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This one was requested by Swoopinghawk.  It was a lot of fun to write, although I'm not sure that it came out very well. I hope you enjoy!
You were standing in the throne room, looking confusedly at the empty throne. Where was Thranduil? you furrowed your brow as you recalled the conversation in your mind. Come an hour after supper, he had said. Well, it was an hour after supper, and the room was completely empty.
As you crossed the bridge that led outside, you stopped a passing guard.
"Excuse me, have you seen the king? I have an appointment with him, but he is not in the throne room." You were his chief advisor, and he had asked for an emergency meeting earlier that day in light of the group of dwarves who were trying to reclaim Erebor.
The guard replied with a shake of the head, and you sighed, going back into the kingdom and looking around. Of all the places that Thranduil could be, where should you check first? Pushing your h/c hair over your shoulder, you gripped your papers and scrolls tighter and set off to find the King.
Thranduil slammed the door shut and slumped down at his desk. He knew he had a meeting with Y/n, his advisor, in a mere ten minutes, but he couldn't take it. It was too much- the pressure to do something, anything. The stress levels within his council and the rest of the kingdom were at an all time high. He hated having to pretend he knew what he was doing, that he had everything under control, when he really didn't. But the thing that had been weighing on him the most was the thought of his wife. How he wished to have her by his side now- she was the only one who could calm him down, help him think clearly.
But she was gone. She was gone, and the only piece of her he had left was in the hands of that filthy dwarf king. A raging anger built up inside of Thranduil, but was soon replaced with a wave of grief and sadness. He had all this power- he was king, he could wipe out the entire dwarvish race if he tried hard enough- and yet there was nothing he could do to bring back his wife.
A tear ran down Thranduil's face, then another, until his shoulders were wracked with sobs. Little did he know that there was someone standing right on the other side of the door...
You paused at the top of a staircase, leaning against an archway as you pondered any other places the king could be hiding. It soon occurred to you that there was only one place you hadn't checked- his personal chambers. You were a bit anxious to go in there, since it was his private space and you didn't want to intrude. But trouble was stirring with the dwarves and there was no time to waste. You had to keep this appointment. So, climbing the last couple of stairs, you headed toward the hallway that would take you there.
You finally came to the big, oak door that led into Thranduil's room, and you raised your fist to knock softly. Just as you were about to hit the wood, however, you heard a sound from inside. A sniffle? There is was again- it sounded like crying. You narrowed your eyes and knocked softly, but with no response.
"My lord?" you called, knocking a little louder this time.
There was a sudden silence, followed by footsteps. After a few moments, a knob turned and you found yourself face to face with Thranduil. Your heart sank as you saw his puffy, red eyes and tearstained cheeks.
"Thranduil-" you started, concerned for your friend.
"I'm fine," he cut you off, turning away and rubbing at his eyes. "I merely have a cold."
"Thranduil," you started, raising an eyebrow, "elves don't catch colds. What's the matter?"
"It's nothing, Y/n. I'm completely fine. Can we continue with our meeting? Isn't that why you came here in the first place?"
You sighed at his sharp tone. If he wasn't going to talk about it, you wouldn't force him.
"Very well. I have here some maps of the land around Erebor," you started, plunging into an explanation of possible battle strategies and known weaknesses of the fortress. "As long as nothing terribly unexpected happens, we should be able to take back the treasures of ours that lie in the mountain," you finished, "and then the dwarves can have what is theirs."
Looking up, you saw that Thranduil's eyes had filled once more with tears, though he was trying his darnedest to hide it.
"That sounds wise," he said shakily, taking a deep breath and turning one of the maps to look at. "Of course, your plans are always wise."
"I suppose that's why I am your chief advisor," you joked, smiling slightly. Thranduil laughed a little before going quiet again.
"My wife always loved you-" he choked, his voice cracking.
Ah, you thought, so that is what's bothering him.
"You miss her," you rose from your chair across from him and moved to stand beside him. "You miss her, don't you?"
To your surprise, Thranduil broke down. You backed up a little, unsure of what to do.
"Would you like me to-?"
"Don't fetch Legolas, I don't want him seeing me now," Thranduil said. "He reminds me so much of her, Y/n. He acts so much like her."
"My lord, your wife was a wonderful elleth," you began, cautiously placing a hand on his shoulder. "But she would not want you hiding away because of her. She would not want you to distance yourself from your people, especially your son, because of her. She would want you to take action."
Thranduil looked up at you in surprise, and for a moment you thought you had gone too far. But then his expression softened and he relaxed.
"You are right, Y/n. Thank you."
"Of course, my lord. This is what I'm here for. Shall I finish these plans and come see you again tomorrow?"
"That would be excellent," he stood, looking mostly back to his normal self. "Thank you for everything."
You walked towards the door and stepped into the hallway, but before you closed the door you stopped and turned again.
"My lord?"
Thranduil looked at you, waiting for you to continue.
"Any time you need to talk, I'm willing to listen."
He nodded, smiling slightly, before dismissing you.
Just like that, everything was back to normal. How difficult it must be to be king.
Thanks so much for reading! Please remember to vote and comment what you thought!! And requests are always open- if you don't know what to do, I have a little form of sorts in the first chapter of this book. Feel free to PM me or leave your request in the comments :)

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