Comfort Food

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Hey everyone!
This request goes to the amazing Jabberwocky31, thank you mellon for the request! Also, she has a really good oneshot book and GIF imagine book, both of which you should check out. *wink wink*
Anyway, I wasn't entirely sure where this oneshot was going at first- I liked the idea but just couldn't figure out how to write it. Well, it turned out to be what I think is my favorite oneshot I've ever written. So I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! [Also- friendly reminder that requests are open! ;) ]
"The wizard Gandalf wishes for you to come with us," the strange dwarf finished his story, twiddling his thumbs as he awaited your response.
"You're telling me that Gandalf wants me to go on an expedition with thirteen dwarf men, none of whom I have met, all across Middle Earth? Simply because I can cook?"
"Well, he thinks you'd be an asset to the group all around. He says you're level-headed and resourceful. Though yes, he says your cooking skills would be a great benefit for everyone." The dwarf looked up at you sheepishly, smoothing back his dirty blonde hair. "So, will you come?"
"I'll think about it," you said, narrowing your eyes in deep thought. "Wait," you called after the dwarf, who was turning to walk back to Bag-End, where his kin were eating poor Bilbo out of house and home. He turned around curiously, eyebrows raised. "I don't think I ever got your name, master dwarf?"
"Oh," he stuttered, "sorry about that. My name's Fili. At your service," he said with a little bow.
You nodded softly, committing it to memory for later. Fili.
After he left, you shut the door to your hobbit-hole quickly and leaned back against it, contemplating what had just been asked of you. Had Gandalf the Grey really just sent a dwarf to your front door? To ask for your participation in what sounded like a suicide mission to reclaim some mountain? Ridiculous. Yet, somehow you wanted to say yes...
After a warm cup of tea and a great deal of thinking, you had made up your mind. You would go. You had met Gandalf before and had heard tales of his greatness and wisdom, and you decided that if he wanted you along, there was a good reason for it. Even if it was just because you could cook. Besides, you had always wanted to know what was out there, in the big world, so why would you turn down an opportunity when it literally came knocking at your door?
Despite all the hardship ahead, you had to say that you were glad that you had come. You learned seemingly endless information from Gandalf, kept Bilbo sane when things got overwhelming for him, and kept the dwarves in a fairly good mood with your excellent cooking.
Tonight, you had decided to make a stew. Though the dwarves were unsure at first, you had assured them that you could forage for some delightful ingredients, and so they agreed.
"It's done!" You called softly, pulling the wooden bowls and spoons out of your knapsack and pouring the stew into a bow for each dwarf. When they were all full, you started distributing the bowls to your hungry companions, who looked quite satisfied with how the stew smelled. As you picked up two more bowls and handed them off to Kili and Balin, you felt a pair of eyes on you. Ignoring it, you went to get the last two bowls- one for you and one for whoever hadn't received his yet. Turning around, you headed back towards the campfire where everyone was seated and finally saw who was watching you. Fili was the only dwarf not to have received his food yet.
"Sorry, here you are," you said with a smile, handing him his bowl which he took gratefully.
"Not a problem," he said kindly, moving over and patting the space next to him. "Come, sit. You must be tires, and your soup will go cold soon."
Smiling, you took a seat next to him and began eating in comfortable silence. Or at least, it was comfortable for you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Fili fidgeting. He opened his mouth multiple times as though he were going to say something, but nothing would come out. You watched him curiously, wondering what he was thinking of. He had been just fine before you came over- what on earth had you done to make him so nervous?
"Is there something you'd like to say, Fili?" you asked softly, putting a hand on his knee to calm him down. You saw his cheeks heat up as he quickly stilled and went back to his soup.
"No, nothing, er- soup's good?" he chuckled nervously and you laughed along with him. Poor thing, you thought, he must be nervous about the journey ahead.
"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?" you said, patting his knee softly as he looked down at you in surprise. "Y'know, if anything's wrong..."
