It's Over

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Hey guys!  I hope you're having a great week :)
This one was requested by the amazing and awesome Swoopinghawk, I hope this was what you wanted... It was kind of hard to write.  Sorry it took so long to get out, and now it came out so short! 😭😭😭 anyway. This one will be a little angsty, so revel in the uncomfortableness😅
      Anxiety caused your stomach to turn as you adjusted the pack on your shoulder.  This was the night- you had to do it tonight.  You couldn't bear this any longer.  As you looked through the trees, up at the sky, you figured that you had a couple more hours till sunset.  A couple more hours, and then the Fellowship would be stopping for the night. 
      You were brought out of your thoughts by the sensation that you were being watched.  Turning to look behind you, you saw your courter Boromir gazing at you and smiling.  Your stomach twisted as you tried to smile back- this was going to be much harder than you thought. 
      Boromir had asked you to court him a few months before his summons to Rivendell, and so you had come with him to the Council of Elrond.  Now, here you were, the tenth member of the Fellowship.  You had been welcomed by the other members, who recognized your skill.  You were thoroughly trained in swordplay and archery, and had been a valuable asset to the Fellowship thus far.  In addition to these talents, though, your comrades also agreed that you were fun to have around, and found amusement in watching your relationship with Boromir- both of you were rather outspoken, and you had a sassy side that came out every now and then.
      All of that confidence vanished, though, as an hour passed, and then another, until finally Gandalf halted.  Time to set up camp for the night, and then have a very difficult conversation with Boromir.  Your heart sank as you plotted out what you would say...
      It wasn't that you disliked Boromir.  In the beginning of your courtship, everything had been wonderful, and you and he had made some very happy memories together.  But now all that was gone.  You felt that he was drifting away from you and, to your horror, you felt no desire to bring him back to you.  Maybe you were better off just as friends.  Maybe...
      You worked without thinking, your arms moving to lay out your bedroll automatically while you dwelled on what lay ahead.  Before you knew it, Gandalf had a fire going and you found yourself sitting in front of it, squeezed between Merry and Pippin and directly across from Boromir. 
      Hardly able to breathe, you stood and cleared your throat.  You were hyper aware of all the eyes on you as you walked over to Boromir and bent over to speak to him quietly.
      "Can I- er- can we talk, Boromir?" you asked nervously, your face flushed and sweaty.
      "Of course, love," Boromir furrowed his brow in confusion as he stood up, following you  a short distance away.  Once you thought you were out of earshot, you stopped, took a deep breath, and began speaking.
      Aragorn's eyes followed Y/n as she approached Boromir.  Whatever could be going on? he wondered as he noted the nervous expression on her face.  She bent down, whispering something in Boromir's ear, and they both walked a short way away.  It was odd, the way Y/n was carrying herself.  She didn't look confident and controlled, as she usually did- she looked stressed. 
      His attention was drawn away from the pair, though, by Gimli's voice.
      "What do yeh think they're doing?" he nudged Aragorn in the ribs.  "Looks serious."
      "It does not trouble us," Legolas interjected loftily, grimacing at the dwarf's bluntness.  "It really isn't our business what they're talking about," he finished, though after a moment he too glanced at the pair. 
      "Well, it looks like we may find out soon," Aragorn muttered.  Y/n was coming back, leaving a despondent Boromir standing at the treeline.
      "Boromir," you started, your mind temporarily blanking as to what you wanted to say.  "I- I don't think this is good."
      "Whatever do you mean, Y/n?" Boromir asked, his eyes filled with concern as he reached out to touch your arm.  You shifted ever so slightly out of his grasp, feeling a pang of guilt as you did so.
      "I mean that I think we need to stop courting."
      Silence.  You couldn't bear the silence.  You were starting to regret your words, thinking you should have waited, when Boromir finally responded.
      Your eyes filled with tears and you looked away.  You couldn't do this long-winded explanation that you had prepared.  Not anymore.
      "I'm sorry," you whispered, looking him in the eye with all sincerity before turning away.  Don't look back, you thought as you neared the rest of the group.  It's over now.
      So yeah.  Remember to vote and comment!  I love reading y'all's comments.  And requests are a l w a y s welcome.
           Have a blessed week!

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