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I wrote this kind of on the fly, so I'm not sure how great this one will be.  I saw the prompt on Pinterest (aka my happy place) and immediately knew I had to write something for it.  Sorry if it's short, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
      Pippin sat on a hill in the Shire with his two best friends, Merry and Y/N.  It had only been a few months since he had returned to the Shire with Frodo, Merry and Sam, but he already felt completely settled in again.  As much as he had enjoyed the adventure and seeing Sauron brought down, there really was nothing like home.
      And then, of course, there was Y/N. They had been practically inseparable since they were toddlers, and Pippin had developed feelings for her over the years.  He knew that they were still a bit young to start courting, but he thought that maybe his exciting stories from his journey would impress her and make her like him.  Merry, who was obviously in on the plan, had helped Pippin to bombard Y/N with tale after tale for the past month, but nothing really seemed to be working.
      A soft snore interrupted Pippin's thoughts, and he and Merry turned to see Y/N, fast asleep in the grass.  The sun was setting, and Pippin couldn't help but notice the way her h/c hair glistened in the light.
      "Go on."
      "What are you talking about?" Pippin looked up quickly, confused at Merry's sudden command.
      "Kiss her, Pip," Merry said impatiently.  "I know you've been wanting to."
      "Oh no, I- uh-"
      "On the cheek," Merry rolled his eyes.  "Remember our dare?"
      Pippin's eyes widened as he remembered their conversation earlier that day.  Pippin had been a nervous wreck as they were going to pick up Y/N and Merry had placed a bet on whether or not Pippin could get up the nerve to kiss her on the cheek before the night ended.  Though he now regretted it, at the time it seemed like a wonderful idea.
      "And what if she wakes up?" Pippin whispered desperately, watching Y/N's face for any signs of waking.
      "Then you tell her how you feel. Come on, Pip, it'll end well either way."
      Pippin wasn't too sure about that, but he took a deep breath and began leaning over to plant the kiss on her cheek, which was turned his way.  As he got closer, he could feel his heart pounding against his ribs as well as Merry's eyes watching him intently.
      Just as he closed his eyes to make the final move, he saw Y/N scrunch her nose and turn her head ever so slightly, but it was too late to back out now.  It was to Pippin's utter surprise when, a second later, he found himself kissing Y/N straight on the lips.  He pulled back quickly, making brief eye contact with a shocked Merry before looking down at Y/N, who was looking right back at him.
      "Oh, Y/N, I'm sorry- I shouldn't have-"
      He was cut off by Y/N's hand grabbing his scarf and pulling him back down to kiss her again.  Fireworks went off in his chest as he realized what was happening.  Y/N was kissing him!  He could hear Merry cheering in the background, but all he could focus on was Y/N's arms around his neck.
      As Pippin finally pulled away, he looked down at Y/N with a silly grin which she returned.  Well, it looked like he would have to thank Merry for this later.
      Well, what did you think? Like I said, it came out really short, but I thought the idea was cute.
      Also, do you all have a "favorite" oneshot of mine? I'm trying to make a plan for some others to write and I want to know what you guys have liked so I can come up with some more ideas.  Sorry if that sentence made no sense, I'm tired 😅
      Have a blessed day/night!

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