Fili smiled down at you, putting his now empty bowl on the ground beside him and giving you a sweet, if awkward, side-hug. You blushed slightly- you couldn't deny that you had grown to like Fili a little more than was "normal" over the past few months. The moment was ruined, however, by Kili whistling and Dwalin clapping loudly. Fili sighed beside you and closed his eyes, trying to ignore his obnoxious kin. You stifled a laugh, not understanding that the two other dwarves knew something you didn't.
Fili watched Y/N as she handed out the bowls of her (surely delicious) stew. She was an amazing cook with an equally amazing personality, and Fili could feel himself falling for her more every day. She had a smile for everyone as she gave each of Fili's kin their meals, and brought civility to the company of rough men.
He couldn't believe that she had even agreed to come with them in the first place- she had seemed happy with her life in The Shire, and she still spoke of it often with Bilbo. But here she was, and everyone was grateful for her resourcefulness and level-headed demeanor. Though perhaps Fili was a little happier than the rest to have her along.
"Sorry, here you are," Y/N said, bringing Fili back to reality.
"Not a problem," he replied contentedly, taking the warm bowl from her hands gratefully. He hadn't minded waiting, it gave him more time to think...
It suddenly occurred to him that she hadn't eaten yet and needed a place to sit. This is my chance, he thought before scooting over quickly and patting the now empty space beside him. Y/N smiled that amazing smile at him before sitting down next to him, and Fili felt sure that she could hear his heart pounding. He watched her out of the corner of his eye for a moment before trying to concentrate on his food. But alas, every time he would get comfortable, her arm would brush his or their legs would touch ever so slightly.
Fili scratched his neck awkwardly, trying to focus on eating and appearing relaxed. Several times he thought to make conversation, but feared what he might say if he let the words come out.
Apparently he had been more fidgety than he thought, because a moment later he felt a hand on his knee and heard Y/N speaking. Her voice was so beautiful...
"Is there something you'd like to say, Fili?" she asked him, looking at him earnestly. Fili froze- what was he supposed to say?
"No, nothing, er- soup's good?" he said pathetically, cursing himself as his face turned bright red. Why couldn't he be better at this, like Kili? He got lost in thought again as he finished up his meal, until he heard a voice from beside him once again.
"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?" Fili looked down at her, surprised. How could one little Hobbit woman have so much compassion for others? She had hardly known him and his kin when she joined the company, and here she was treating them like her family.
Before he could decide against it, Fili put down his bowl and put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her to his side in an awkward hug. He smiled only for a moment, though, before he heard the loud whistles of his brother and someone else, probably Dwalin, clapping. They were the only two who knew about Fili's feelings- he sighed in defeat, closing his eyes and trying to tune them out in the hopes that they would stop before everyone else saw what was happening.
Somehow, Fili and Y/N had managed to survive the Battle of the Five Armies. They had both been injured pretty severely, but after a lot of intensive care and slow recovery, they were back on their feet. Though both had permanent scars, physical and emotional, they were happy to be alive. Fili had been spending every possible moment with her, knowing that she would soon be leaving with Bilbo to return to the Shire. It saddened his heart, thinking of being away from her. After her departure, there was really no telling when, if ever, they would meet again.
So he decided to take a risk. The day had finally come- she and Bilbo would be leaving for The Shire after a final meal in Erebor. They had just finished eating, and Y/N was currently in her quarters, making sure everything was packed before the dwarves were to send her and Bilbo off. Fili sat on his bed, looking down at the small beads in his palm. He was sure of his own feelings for Y/N, and was fairly certain that she felt the same way. If all went well, she would leave for the Shire with these pieces of metal braided into her hair, signifying a courtship. Then, when he could, Fili would go to the Shire again and bring her back to be with him, as his wife.
A sudden knock came at his chamber door, and Fili quickly tucked the beads back into his pocket before standing to answer it. There, in a dwarvish grey traveling cloak that was just a bit long, stood Y/N. Her small knapsack sat on the floor beside her as she looked up at him sadly. He smiled half-heartedly down at her, trying to think of something to say.
