I'm Sorry

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      Hey guys!
This oneshot was requested by my amazingly awesome best friend Swoopinghawk, who you need to go read.  She is a great writer.  Anyway, just a quick reminder that requests are open until the 10th of this month (next Thursday).  Enjoy!

      You closed your eyes and sighed, massaging your temples.  Legolas and Gimli, two of the members of Lord Elrond's council, had hardly stopped fighting since you all left Rivendell.  It had done nothing for the already tense nature of the mission, and you had had enough.  Why couldn't people just get along?
      You were close friends with Legolas, having known him since your childhood,and you had often wondered whether there could someday be more between you.  But he was getting on your nerves.  He just couldn't seem to resist Gimli's snide remarks as an invitation to defend your race.  You certainly didn't agree with everything Gimli said about the elves, but you thought it useless to argue when you were all stuck with each other anyway.  So you had tried to act as the mediator of the group, settling down conflict and keeping everyone as relaxed as possible.  Only it didn't seem like it would be that easy this time.
      The entire Fellowship was seated around the fire, having just finished supper.  You had been gone from Rivendell for a week now, and there had been an argument between the elf and dwarf nearly every night.  Legolas, who was currently sitting next to you on the hard ground, started to raise his voice and you finally turned your attention to him, giving up on trying to ignore the squabble.
      "You come from a line of thieves!  Ever since the beginning, your kind have been mining, taking what isn't theirs.  It simply isn't right-"
      "Well at least we have something to fight for!  You elves- particularly your Mirkwod strain, have done nothing but abandon those who needed your-"
      "Don't you dare speak of my kin that way!" Legolas seethed, moving to stand up.  You grabbed his sleeve, tugging him back down with a pleasing look in your eye.  He jerked out of your grip, giving you an aggravated look before turning back to the dwarf.  "My father, as well as the rest of my ancestors, have ruled our kingdom with utmost wisdom.  We at least have the sense to choose our battles carefully.  Unlike you, who will go off to war over anything."
      "Oh, I have heard the stories of your father.  Fighting for nothing unless it concerned him.  I've heard the stories of your Elvish gems,  stupid little marbles-"
      "Those were my mother's," Legolas ground out, rising to his full height and glaring daggers at the dwarf.  "Do not-"
      "Legolas, please," you said quietly, standing next to him and placing a soothing arm on his shoulder.  To your shock, he whirled around and gave you a fierce scowl.
      "You stay out of this, Y/N.  You know nothing of my pain.  All you ever do is meddle in others' business.  Go away!" he brushed you off angrily and turned around.  You froze, mouth agape at your friend's harsh words.  Your heart felt as though it had been pierced by his words, and it hurt.  A lot. 
      The entire Fellowship was shocked into silence at his words, looking from Legolas to you and back.  Even Gimli's eyes had gone wide at Legolas's sudden outburst. 
      "Good job," the dwarf said sarcastically as he saw the look on your face.  You couldn't believe your best friend would say what Legolas had, and it showed.
      Aragorn stood as you staggered back, turning to walk away from the campsite.
      "Y/N, wait-" you shook your head quickly, bumping his shoulder as you passed with tears streaming down your face.  You had to get out of here.  You were aware that he was following you, but you ignored it until you finally broke down, sinking to the ground in a mess of tears.
      Aragorn knelt next to you in silence, cautiously patting your back in an attempt to comfort you. You sobbed quietly, burying your head in his chest as he rubbed your back comfortingly.  The two of you stayed like that for a while until you felt Aragorn shift, lifting his head.  You looked up hesitantly, sniffing and rubbing the tears from your cheeks.  Much to your surprise, it was Legolas that met your gaze, looking quite uncomfortable.
      "I'll just..." Aragorn carefully pried your shaking form off of him and stood, pausing to whisper something in Legolas's ear before he headed back to the camp.
      "What do you want?" you spat, attempting to hide your puffy red eyes and smooth your rumpled clothes.
      "I..." Legolas trailed off, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.  One could have cut the air with a knife, the tension between you was so thick.  "I wanted to apologize.  I was angry with the dwarf, and I took it out on you.  I'm sorry."
      "I'm sorry too," you said, a hint of bitterness in your voice.  "I wasn't aware that I was such a bother to the rest of you.  It seems to be that way in most areas of my life- every time I try to help, I end up hindering instead.  Maybe I should just go," you said, standing.  And you meant it, too- maybe it would be better to go your own way, find some other way to make yourself useful.  You stood, wiping your eyes one last time before you started to walk away.
      "Wait, Y/N!" Legolas cried desperately from behind you, grabbing your wrist.  "Please don't leave.  You're the most rational of all of us.  If you didn't break up our arguments, we would all be dead by now," Legolas pleaded with you, pulling you back a few steps so you were face to face with him.  "I'm sorry, Y/N.  I was an idiot to say such things to you, I didn't mean them.  You are my best friend, and I don't want to lose you.  But I won't stop you from leaving if that's what you want to do," he finished, letting go of your wrist.  He lifted his hands up and backed away slightly, giving you total freedom to leave. 
      "Oh, Legolas," you sighed, running a hand through your hair.  "I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have gotten upset the way I did, either.  I love you," you said with a watery smile, totally oblivious to what you had just let slip.
      Legolas's eyes got huge, his cheeks reddening faster than you had ever seen before.  He opened his mouth and closed it again several times, finally coughing and blinking a few times.
      "You- you what?"
      "I said I- oh."  Realization hit you as you remembered what you had just said.  You smiled awkwardly, looking down at the leaf-covered ground.  "Sorry about that."
      All was quiet, and then you felt a finger on your chin, lifting your face so that you were looking directly into Legolas's eyes.
      "I love you too," he breathed, a small smile on his lips as he leaned down and kissed you firmly on the lips.  You wrapped your arms around his neck, closing your eyes as Legolas broke the kiss and pulled you into a hug.  After a moment you looked up at him again, a timid smile on your face.  Legolas reached down, brushing a strand of hair out of your face, and then kissed you again.  You were so distracted that you didn't even see Aragorn approach, stop, and walk away with a shaken expression.

1221 words

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