Love's Promise

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Hey everyone! This is a bit early, but I'm going to be out of town for the later half of this week so I wanted to get this up ASAP. This story was requested by arwen_galadriel  (check out their stuff, it's clean and awesome!) I hope this was what you meant. Also, this one is really long, so sorry about that haha. I hope you enjoy!

You stood out in the courtyard, rubbing your stomach. You were seven months pregnant, and certainly showing it. You and your husband had been overjoyed when, a mere month after your wedding, you had discovered that you were with child, but it had not been easy.
You had been sick for several months early on, and your poor husband Boromir had been worried sick about you. Though you had healed eventually and were now almost back to normal, you were still weak and now annoying back pain to deal with since you had gotten so big.
Without your noticing, Boromir had been watching you from the doorway and now came out to join you, putting a hand on the small of your back and massaging it for you. You sighed, closing your eyes and smiling. You knew that this was the last night you would be spending with him for a while, so you tried to enjoy every moment of it.
"Come, my love. It is getting late," Boromir broke the silence, guiding you into your bedroom. You let him do so, resting your head on his shoulder. You were already in your nightgown, so you took off your robe and lowered yourself onto the bed. Boromir climbed in beside you, and you reached over to take his hand.
"Why must you leave?" you asked quietly, the thought of the next morning weighing heavy on your mind.
"My father wills it, Y/N. Besides, imagine what this could bring us. Middle Earth would be free- this Ring could be used to make our world better."
Your brow furrowed- you knew the purpose of this "quest" was to destroy the Ring, and you told Boromir so.
"But Y/N-"
You cut him off with a firm look. "My love, you know what would happen if you tried to use this Ring. I don't want to lose you. Even if you don't use it, I still don't know if you will come back. What if our child doesn't have a father?" A tear fell down your face.
"I promise you I will come back," Boromir said reassuringly, wiping away the tear with his thumb. "I will return, for you and for our child. Now, let us sleep. I do hope you will see me off tomorrow?"
You smiled, kissing your husband's cheek, and blew out your bedside candle.
The next morning, you awoke to find Boromir's side of the bed empty. Sitting up, you stretched before getting out of bed. You brushed your (h/c) hair and got dressed quickly, wanting to have a few extra moments to spend with your husband before he had to leave.
As you walked around the Steward's palace, you heard voices coming from the throne room. You entered to see Boromir speaking with his father. Denethor had never approved of you, but he had given up fighting his son when Boromir had threatened to elope even without his permission. You could tell now that Boromir was talking about you.
"Take care of her, father. Promise me that you will take care of her."
"She will come to no harm," Denethor grumbled, casting a glare in your direction. You looked down quickly, not wanting to look as though you were eavesdropping.
Boromir turned around to see who his father had been looking at and smiled widely when he saw you.
"Ah, Y/N. Come, we still have a few moments before I must leave." With that he swept you out of his father's halls and into the gardens. There, he stopped and turned to face you, stroking your cheek lovingly.
"Are you ready to leave?" you asked him, your voice shaky. He smiled down at you, shaking his head.
"Of course I am, my love. Everything is in order- you will be well cared for while I am gone. Though," his smile faltered for a moment, "I will be sorry to miss the birth of our child."
You hugged him tightly, unable to respond for a moment. "I will sorry not to have you there also. But do not worry about me, worry about what you must do. After all, the more focused you are, the sooner you will return." Boromir pulled away.
"Always wise words, Y/N," he smiled, giving you one last kiss. "But now I must be going."
You watched him walk off toward the stables and decided to head to the main road, where you knew he would be receiving a final farewell from the people of Gondor.
When you got there, you had to push through a crowd in order to see Boromir. There was your husband, mounted on a tall horse, looking as brave and handsome as ever. As he rode down the street, his eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on you. He stopped his horse, reached down, and handed you a small white flower.
"As a token of my return," he whispered before straightening up and riding through the gate. You stood there, dazed, as he disappeared out of sight and the gates closed. Finally, you turned back, going to your chambers to rest.
The months passed quickly, though they were full of anxiety for your beloved and for the baby that was about to be born.