All of a sudden, Y/N burst into tears, closing the gap between them and pulling Fili into a fierce embrace. He stiffened for a moment and blushed, shocked by her sudden actions, but soon tears came to his eyes as well and he hugged her back tightly.
"I'm going to miss you," she said shakily, pulling back and looking at him with tears in her eyes.
"I'm going to miss you too," Fili replied, brushing the tears off her cheeks with his thumb. "But this doesn't have to be goodbye forever."
"But- but you're so far away," she stuttered, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping her eyes. "And you have responsibilities here. You're a prince, Fili. And I can't travel alone-"
"Trust to hope, Y/N, that we will meet again," Fili insisted, taking her hands in his own and squeezing them tightly. "Now why don't you find Bilbo? I have a few things to get together before we see you off." Y/N nodded, giving him one last watery smile before she picked up her knapsack and slung it over her shoulder, walking away down the hall.
Fili watched her go, waiting until she turned a corner before shutting the door and pulling the beads back out of his pocket. His heart sped up as he looked at them- he hoped he would have the courage to ask her when the time came.
You stood at the outer gates of Erebor with Bilbo, looking back one last time at the company of Thorin Oakenshield. There they were- Balin, Dwalin, Ori, Dori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Oin, Gloin, Thorin, Kili, and Fili. You avoided eye contact with Fili, trying to keep your emotions in check.
Bilbo gave a touching farewell to the company, which caused a few sniffles even among the dwarves. After he had finished speaking, Bilbo turned to you and you nodded- it was time to go home. Bilbo had turned around and you were about to follow when you saw Kili exchange some whispered words with Fili and push him forward. You stopped, knowing that Bilbo would stop as well when he realized you weren't beside him.
"Y/N, wait." You looked up at Fili questioningly, biting your lower lip to keep it from quivering. "There's something I forgot to say." Fili came to a stop in front of you, not breaking eye contact as he rummaged in his pocket.
"What is it, Fili?" you said quietly, fresh tears already starting to blur your vision.
"Well, I knew I might not see you again, so I decided now would be a good time to say it, before I'm too late. I think I'm in love with you, Y/N, and I thought you might be in love with me as well- and if you aren't then I understand, but if you are I have these courting beads, they're dwarvish tradition..." Fili rambled on, turning redder and redder as he went, but you didn't hear anything he said about the origins of the tradition. Your eyes were fixed on the dull metal beads in his palm.
"Yes," you said, nodding with a huge smile growing on your face.
"And they... What?" Fili trailed off, looking down at you tentatively, as though he didn't believe what you had said.
"Yes! Of course!" You cried, tears streaming down your face. Fili's face showed pure relief as he relaxed, looking over at Kili who gave him a big thumbs-up.
"May I?" Fili asked, pointing to your hair and holding up the beads in his hand. You nodded happily as he leaned in and began weaving the beautiful beads into a strand of your curly h/c hair. The company cheered loudly when he had finished, and you could even hear Bilbo clapping behind you.
Fili stepped back, smiling as he looked at the beads in your hair and then into your eyes. With a sweet (and slightly mischievous) smile, he took your small hand in his much larger one and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. "My lady," he bowed. You laughed at his antics, reaching up to touch the braided strand of hair that dangled near your face.
"I will come for you in a year's time," he said quietly, pulling you into a hug. "Then we can return here and be wed. In the meantime, you must write me as soon as you arrive back in The Shire. You will write, won't you?"
"Of course, Fili. I'll hardly be able to think of anything else until I arrive," you replied, grinning. "I love you," you said quietly, resting your head on his chest.
"I love you too," he whispered, stepping back and looking you over one last time, committing every last detail to memory. "Now have a safe journey, Amrilâme."
You nodded, standing on your toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek before you started off. Turning around to wave one more time, you couldn't help but chuckle at Fili, who was touching his crimson cheek right where you had kissed it.
"Remember, tea is at four!" you called, smiling at the company before running to catch up with Bilbo.
"The road goes ever on and on..."

2554 words

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