Perfect Timing

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Hello, friends!
This was requested by MysteryGodes, who is absolutely awesome! She also has her own imagines book, which you should definitely go read! Just FYI, she did ask for a specific name to be used. As usual, though, you can always substitute it for your own! Also, this will probably have some violence, so just be aware. Alright- without further ado, let's get into the story.

Eliena ran through Lake Town, weaving in and out of the throngs and dodging behind posts as she tried to get to Bard's house. She knew he was gone from the house, possibly imprisoned from what she had heard, and she didn't want to leave his children, her younger cousins, unprotected. A mob of orcs had laid siege to the town and all she could think about was Bain, Sigrid and Tilda's safety.

As her uncle's house slowly came into view, Eliena pushed herself to run faster- she had to get to them in time. Her cousins' lives could depend on it. She skidded around the corner to start up the staircase leading to the door but lost her footing. She felt a rough tug on the back of her coat and a foul hand over her face, which muffled her scream-


Legolas stopped, breathing heavily and taking a moment to listen for any oncoming danger. All was silent as he began to make his way through the streets- if most of the danger were past, he could take care of any last orcs and then leave. His mind drifted to Tauriel and the company of dwarves... He wondered what would come of the situation at hand. Surely his father would not allow them to reclaim Erebor without returning what rightfully belonged to the elves... He continued along the path, lost in thought and hearing no sign of danger.

As he passed a building, however, he thought he heard a scuffle. His hand was instantly at his sword, ready to attack. Drawing in a quiet breath, he edged along the wall, careful not to make any sound. There it was again, the sound of a struggle. This time, though, it was followed by a sound that couldn't have come from an orc- it sounded like a girl. Peering around the corner, Legolas saw a massive orc standing there, his sword pointed down at a small, shadowy figure. Upon closer inspection, it was a young woman, a young woman with no apparent way of defending herself. Legolas could see a small dagger that had been cast aside and assumed it was hers, but clearly the orc had taken it immediately.

The orc lifted the sword above his head, ready to strike, and Legolas decided that now was the time to act. He stepped out from behind the wall and drew his sword, knowing the sound of metal would distract the orc. Sure enough, the blade paused midair and the orc stilled, raising his head to find the source of the sound. There stood Legolas, pointing his sword straight out. The orc, disoriented fora moment, lowered his knife and stared at the elf with confusion. Legolas seized the moment and stooped down, grabbing the woman's arm and pulling her up.

Her eyes were full of fear as he pulled her out of the orc's reach. Legolas placed a hand on each shoulder and looked her over, checking for any injuries. She had a few scratches on her face and arms, and a few bruises forming on her knuckles- she must have fought back hard- but other than that she appeared unharmed. Legolas locked eyes with her and squeezed her shoulders slightly before turning her around and pushing her away.

"Go," he whispered as she staggered away from him, hesitating slightly. "Go!"

She made eye contact with him one last time before she turned and ran away, disappearing from sight. Legolas turned back, pushing her out of his mind, and focused back on the large orc in front of him. After a moment of silent anticipation, he launched himself at the orc, who immediately sprung into action. They fought long and hard, eventually casting their swords aside and fighting hand-to-hand.

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