I Missed You

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      Hi guys!
It's been a while, I know.  And I'm really sorry about such slow updates, I've just been extremely busy and extremely uninspired.  But I'm finally here with a request for the lovely Imma_Baggins! She was so amazingly patient with me (she waited way too long for me to publish this) and I am sooo grateful for her understanding.  Seriously.  She's an angel. 
      Anyway, please know that I will be getting to your requests as I am able- I've reached out to several of you already explaining the delay, and y'all have been awesome.  My plan is to try for one oneshot per week, and I really hope that'll work out!  So now that that's out of the way, I hope you enjoy this incredibly fluffy piece of fanfiction-
      You stood in front of your bedroom mirror, taking in your reflection as you smoothed the skirts of your light blue dress.  Your (h/c) curls bounced around your shoulders as you turned to check the back of your dress.  Satisfied with the young Hobbit lady looking back at you, you crossed the length of your bedroom and grabbed the maroon cloak off your bedpost before heading out into the front room.
      Tonight was Bilbo Baggins' eleventy-first birthday party, and of course you were going.  Half the Shire was invited, after all; and the other half would surely come anyway.  Your family, being among the former group, was acquainted with the Bagginses, as your grandfather had known Bilbo quite well. 
      Apparently, Bilbo had a nephew who was the same age as you.  You had never met him, but your mother had always been quick to remind you of the fact that you were an "eligible young lady, and he was a Baggins."  It had long been your mother's dream for the two of you to meet (and, knowing your mother, eventually marry), but the chance had never come until today. 
      "Come, Y/N.  We must arrive a few minutes early so I can give Bilbo the bread I made for him.  And perhaps you'll have time to speak with Fr-"
      "Alright, I'm ready," you said quickly, before your mother could finish.  You knew what she would say.  "Here, let me carry that for you."
      You, your mother and father made your way briskly through Hobbiton, soon approaching the field where Bilbo's party was to be held.
      "Ah, there's Bilbo and Frodo," your mother said gleefully as you reached the clearing at last.  She seized you by the arm, dragging you over to meet the old Hobbit and his nephew.
      "Ah, hello there!" Bilbo called, waving at you and your mother as she rushed toward him.  "Pleasure to see you again!" 
      Peering past him, you caught a glimpse of a much younger Hobbit, probably your age.  However, all you got was a brief look at some dark hair before your friend, Y/F/N, shouted your name from across the clearing.  You looked up, waving at her before turning to excuse yourself from Bilbo's conversation.  Catching your eye, your mother gave you a stern look as if to say "you won't get out of this so easily."  You offered a weak half-smile before walking as fast as your hairy feet would carry you to where your friend stood.
      The rest of the party went by in a whirlwind, and before you knew it you found yourself standing in a nearly empty field full of tables, chairs, and birthday banners.  After Bilbo's odd disappearance you had decided to stay and help clean things up while your parents went home to discuss the matter themselves.  You were bent over from picking up bits of garland, when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and shot up in alarm. 
      "My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you," said the Hobbit who had crept up on you.  He had a head of curly, dark hair and big blue eyes that sparkled in the light of the party lamps.  This must be...
      "Frodo Baggins," you said with a smile, your grin widening as he nodded.  "A pleasure to meet you formally at last.  I'm Y/N L/N- my parents are good friends of your uncle?"
      "Oh, yes," Frodo said thoughtfully, "yes, Bilbo's talked about your family before.  He seems to have liked you very much," he trailed off, his eyes darkening momentarily.
      "You're worried about him," you spoke softly, reading the Hobbit's expression with ease.  "I understand."
      "It's just... He talked for so long about it.  But I never thought he'd actually leave, you know?"  Frodo confided, meeting your eyes briefly.
      "Yeah," you nodded, turning and beginning to take down some of the banners from the party.  "But your uncle is a smart Hobbit, and he certainly knows what he wants.  I have a feeling that, wherever he went, this won't be the last time you see him."
      "Thank you, Y/N.  That is quite comforting."  With that, Frodo came to help you, and the two of you spent the rest of the evening cleaning up in a comfortable silence.
      That had been several years ago.  But yet, you still remembered it as though it were yesterday.  That night had sparked what would become a wonderful relationship between you and the heir of Bag End.  In Bilbo's absence the two of you began to spend much more time together, soon discovering that both of you had developed feelings for the other.  In your shyness, however, neither of you had made a move towards a romantic relationship until a mere few months ago, when Frodo approached you with a solemn look on his face.
      He had told you that, when Bilbo left, he had given Frodo something that "needed to be tended to."  He said that he had the feeling that he may have to leave sometime soon, and if he did he wouldn't be able to say goodbye.  You sensed that there was more to the story, but Frodo pressed on and so you didn't pry. 
      His final words to you that evening had been that he loved you and wished to court you.  You happily accepted, though there was a heaviness on your heart that had something to do with what Frodo had told you.  Sure enough, the next morning he was gone.
      You were now seated in your parlor, several months after Frodo's departure.    There had been no word, no nothing this entire time.  You had no idea whether your beloved was even alive at this point, but something in your heart refused to let you give up hope.  So day after day, week after week, you would walk by Bag End and peer in the window, just in case Frodo had returned.
      Today was no different- you had gone for your morning walk, only to find Bag End much in the same condition as it had been every other day.  Empty.  You were pondering this, thinking about all the time you had spent there in Frodo's company, when a knock came at the door.  You stood from your chair, placing your mug of tea on the end table before walking to the entryway. 
      No one usually called at this time- who could it possibly be?  Your face held a confused expression as you pulled the door open, but it soon turned to shock.  There, standing on your doorstep, was Frodo Baggins, with his dark curls and blue eyes looking happy as ever to see you.
      "F-F-Frodo?" you choked, completely floored by his unexpected appearance at your door.
      "Y/N," he said, and before he could do anything you threw yourself into his arms, crying tears of joy as you squeezed him in a tight embrace.
      "Oh, Frodo!  I thought I'd never see you again!" you cried, pulling back to look him in the eyes.  He smiled softly and placed a hand on your cheek, turning your chin up so he could press a soft kiss to your lips.  When you separated, you opened the door fully behind you and beckoned him inside.
      "Would you like some tea, love?" you asked, sitting him down at the dinner table while you hustled around the kitchen.
      "I'd love some."
      1239 words

*hint hint* the next one will be for Fili ;)

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