realized how hungry you were until there was food in front of you.  When you finally came up for air, Legolas spoke up.
      "So, have you thought of something?" He asked, looking at you expectantly.  You looked at him in confusion, wondering what he meant. "You know, some way for me to repay you."
      "Oh," you nodded in realization, thinking for a moment.  There was one thing... Would it be too weird? No, you'd just say it.  What could be the harm?
      "How about if you take me on a date?"
       Legolas's eyes widened and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.  After a brief awkward silence, though, he responded.

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