Secrets Unveiled

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Hello, friends!
I'm back with another oneshot. This one was requested by Morrowseerer , and I am interested to see how you all like it! I have NEVER written for Thranduil before (and was actually really nervous to do so,) but a challenge is never a bad thing. Just FYI, this story is meant to take place a ways before the Hobbit. I honestly don't know about the timeline of Thranduil's life, so I apologize if I make a mistake.
Since I haven't said this before, all of the people who have requested so far (MiddleEarth111 , arwen_galadriel  and Morrowseerer) have Tolkien works of their own, and I think you guys would enjoy them! Thanks to all of you who have been reading my story, I really appreciate your time. Enjoy!
You were there. He didn't know it, but you were there when King Thranduil battled the great serpents of the North. You had fought alongside your King, your friend, and he had not known of it. Even now, almost a thousand years later, he still had no idea about the scars you bore from that day.
You were King Thranduil's most trusted advisor, and had known him for many years. You were renowned throughout the kingdom for your wisdom and intelligence, so when Thranduil had come to the age of responsibility, you had immediately been chosen as his chief advisor. You had gotten along very well with the young elf, and the two of you had become very close over the centuries.
When you heard that Thranduil was going off to battle without telling you, you had confronted him immediately. You remembered the fight vividly- he had tried to remain calm, but when you said you were coming with him he lost his temper. You had never seen him so mad before, and have never seen him that way since.
Of course, his orders did not stop you. You told everyone who might tell on you that you were going on a leave of absence to visit a family member and left, disguised as a member of Thranduil's army, the next morning. During the battle, you stayed close to him, subtly pushing him out of harm's way multiple times. All was going well until a massive beast, one larger than you had ever seen, appeared around a mountainside. You, along with the rest of the army, had begun firing arrows rapidly at the dragon's hide, but to no avail.
The fight went quickly downhill from there, but you escaped with your life. Barely. As the army began to flee, Thranduil stayed to make sure that everyone else made it out safely, putting himself in grave danger.  You had pushed him out of the way just in time.
      The entire left side of you body had been horribly burned and you were left behind after the retreat. You made it to a small house in the woods, where the old woman living there cared for you until you could veil your wounds and go back to Mirkwood.
      Upon your return, Thranduil was overjoyed to see you, asking you how your family was. Being a horrible liar, you kept your answer very short, but if he suspected anything, he did not show it.  He apologized for being so angry and you happily accepted, falling easily back into your role and growing closer to him than ever.
      So close, in fact, that you fell in love with him.  Looking back now, you realized that you had always loved him, but had been too preoccupied to notice.  However, you did not believe anything would come of it.  Thranduil never treated you as anything more than a friend, and you didn't want to mess up what had already been established.  Besides, even if Thranduil did love you, then you would have to show him your scars.  He would know what you had done, and you feared his reaction.
     So life went on, and nothing was said about those times.  They passed into memory, as all things do, and you grew very used to covering your scars.  Today, however, you decided not to conceal them.  You entered the library, a place you frequented very often, and upon seeing that it was empty you cast off your cloak and allowed your skin to morph into its deformed state.
      Heaving a large volume of Elvish lore off a shelf, you went to find a window seat and lost yourself in the book.  You lost all track of time while you read, not stopping until you heard a deep cough.
      Looking up, you froze as you saw Thranduil standing in front of you.  Assessing the situation quickly, you noticed the dimness in the room, and realized you had missed your scheduled meeting with the king. 
      You muttered an Elvish curse as you stood up, quickly bowing and apologizing profusely.
      "I'm very sorry, Thranduil. I-" you stopped at the look of disbelief on his face.  You saw his eyes move up your arm, all the way up to your neck, and then it hit you.  When you had removed your cape, thinking you were alone, you had left a good portion of scarred arm and neck exposed.  Oh no.
      "Y/N," he said slowly, his voice lacking emotion, "what happened to you?"
      Your eyes filled with tears and everything came flooding out.  You told him everything, how you had left, how you had fought by his side, and finally how you had nearly sacrificed your life to save him.
      "You saved my life?" Thranduil asked in shock.  "Why?"
      Weighing your options, you decided to be honest.  After all, the situation couldn't possibly get any more uncomfortable, could it?
      "Because I love you."
      "You... What?"
      "I love you, Thranduil. You do not have to love me in return, but I cannot keep this from you any longer."
      Thranduil's gaze softened as he cupped your cheek with his hand.
      "Forgive me, Y/N. I was too blind to see. I do love you, and I see now that I always have."
      That was all you needed to hear.  You pulled him into a tight embrace, and after a moment he leaned down and kissed you.  You had found your love, and Thranduil had found his.
      Well, what did you think?  I felt a bit awkward trying to write the last part, but I did my best not to make it too weird.  Let me know what you thought of it!
      Also, I have a couple things to ask of you guys.  I'm kind of running out of ideas, so requests would be AWESOME!  Even if you just want to give me some ideas of characters you want to see or things like that.  I'd like to broaden my horizons a bit, but I need to know what y'all want!  Also, I've been considering trying to do some more angsty oneshots.
      Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks again for taking the time to read this, and to Morrowseerer for requesting! This was quite fun to write.
                Have a blessed day!

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Oneshots (Requests Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now