Of Age

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Okay, I *finally* got this up. It's been a long time coming, and I sincerely apologize for the delay. This was requested by neverlandsprincess14. Thanks so much!
Also, just to put this out there, I know Legolas is significantly older than the reader in this.  However, because they are immortal, I don't figure that really makes a difference.  They're both "young" as far as elves go.  So there ya go.  Enjoy!
      You sat with your mother and father at dinner, your brother seated beside you.  You were the daughter of Aragorn and Arwen, which made you a half-elf, with the appearance of a human but the immortality of an elf.  You also spoke fluent Elvish, which came in handy quite often.
      "Y/N," your father spoke to you, getting your attention quickly.  "Tomorrow is an important day for you."
      "Yes Ada," you said with a smile, looking up.  Tomorrow was your birthday- you would finally be coming of age. 
      "With this comes great responsibility, you know," he continued- when you became an adult, you would take on a role helping your parents to govern the kingdom.  "You will be helping to rule the kingdom as well as keep an eye onyour brother," he said, casting a look at your mischievous brother, who was two years younger than you.  "We also believe that the time has come for you to begin courting, if you so desire."
      At this, your brother nudged you under the table and you flushed.  He knew you had been looking forward to this, though you hated to admit it. 
      "Your father and I trust that you will make wise decisions," your mother spoke up, smiling at you from across the table.  "But we still want you to be careful."
      "Of course I'll be careful, mother," you laughed, waving away her concern. 
      After that awkward exchange, the subject changed and your potential courtship was not discussed again with your parents that night.
      When dinner ended, you went to your quarters for a while.  You read a book and worked on a drawing for about an hour before looking out the window and seeing the sky was nearly dark.  You set your paper down and walked over to your wardrobe, picking a f/c dress and changing into it.  You then snuck out of your room and out of the palace, hardly making a sound.  When you arrived in the gardens, you stopped and sat on a bench, waiting.  After a few moments, you heard a soft rustling behind you.
      "Good evening, Legolas," you said, not turning around- you knew who it was.
      "Good evening, Y/n," Legolas responded with a smile, joining you on the bench.  "The stars are beautiful tonight," he said softly, putting an arm around your shoulder and looking up at the sky.
      "Indeed they are," you hummed in response, leaning against him and staring out over the city.
      "You come of age tomorrow," Legolas said suddenly, breaking a silence that had fallen between you. 
      "That's right," you smiled at him.  You knew what Legolas was thinking- after being friends with him basically your whole life, you had grown to know him very well.
      "And do you... Do you think you'll court anyone?" he asked awkwardly.  You laughed inwardly- he could be so awkward sometimes, considering he was Prince of Mirkwood.
     "Oh, I don't know," you teased, intertwining your fingers with his.  "I remember us having a conversation like this not too long ago..."
      You thought back to the afternoon.  It was a little over a year ago, you two had been on a stroll through the gardens.  He had been away from Gondor for several years, attending to important business around Middle-Earth, and now he was finally visiting again.  You were catching up, talking about anything and everything, when the subject of courtship came up.  It was a painfully uncomfortable discussion, with neither of you knowing exactly how to express your feelings.  He had tried to imply that he would like to court you when you were of age, and you had tried to respond by saying you'd love to.  It came out more as an uncertain "I'll think about it," which seemed to scare Legolas away a bit.  You felt bad, but knew there was nothing that could be done, so you just went with it.
      "And, what is your decision?" he asked breathlessly, watching your face for any sign of what you were about to say.
      Just as you opened your mouth to speak, a bell chimed in the distance.  Midnight- you were now officially of age.
      "My answer is yes," you whispered, smirking before pulling Legolas to you and kissing him under the stars.
      I hope you liked it!  Please let me know what you thought, and I apologize for the shortness.  I don't think it's my best work, but I wanted to stop procrastinating and get it posted.  So here it is.

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