Preference #1-How You Met

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AAH! This is my first preference ever, so go easy on me 😁😁
This will include how you met and a short story of your life/relationship.  Some are short because I wasn't sure what to write.  Again, my first preference ever.  This one will be for The Hobbit, so be sure to let me know if you want a LOTR edition! I hope you enjoy-

Bilbo:  You first met Bilbo in Hobbiton's market.  You had been running errands all day and were just getting ready to head back to your hobbit hole to read when he barreled into you, knocking the basket and your book out of your hands.  Once he realized what had happened, Bilbo began apologizing profusely and insisted that he help you pick up your things.  You had just finished repacking your basket of groceries when he noticed your book, which a friend had just returned to you that day.  It happened to be one of his favorites as well, and he promptly invited you over for tea to discuss it. 
      The afternoon ended with you two being fast friends, and you eventually got married and raised Bilbo's nephew, Frodo, together.

Thorin:  Being from a prominent Dwarvish family of the Iron Hills, you had been in an arranged marriage since birth.  Though you weren't in agreement with the idea at first, when you met Thorin for the first time the two of you got along quite well.  You were married just before Smaug destroyed Erebor, and you helped him to lead his people while they were in exile.  This lasted until you had to return to your homeland, for you had been ill and discovered that you were pregnant.  Not long after, you heard that Thorin had assembled a group to reclaim Erebor, but you lost all contact with him until after the Battle of the Five Armies, when you finally rejoined him with your son and helped him to rule as King Under the Mountain.

Thranduil:  You were Elrond's sister and came to know Thranduil through their friendship.  You two got along immediately, spending a large amount of time together and earning the suspicion (and snide remarks) of your brother. 
      Though it took many years for you to realize your feelings for each other, once you did you were even more inseparable.  After you were wed, you began your duties helping Thranduil rule his kingdom.  You had a happy marriage and one son named Legolas.

Fili:  Your first and only meeting with Fili was in Rivendell.  Being one of Elrond's musicians, you witnessed the entire fiasco at dinner.  Although you certainly didn't approve of the dwarves' behavior, there was a part of you who found the group endearing.  Particularly one- his blue eyes sparkled as he laughed at his kin.  During the Company's stay in Rivendell, you had the opportunity to speak with him.  You were pleased to learn his name, and thoroughly enjoyed his company, admiring his nobility and kindness. 
      Though you never saw Fili again after his departure, his spirit remained in your heart as long as you walked Middle-Earth.

Kili:  Fili and Kili were your childhood best friends.  Your city had been ravaged by the dragon Smaug, and so your family wandered Middle Earth along with theirs, under the leadership of Thorin.  You became friends with the brothers almost immediately, getting into mischief with them and causing their uncle trouble. 
      This lasted until you came of age and your mother began forcing you to learn cooking and other homemaking skills.  This left you little to no time to spend with Fili and Kili, and you knew your mother wouldn't approve of them anyway.  Nevertheless, you found ways to meet up with them in your spare time, when you were setting up camp or traveling.  As the three of you got older and more responsibilities were placed on you, Fili stopped meeting up with you.  Kili, on the other hand, looked for you all the time and made sure that he was around whenever you weren't busy.  Now that you were spending so much time together, the two of you began to harbor feelings for one another.  Though it was a bit awkward, you continued spending time together and eventually Kili admitted his feelings.
      Well, what do you think? Should I continue trying out preferences or not? Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.  Also, once again, I will not be posting on Wednesday (not sure about next weekend either, my schedule is insane).  Requests are still open, though.

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