When the time arrived for you to deliver your baby, nothing happened. The healer was worried, and said that if you did not have the baby within a week, you would have to be given medicine to induce your labor. It was now the day before that week would be up, and you were hardly allowed to walk around. You were in a chair, reading, when a servant came running in.
"My lady Y/N," she panted, "Lord Denethor wishes to see you."
You stood up and made your way as fast as you could to the throne room. There stood your father-in-law, holding a horn that had been broken in two. The horn of Gondor.
"Boromir," you breathed, walking up to Denethor, who had tears in his eyes. You reached out with trembling hands, taking the pieces and clutching them to your heart. "Have you heard any other word of him?"
"Of course not, silly girl," Denethor spat, snatching the horn back from you. "This is all your fault. My son wanted to impress you, and now he is dead. Dead!"
You squeezed your eyes shut, turning around and hurrying back to your room, where you slammed the door and broke down crying. When you finally calmed down hours later, you got up from the floor and laid down in your bed. You stayed there, staring up at the ceiling, until you fell into an uneasy sleep.
The next morning, you were awoken by a nurse who brought you water before going to fetch the doctor. You were given the medicine and a long, grueling labor ensued. Faramir came to be with you, and during less eventful hours you talked with him of Boromir.
Finally, almost a full day later, your daughter Helena was born. As you held her, Faramir sitting beside you, you could only think of your husband. How you wished he could be here. As much as you loved and appreciated Faramir's presence, it was not the same. You looked down into Helena's eyes- they were just like Boromir's.
You looked up as a nurse came to take her from your arms.
"You must sleep, my lady. You are very weak."
Faramir nodded at you and kissed your cheek before leaving to go speak with his father. You lay back, exhaustion taking over you, and allowed your eyes to close.
The next day, the city had a funeral service for Boromir, but you were unable to attend. You remained in your room, frail and exhausted, watching the happenings from your window. You held your daughter tightly in your arms, singing quietly to her and telling her stories of her father.
The days passed, and you regained your strength. You witnessed Faramir going out into battle with his army, and rushed to be at his side when he was brought back into the city nearly dead. You fought alongside the young halfling Pippin to get Faramir out of the fire, but were unable to do anything for your father-in-law.
You hid with your daughter when Mordor's armies were unleashed on the city. The two of you had several narrow escapes, but somehow you made it out alive. You saw the remaining members of the Fellowship go to the Black Gate, massive armies behind them. You saw Mount Doom explode, and your heart was almost happy again, for you knew your husband's wish had been fulfilled at long last.
You welcomed the city's new king, along with the rest of the Fellowship, into the palace that night. There was a huge celebration, but you retired to your room early to take care of Helena, missing out on a very important arrival. Had you been awake, you surely would have heard the cries of joy coming from the banquet hall, but you had fallen asleep while nursing Helena.
You were slowly aroused by the sound of a door opening and floorboards creeping. When you opened your eyes, you thought you must have been in a cruel dream. There was Boromir, your beloved husband, standing before you. He couldn't be real. But he was.
"Y/N," he spoke your name softly. Your eyes filled with tears as you stood up to greet him, looking down at Helena before meeting your husband's gaze again.
"They- they said you were dead," you whispered, not daring to believe your eyes. A tear rolled down Boromir's cheek.
"Yes, but I promised to come back."
You turned, laying your sleeping daughter in her crib before jumping into Boromir's arms with a laugh. He spun you around, tears of joy running down his face as he kissed you. After putting you down, he walked over to where Helena was sleeping. He reached down, lifting her into his arms and looking at you nervously. You smiled at him, adjusting his hold slightly.
"Her name is Helena," you told him, and he sighed contentedly.
"Helena," Boromir repeated, kissing the baby lightly before putting her back in her crib. After a few moments of silence, Boromir went to change and the two of you climbed into bed, enjoying each other's long-missed company.
Like I said, really long. I hope you enjoyed it, I've never written for Boromir before so that was new. Please send in requests via PM or in the comments! I love all your ideas! Thanks for taking the time to read this story, feel free to comment what you liked/didn't like, etc. Blessings!

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